Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 139 Wang Qin was released

"Master, master!"

A servant hurriedly broke into the study and said with surprise on his face: "The young master is back, the young master is back!"

Wang Shiquan, who was sitting at the table with a frown on his face, heard the news and stood up in surprise, ecstatically saying: "You're back?"

"Where is it? Where is Qin'er?!"

"Bring me over quickly!"

Wang Shiquan stood up and followed the servant hurriedly out of the room and into the inner courtyard.

Outside the door of the room, many members of the family and maids had been waiting for a long time.

"grown ups!"

Zheng Chang had also learned about the young master's return. Seeing Wang Shiquan appear, he quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Where's Qin'er?"

"Sir, please calm down first, don't be anxious, the good man has his own destiny, it's nothing serious!"

Zheng Chang said: "The young master was a little frightened, his body was a little weak, and he passed out. The doctor is in the young master's room..."

After hearing that Wang Qin was fine, Wang Shiquan breathed a deep sigh of relief, and his original excitement gradually calmed down.

As if thinking of something, his eyes narrowed: "What's going on? How did Qin'er come back?"

"Caught someone?"

Zheng Chang said hesitantly: "Sir, the young master was a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city."

"When our people found the young master, there was only the unconscious young master in the house, and there was no one else..."

Wang Shiquan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Didn't find anyone else?

Why is this?

Those people arrested Qin'er and then suddenly let Qin'er go?

What's the purpose?

Is there some bigger conspiracy? !

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan's face became more solemn, there must be a monster if something goes wrong.

Zheng Chang saw Wang Shiquan's gloomy expression and comforted him: "Sir, although I don't know what their purpose is, since the young master is back, at least it is a good thing."

Wang Shiquan's expression softened slightly. Qin'er was safe and he was relieved.

At this moment, the door to the room opened and two doctors walked out of the room.

"Doctor, how is my son?" Wang Shiquan stepped forward quickly and asked.

The two doctors handed over their hands to Wang Shiquan: "Don't worry, Master Taishou. Mr. Wang is not seriously ill, but he is a little weak due to malnutrition these days. He just needs to rest for a while. I will prescribe some medicine for him later, and it will be fine soon." It’ll be fine soon!”

Wang Shiquan frowned: "Have you checked carefully? Are you sure Qin'er is fine?"

He had some doubts about whether he had been drugged or something.

"Don't worry, sir. I have been practicing medicine for decades and I have never made a mistake." The doctor said confidently.

Zheng Chang on the side also warned: "Sir, these two doctors are the best doctors in our Xunyang City, and their medical skills are extremely high..."

Wang Shiquan's expression softened slightly: "Come here, send the two doctors back to get the medicine."


After the doctor left, Wang Shiquan couldn't wait to walk into the room.

In the room, on the bed.

Wang Shiquan's face was slightly sullen. When he saw the scrawny and haggard Wang Qin on the bed, the anger that had just been suppressed resurfaced at this moment.

It's only been a few days and you've been tortured into this state?


Who did it? !

When Wang Qin opened his eyes, he saw a familiar environment.

This is... his room?

At this moment, he felt like he was still dreaming.

It wasn't until he saw a familiar face in the room that his dazed expression gradually recovered.

No, it's not a dream!

Back, back? !

The thoughts in his mind gradually recovered, and he remembered that he was thrown out of the dark basement. He originally thought that the other party was going to kill someone, but he didn't wait. Instead, he waited for someone from the prefect's mansion...

His last memory before coma was that people from the prefect's mansion broke into the house.

So, is he really saved?

At this moment, Wang Qin burst into tears with excitement.

This former generation's largest second-generation ancestor in Xunyang City, a playboy, was now slumped on the bed, with a look of horror lingering on his face as if he had survived a disaster.

The haze of these days was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Until there were hurried footsteps outside the door, Wang Qin looked up and saw a familiar and serious face.

