Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 143 Collaboration with the enemy and treason

"Unless what?"

Lin Jiangnian asked interestingly.

Lin Qingqing thought about it carefully: "Unless there is someone behind this Wang family, the person who instigated him..."

"It's the power in Beijing."

Lin Qingqing didn't speak more clearly, but Lin Jiangnian understood clearly.

The power in Beijing?

it goes without saying.

If the Wang family wants to rebel, the forces behind it must be powerful, even...

There is no other reason than that.

"If so, that would be interesting!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the wooden boxes in the house. He saw that the Wang family had done so many shady things behind the scenes over the years, but they were just small things after all. No matter how big the fuss is, it can't hurt the foundation of the Wang family.

What's more, the Wang family has a huge network of influence in Xunyang County for many years. It would be extremely difficult to overthrow the Wang family with this.

But if the Wang family has thoughts of rebellion, then the situation will be completely different.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced around.

"If we look further, there should be other evidence."

The huge secret room was filled with wooden boxes, and the wooden boxes were filled with cold iron armor protective gear and weapons. Judging from the quality of these armors, they were not commonplace.

It is roughly estimated that the armor and weapons in this secret room are enough to meet the needs of thousands of soldiers. How many secret rooms are there in this back mountain? How many more such things are hidden in these secret rooms?

It has to be taken seriously.

Is the Wang family really planning to rebel in secret?

"Your Highness, come and see."

At this moment, Lin Qingqing seemed to have discovered something, and Lin Jiangnian stepped forward quickly.

"Your Highness, look."

As she spoke, Lin Qingqing pulled out a dusty account book from a corner not far away. It seemed that it had been accidentally left in the corner. The account book was covered with dust and looked like it had been there for some time.


Lin Jiangnian reached out to pick up the account book, patted the dust left on it, and carefully opened the yellowed pages. When they saw the contents recorded in the account book, Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing's expressions changed slightly, and then gradually became solemn.

"I see!"

After a while.

After flipping through the 'account book' in his hand, the secret room fell into a brief silence.

Lin Jiangnian's face also showed a bit of surprise.

"It turns out that the Wang family is not plotting rebellion?"

On the side, Lin Qingqing murmured to herself, looking up at the wooden boxes around the secret room, her eyes a little cold and a little angry: "The Wang family actually secretly had an affair with a foreign country?"

"They are not trying to rebel, but... collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

Speaking of this, Lin Qingqing's tone gradually became cold.

Judging from the contents of the account book, it only records some insignificant things, but the few words in the account book reveal many key clues.

For more than ten years, the Wang family has been secretly having affairs with people from foreign and enemy countries, and they even have extremely close connections with each other. It is not yet known what kind of invisible secrets there were between the two parties, but one thing is certain. All the armor and weapons piled up in this secret room are related to foreign enemy countries.

The Wang family secretly not only had intelligence exchanges with foreign enemy countries, but also included some invisible transactions.

"The armor and weapons in this secret room are probably for the private benefit of the Wang family and foreign enemies!"

Lin Qingqing's tone was cold: "The Wang family has collaborated with the enemy and treason!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw the account book in his hand, the doubts that had been confusing him were solved.

If it is said that the Wang family has been secretly having affairs with foreign enemy countries, then everything will be explained.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple."

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at the account book in his hand. The contents of this account book were very incomplete, perhaps because the other party accidentally left them behind without noticing. The ledger clearly records the intelligence transactions between the Wang family and foreign enemies. Although the specific information content was not described, it was almost as clear as stone hammer.

However, this account book does not record in detail which foreign enemy country the Wang family interacted with. Are they the countries in the Western Regions? Or the northern grasslands? Or those small countries in the southeast?


If you want to find out this, you may have to start your investigation from the Wang family.

But what is certain is that the Wang family is secretly doing something ulterior. The crime of adultery and treason alone can destroy the Wang family in an instant.

Once the account book in front of them and the contents in the secret room are exposed, the Wang family will be completely destroyed and will never recover.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized why Zhiyuan broke into this place today.

I am afraid that she has long known some of the secrets behind the Wang family, and all the plans she has made during this period are probably for this step.

