Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 144 You maid want to kill your master?

The woman in the bamboo hat stopped and looked up at the two people in the secret room, with a hint of coldness and vigilance in her cold eyes.

She didn't make a move or speak, as if she was frozen in place.

Wang Changjin looked at her, looking at this slightly familiar figure, a little dazed, and his expression was a little complicated.

"I know that you and your mother will definitely show up again."

Wang Changjin spoke, his tone seemed a little regretful.

Wang Qin on the side was numb!

What does the second uncle mean by this? People have come to kill you, what are you still talking about?

Her and her mother?

Is it possible that the second uncle knows her? !

Wang Qin couldn't help but glance at the woman in the bamboo hat. Even though the woman didn't speak, the cold breath still made him shiver. Especially the green sword dripping with blood, Wang Qin subconsciously hid behind his second uncle.


"Who can say accurately what happened back then?"

Wang Changjin sighed lightly: "I know you are here for revenge..."

Outside the door, the woman in the bamboo hat frowned slightly, as if she didn't want to hear this. She looked coldly at the two people in the secret room, and the next second, she stepped closer.

The pace is light, but not slow.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The sound of soft footsteps was particularly clear in this quiet secret room.

Wang Qin was trembling with fear and his eyes were horrified.

Second uncle, stop talking... everyone is here.

Wang Changjin still seemed to have no reaction, looking at the woman in the bamboo hat in front of him with complicated eyes, watching her approach step by step.

The murderous intention is approaching step by step!

Finally, just when the woman in the bamboo hat stepped into the secret room, she seemed to touch some switch.

"call out!"

There seemed to be something coming quickly in the air.

The woman in the bamboo hat didn't change her expression, she waved the sword flower in her hand and raised the sword.

There are two more hidden weapons on the ground ahead.

The moment the hidden weapon fell, the figure of the woman in the bamboo hat also disappeared from the place.

In the secret room, the wind blew for no reason.

A strong gust of wind stung their faces, causing Wang Qin to retreat in fear. Wang Changjin was still sitting where he was. At the moment when the woman in the bamboo hat was approaching, he suddenly waved his sleeves and struck out with a palm.


A violent explosion sounded in the secret room.

"Cough cough cough..."

When the thick smoke dissipated, Wang Changjin was lying on the ground in a miserable state, clutching his chest and coughing.

"Second uncle?!"

Wang Qin on the side opened his eyes in disbelief.

Second uncle, second uncle knows martial arts? !

This was the first time he knew about this in so many years.

The second uncle who looks elegant and weak actually knows martial arts?


Wang Qin suddenly realized something again. His second uncle was injured?

The second uncle is no match for this woman?

"You really exceeded my expectations."

Wang Changjin covered his chest, raised his eyes and looked ahead, his eyes a little surprised, and said solemnly: "It is not easy for you to reach such a level of martial arts at such a young age!"

Ahead, the woman in a bamboo hat stopped in place, frowning slightly.

But his face remained expressionless.

Coldness and murderous intent permeated the air.

"I'm really no match for you."

Wang Changjin seemed to be relieved and coughed lightly again, "Originally, I wanted to save your life. Now let's see..."

"Leaving you here may be a hidden danger."

Wang Changjin's voice gradually became lower and colder.

Maybe there was still some friendship between the older generation back then. But as so many years have passed, the old people have passed away, and everything has been blown away by the wind.

He has never been an impulsive person, otherwise he would not have killed someone back then...

The woman in the bamboo hat remained silent and raised the green sword in her hand again.

However, just as she was about to leave, the sound of the machine suddenly sounded again.


As if realizing something, she turned back suddenly.

The secret room behind him, which was originally wide open, suddenly closed at some point. The woman in the bamboo hat focused her eyes, and Wang Changjin's somewhat regretful voice came to her ears.

"Today, you have to stay here."

The woman in the bamboo hat turned her head again, and Wang Changjin and Wang Qin were no longer there. She looked up and saw that the two men had appeared deep in the secret room.

A passage appeared deep in the secret room, and the two of them were retreating quickly.

The woman in the bamboo hat didn't hesitate at all, she immediately raised her sword and chased after him. Extremely fast, arriving in the blink of an eye.

"Second uncle, she's coming after her!"