In the past, every time he saw this face, he was extremely disgusted, and even a little scared, but now it is so kind.


Wang Shiquan looked at Wang Qin who had woken up on the bed. The words of blame were on his lips, but he couldn't say a word.

He sighed deeply and said in a deep voice: "How do you feel?"

Wang Qin shook his head: "No, it's okay..."

Wang Shiquan breathed a sigh of relief and hesitated to speak. In the end, he didn't ask anything: "You should have a good rest first. We will talk about other things later."


"Your Highness, Wang Qin is back."

Lin Qingqing appeared in the small courtyard, lowered her head and said, "I have been rescued by people from the Prefect's Mansion. I just woke up not long ago."

She was reporting to Lin Jiangnian the news she had found earlier.

Lin Jiangnian said unexpectedly: "That's wrong!"

Lin Qingqing was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"How could she let Wang Qin go?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused and thought about it.

Lin Qingqing became more and more confused: "Who?"

Then he realized something and looked surprised: "Your Highness, do you know who kidnapped Wang Qin?!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't explain, and he didn't quite understand the purpose of Zhiyuan's move.

At this point, Lin Jiangnian could almost conclude that the person who kidnapped Wang Qin was Zhiyuan. Her purpose of kidnapping Wang Qin was not difficult to guess, but what I didn't expect was why she suddenly let Wang Qin go.

Is this person useless?

This doesn’t seem right!

After all, Wang Qin was Wang Shiquan's only son. If he could be in his hands, it would be a great threat to Wang Shiquan, and he would not dare to act rashly.

A reasonable explanation for Zhiyuan's move is that she already had a plan in mind?

Or is it because she disdains using such despicable means?

Lin Jiangnian gradually withdrew his gaze and glanced at Lin Qingqing beside him: "By the way, I asked you to check on the Jiang family. How is it?"

Lin Qingqing nodded and turned back to the room. Not long after, he took out a file from the room and handed it to Lin Jiangnian.

"Your Highness, this is what you ordered your subordinates to go to the government office to check on some of the deeds of the former Xunyang Governor..."

Lin Jiangnian scanned the file at random, "What's the result?"

"As your Highness guessed, there is indeed a problem with the file!"

Lin Qingqing frowned and said: "More than ten years ago, the Jiang family was found guilty of treason and collaborating with the enemy. What is written in the file is that Jiang Cheng, as the prefect of Xunyang, used his position to secretly communicate and betray important military affairs. But it was After careful investigation, I was unable to find any definite evidence proving that the Jiang family collaborated with the enemy..."

"There is no definite evidence, but the huge Jiang family can be charged with treason. This is indeed a bit unbelievable. Maybe there are some things that my subordinates have not discovered..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent. Even if there was no evidence for some things, the answer was still obvious.

The prefect of Xunyang, and then the governor of Yanzhou, are no different from the officials of the border areas. As the prefect of Xunyang, Jiang Cheng can be regarded as successful and famous, and his family is happy. Unless he has the intention to rebel and become the emperor, or he cannot survive, he will not be able to commit treason under any circumstances.

Very simple reason!

But not necessarily anyone believes it.

Maybe no one cares.

No one cared at all how many bowls of noodles Jiang Cheng had eaten!

"My subordinates have also secretly inquired about some people and old officials in Xunyang County who had experienced this incident..."

"The Jiang family had a good reputation in Xunyang County back then. Governor Jiang was diligent and caring for the people, and Mrs. Jiang was also caring and considerate of the people. So much so that when the Jiang family was exterminated, many people complained..."

"In addition, my subordinates wanted to find out the truth about that year, but found that things were not simple..."

As if thinking of something, Lin Qingqing looked slightly solemn.

Lin Jiangnian nodded calmly: "It's normal. The truth about what happened back then has been erased long ago... This Xunyang County is not simple."

"Then Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing thought of something and stopped talking.

Lin Jiangnian saw her reaction: "You want to ask if I want to intervene?"