"Your Highness, what should we do now?"

Lin Qingqing looked around and said in a deep voice: "The Wang family collaborated with the enemy and treason, and deserved death. This evidence is enough to eliminate the Wang family from Xunyang County... Your Highness, should we stand still, or..."

"Of course I will give him a big gift from the Wang family!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced around and sneered: "Since we are all here, how can we just sit back and wait for death."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes: "Qingqing."

"My subordinate is here."

"Go out immediately and call for as many people as you can, as quickly as you can!"

"Surround this private house and don't let anyone go!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. Although he discovered the secret of the Wang family, things were not that simple. The Wang family built a private residence here and dug out such a huge secret room, so they must have had backup plans.

The two of them alone, even with the addition of Paper Kite, are far from enough. The secrets hidden here by the Wang family are not so easy to be exposed!

Even if you are not careful, your life may even be lost here.


Lin Qingqing also realized the seriousness of the matter and needed help now. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he thought of something again: "What about you, Your Highness?"

"I'm staying here."

"Your Highness, it's not safe here."

Lin Qingqing frowned slightly, slightly anxious: "What if..."

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

Lin Jiangnian gave her a reassuring look: "It's easier for you and me to expose our targets when we go out now. Time is tight, in case the Wang family has a back-up plan, so you and I are divided into two groups. You go call someone, and I'll go find Zhiyuan. Find a way to stabilize her..."

Seeing that Lin Qingqing was still hesitating, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Don't be stunned, go quickly... My prince's life is in your hands."

Lin Qingqing's heart skipped a beat. She was about to say something, but when she saw His Highness's determined and serious expression, she immediately gritted her teeth.

Her Highness has her own ideas, and once she decides, she cannot change it. In this case, she could only accept it.

"Then, please be careful, Your Highness, I will leave as soon as possible."

After saying that, Lin Qingqing turned around and left quickly.

She needs to call someone quickly!

After Lin Qingqing left, Lin Jiangnian was not idle either. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. He scanned the secret room one last time, and after confirming that there were no other clues, he put the account book in his arms and walked out of the secret room.

Outside the secret room, the body of the man in gray robe was still lying on the ground, with his eyes open. After Lin Jiangnian glanced at it, he took off the key from the wall and walked quickly towards another passage.

Not long after Lin Jiangnian left, there was a burst of rapid footsteps. After a while, several guards wearing armor arrived.

When they saw the messy scene in front of them, the guards' eyes changed.

"No, someone has been here!"

"The secret room has been opened and someone discovered it?!"

"Hurry up and seal the gate to the back mountain. No one can escape!"

at the same time.

Within the back mountain.

Deep in the secret room, in a quiet room.

Sitting there was a middle-aged man, with his eyes closed and calm. Opposite the middle-aged man, a young man was fidgeting, listening to the noise coming from the secret room not far away, and looking up from time to time to look out the door.


"Second uncle, wait, wait a minute, that woman will come over and kill her..."

Wang Qin's tone was extremely anxious: "Why are you not in a hurry?!"

Wang Changjin slowly opened his eyes and glanced at him: "Why are you so anxious?"

"I, I, she..."

Wang Qin stammered and didn't know what to say, with a look of horror on his face. When he rushed to the private house to see his second uncle, he finally couldn't help but tell him everything that had happened in the past few days.

Being imprisoned in that airtight basement, Wang Qin finally couldn't bear the fear of the darkness and confessed everything.

Naturally, this also includes the private activities of the Wang family.

In order to survive at that time, he had to do it. However, after he was released, he was terrified, fearing that these things would be exposed.

Once exposed, his Wang family will suffer disaster.

Therefore, after being released, Wang Qin immediately went to his second uncle to discuss a solution.

Right now, the only person he can turn to is his second uncle.

Unexpectedly, before they could come up with a solution, they heard that a woman had forced her way in. I heard that the woman's martial arts skills were unfathomable, and she could kill all the masters in their private house single-handedly.

When Wang Qin heard this, he subconsciously thought it was the woman who kidnapped him and was almost frightened. Just when he was panic-stricken, his second uncle made a quick decision and led Wang Qin back into the back mountain and brought the woman in as well.