Before the secret room passage could be closed, the woman in the bamboo hat was already approaching.

Inside the passage, it was dark, and you couldn't see anything around you. As soon as she stepped into the passage, the woman in a bamboo hat suddenly became alert.


In the darkness, there were constant attacks from hidden weapons. She waved the green sword in her hand to sweep and block. These weapons could not cause much harm to her, but they could delay her in a short time.

On the other side, Wang Changjin and his second uncle took the opportunity to leave from the passage and came to another secret room.

"I underestimated her!"

Wang Changjin's face turned pale and his breathing was rapid: "Her martial arts skills are too high!"

Wang Qin looked panicked and said nervously: "Second uncle, then, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, she can't get out."

Wang Changjin took a deep breath, looked around, and finally landed on the stone wall next to him. Wang Changjin covered his chest and approached. There was a mechanism hidden on the stone wall.

Wang Changjin twisted the mechanism, and there was a roaring sound, and the surrounding passages that originally extended in all directions slowly closed.

The stone gate went from top to bottom, sealing all the surrounding passages.

"What we just walked was a dead end. We originally wanted to trap her in that room, but we made a miscalculation. But it doesn't matter, she still has to die!"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "Now that the passage has been blocked by me, she can't get out. There are many mechanisms in the secret room, and she will definitely die!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Qin had a look of surprise: "Second uncle, I didn't expect that you really have a back-up plan?!"

But soon, he felt a little uneasy: "What if, what if she survives?"

Although there are many mechanisms in the secret room, what if the woman is not dead because of her high martial arts skills?

Wang Qin was worried.

"Then let's see how long she can last!"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "There is only a dead end in the secret room passage. Even if she can survive, she can starve to death for half a month..."

He did not continue. There was more than one dead end in this secret room.

In this secret room in the back mountain, even a first-level master would not dare to escape easily.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

Wang Changjin looked around and left with Wang Qin through the only remaining passage.

Shortly after Wang Changjin and Wang Qin left, a figure appeared in another corner of the secret room.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the direction the uncle and nephew left, his eyes slightly raised.


Not long ago, Lin Jiangnian ordered Lin Qingqing to move reinforcements, while he stayed here to search for the whereabouts of Zhiyuan.

However, the secret room passage was too complicated. Lin Jiangnian wandered around in it for a few times and met many guards. Fortunately, these guards' martial arts were not very high, so Lin Jiangnian could handle them.

However, the whereabouts of the paper kite could not be found.

Just now, I happened to bump into Wang Changjin and Wang Qin, the uncle and nephew. The conversation between the two also fell into Lin Jiangnian's ears.

Not surprisingly, the person the two of them were talking about just now must be Zhiyuan?

Lin Jiangnian looked at the closed passage and frowned slightly. Just now, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to capture the uncle and nephew. However, when he saw Wang Changjin, Lin Jiangnian did not act rashly.

Although he could not detect the master's aura from Wang Changjin, Lin Jiangnian was not impulsive. He didn't show up until the master and servant left.

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly to the place where Wang Changjin had activated the mechanism just now, and fumbled for the switch on the stone wall.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that Wang Changjin activated this mechanism and sealed all other passages.

So, can it be opened?

Lin Jiangnian hesitated, then reached out and twisted the mechanism again.


There was a roaring sound, and the stone door of the originally closed passage not far away slowly rose up.

"It's really a switch?!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he suddenly smelled the smell of blood in the air.

The next second, there was sword energy everywhere.

The majestic murderous aura suddenly struck.

Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly, and he almost instinctively dodged to the side, rolling on the ground in embarrassment.


A slight explosion sounded, and a black pit appeared where Lin Jiangnian was standing.

It was pitch black and smoke was still rising.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian was extremely frightened. If he hadn't been able to hide quickly, there would have been many bloody holes in his body.

He turned his head suddenly!

At the entrance of the passage not far behind him, a beautiful figure appeared, holding a green sword and looking over with an expressionless face.

Under that bamboo hat, a cold face was vaguely visible.

The look was messy, the hair was slightly messy, and the blood stains on the sleeves were sliding down the sleeves.

You can vaguely detect the other party's somewhat heavy breathing.