"Don't worry, as long as she gets in here, she can't get out."

Wang Changjin glanced at him lightly and said calmly: "I'm still afraid that she won't come!"

Seeing how determined and confident his second uncle looked, Wang Qin's worries eased a little.

"Second uncle, you, do you have a way to deal with her?"

Wang Qin asked cautiously.

Wang Changjin said lightly: "If it's outside, it's true, but inside..."

He did not continue speaking, but his tone was extremely confident.

The secret room in the back of this private house took the Wang family ten years and an unknown amount of manpower and material resources to build. It is intricate, winding and spreading. If you are not familiar with the wiring, you will get lost when you enter.

And inside this secret room, there are many mechanisms, and if you don't pay attention, you will die in it. Even if he escaped all the traps, there are still many masters in this secret room. Not to mention, he has more back-ups...

"As long as she dares to come, she won't be able to leave here today."

Wang Changjin's eyes were indifferent, he picked up the tea on the table and took a sip. He glanced at Wang Qin, who was still a little anxious, and his eyes were slightly dark: "You have caused a big trouble this time."

Wang Qin's face looked a little ugly, and he felt a little guilty. He naturally knew that he had made a big mistake this time.

"Second uncle, I, I didn't mean it..."

Wang Changjin narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed softly after a while: "You are lucky to have survived this time. If there is a next time, it won't just be like this..."

Wang Qin lowered his head and nodded honestly: "Second uncle, I remember."

His second uncle was still unmarried and had no heirs, so he had always been very kind to him. Wang Qin also understood this and felt slightly relieved when he heard his second uncle's words.

At this moment, a burst of noisy footsteps came from not far away, accompanied by bursts of screams.

Wang Qin suddenly raised his head with a horrified look on his face: "She, she's here?!"

Wang Changjin put down the teacup in his hand and looked up at the door.

"Just come!"

In a dark secret room.

"Da da da!"

Gentle footsteps made a slight sound on the wet ground. The surrounding air was not circulating, and the humidity was accompanied by the bloody and moldy smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

In this dim passage, a beautiful figure walked forward slowly.

Wearing a green gown with flying skirt, it still has the familiar bamboo hat. Under the bamboo hat, a cold and lonely face is looming.

Holding the green sword in hand, he walked forward slowly.

The edge of the green sword was stained with a little blood, which looked extremely permeable.

On the ground not far behind him, there were corpses lying on the ground.

Seeing blood sealing his throat, he will die with eyes closed.

"Deng Deng stare!"

The empty surroundings were extremely quiet, as if the only sound left in the world was her footsteps.

At this time, she suddenly stopped, raised her eyes, looked at the four passages in front of her, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

be lost!

The complexity of this secret room was beyond her expectation.

From the moment she stepped into the back mountain, she still hasn't been able to find any useful clues. She could only shuttle through it like a headless fly, looking for what she wanted.

After standing there in silence for a moment, she took another step towards one of the roads. After passing through a long passage, finally, a sound was suddenly heard ahead.

She raised her head suddenly, and several soldiers quickly appeared in the sight of the light source in front of her.

"She's here!"

"Get her!"

"Kill her!"


In an instant, several figures approached her. She stood on the spot, her expression unchanged, and the green sword in her hand whizzed out.

The sword energy is flying in the air!

Not far ahead, several more corpses were added.

She stepped over the corpse and stepped forward.

Looking up, there was a secret room not far in front of her!

The door of the secret room was open, and through the door, she saw two figures in the secret room.

One old and one young!

The middle-aged man sat aside, and the young man next to him had a look of horror on his face.

"Who are you?!"

Wang Qin looked at the woman in the bamboo hat in his sight with horrified eyes.

I don’t know him, I don’t know him at all.

The other person's temperament and appearance were completely unfamiliar, and she was not at all the woman who kidnapped him that day.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard the second uncle next to him speak.

Wang Changjin looked at the woman in the bamboo hat in front of him quietly, his eyes a little dazed for a moment.

"Your mother, are you okay?!"


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