The woman in the bamboo hat chased her all the way, but was trapped in the passage and could not find a way out. The mechanism in the passage seemed to be activated, and the cold arrows and hidden weapons were hard to guard against. She was tired of dealing with it, and walked forward in the darkness where she could not see her fingers, even if Although his martial arts skills were strong, he still accidentally got hit by a move and suffered some minor injuries.

It wasn't until she heard the roar of the stone door that she followed the sound. When she saw the figure coming out of the secret room, she almost subconsciously waved a sword energy.

When she saw the other party ducking away, she was about to continue drawing her sword when a furious voice suddenly came from her ears.

"Are you crazy?!"

The voice was somewhat sullen, and the green sword that the woman in the bamboo hat had just raised froze in place.

Why is this voice so familiar?

This, this is not...

The woman in the bamboo hat froze in place, and the bamboo hat slowly lifted up, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

The originally expressionless eyes fell into the secret room, and onto the face of a handsome young man who was lying on the ground with a furious and gloomy expression.

The next second, she froze on the spot.

He looked stunned.

"Dian, Dian..."

She was stunned and seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment.

"What? Don't you recognize me?!"

Lin Jiangnian sat on the ground in embarrassment, looking up at the familiar figure at the entrance of the passage.

Wearing a green robe, fair skin, and a familiar expressionless face under the bamboo hat.

Who else could it be but Paper Kite?

Even though she changed her outfit and her temperament changed a lot, she was still her.

That cold and very arrogant maid.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian suddenly appear in the secret room, Zhiyuan was stunned for a long time. He was shocked, surprised, and a little dazed. It took a long time before he came back to his senses.

"How will you be here?!"

"Why can't I be here?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "What? How long have we not seen each other, and you dare to kill me? Do you want to kill the master?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, silent, with a strange color flashing in her eyes.

When master and servant met, they didn't expect it to be under such circumstances. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, Lin Jiangnian might have died in her hands.

Zhiyuan's eyes showed a rare hint of guilt.

"If I hadn't come, you would have died here today."

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Jiangnian got up, dusted himself off, and spoke angrily.

Zhiyuan was startled again, his eyes scanned the secret room, and soon landed on the mechanism on the wall not far away, and he understood something.

She wanted to say something, but she opened her lips slightly and finally said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her sideways: "What? You didn't even get a thank you?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian, silent for a moment: "Thank you..."

The voice was very soft, but Lin Jiangnian still heard it.

Just when he was about to continue to rebuke this rebellious maid, he saw Zhiyuan frowning and a look of pain appeared on his face.

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize that Zhiyuan seemed to be injured?

The sleeves of the green shirt were stained with blood, dripping down from his bare hands.


Lin Jiangnian approached slowly. Zhiyuan almost subconsciously tightened his guard, but then he realized something and gradually relaxed.

"Let me see!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and slowly opened her sleeves. Under the sleeve is a plain white arm, but at this moment, there is a shocking wound on the arm, as if it was scratched by a sharp object?

"Who hurt you?"

Seeing this wound, Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly: "Are there any masters here who are better than you in martial arts?"

"No." Zhiyuan said.

"Then what are you doing?"

"hidden weapon."

Lin Jiangnian understood.

Was he trapped in the passage just now and injured by a hidden weapon?

"Fortunately it's not serious."

Lin Jiangnian checked the wound. It was indeed not serious, but after all, the skin was broken and bleeding, and there was still a risk of infection.

When Lin Jiangnian was about to bandage her wound, he saw Zhiyuan twitching his arm unnaturally: "I'll do it myself!"

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he glanced at her and let go of her: "Then do it."

Zhiyuan retracted her hand, and when she was about to take action, she fell silent again.

...She was injured on her left hand, and it was not easy to treat the wound with just the other hand.

She was silent for a moment, bit her lower lip lightly, stretched out her hand to tear off a piece of fabric from the hem of her skirt, wiped the blood on her arm, and treated the wound carefully.

This was all fine, but when it came time to bandage the wound with cloth, I ran into difficulties.

Can't do it with one hand.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, holding the cloth in one hand and looking down at her left hand.


Lin Jiangnian stood aside with his arms crossed.

"keep going!"

"Why aren't you moving?!"


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