Lin Qingqing was silent and nodded.

"Don't worry, I don't have the ability yet!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed a few times in a self-deprecating way, his eyes indifferent.

The aristocratic families in Xunyang County are all over the place, and their forces are complicated. These forces have mutual interests and weave into a large network that is unbreakable.

How was the Jiang family wiped out back then?

Lin Jiangnian didn't know, but he guessed some reasons. The huge Jiang family disappeared overnight, and it was not something that just one person could do. The forces and interests involved are difficult to explain.

No matter how powerful Lin Jiangnian is, he can't change all of this.


Hearing this, Lin Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

That is not bad.

She almost thought His Highness was going to take action against the aristocratic families in Xunyang County!

From the moment she left Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian began to order her to secretly investigate all forces related to Xunyang County. The more she investigated, the more frightened she became.

Lin Qingqing also became increasingly uneasy.

Xunyang County is now very powerful. If His Highness really wants to interfere, I am afraid he will not get much benefit.

In Linzhou, His Royal Highness may be able to dominate the sky with one hand, but this is Yanzhou. Even if King Lin is extremely powerful, he cannot casually attack these family forces in Yanzhou without sufficient evidence and reasons.

"My prince is not interested in other aristocratic families and is too lazy to pay attention to them."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, "But this Wang family may be an accident."

There were many factors behind the Jiang family's destruction, but the most important leading factor was the one that led to it all happening.

It’s the Wang family!

In other words, the Jiang family's destruction was most likely controlled by the Wang family secretly and behind the scenes.


The problem is much simpler!

Wang Qin returned to the prefect's mansion safely, and many people breathed a sigh of relief. But other than that, some people are still not happy.

For example, the Xunyang Prefect!

Wang Shiquan always felt that things were not that simple. The person behind it never showed up, and the things in Xunyang City still did not come to an end.

The news that Wang Qin returned to the prefect's mansion was spread out at some point. The people in the city who were still criticizing Wang Qin with words and writings and demanding severe punishment for the criminals were suddenly filled with indignation and demanded that Wang Qin be captured and brought to justice and investigated strictly!

If the son of a prefect commits a crime, he will be guilty of the same crime as the common people!

The government is under great pressure, and even if they try their best to quell people's anger, it still doesn't help.

Prefect's Mansion.

"Qin'er, what's going on?"

In the room, Wang Qin, who had been back to the Prefect's Mansion for two days, could see that his health had improved a lot.

Wang Shiquan appeared in the room with a calm expression.

Wang Qin's eyes were a little flustered: "I, I don't know either..."

"Huh, I don't know?!"

After confirming that Wang Qin was fine, Wang Shiquan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, the anger he had suppressed for many days also surged up.

"Human trafficking, occupying people's fields, and even selling illegal salt... How do you explain these things?!"

Hearing this, Wang Qin's face turned pale and his eyes were panicked: "Dad, dad, that's not me, I..."

"It's already this time, do you still want to lie to me?" Wang Shiquan shouted coldly.

Wang Qin was so frightened that he trembled all over and fell to his knees with a plop: "Dad, Dad, I was wrong..."

"I, what I really don't want that it was my second uncle who asked me to do this."

"Dad, I won't dare to do it next time..."

Wang Shiquan's face was extremely ugly. How could he not be angry when his own son did such a thing.

"Do you know that the person is going to be beheaded?" Wang Shiquan asked coldly.

Wang Qin's face turned pale and he lowered his head: "I, I..."

He couldn't say a word, he could only beg for mercy.

Seeing him like this, Wang Shiquan fell silent, as if remembering Wang Changjin's words that day, he didn't speak for a while. After a long time, he said expressionlessly: "Get up."

Only then did Wang Qin get up tremblingly, his face still looking pitiful.

"Besides these, what else have you done?"

"No, no more..."

"Are you really gone?" Wang Shiquan asked coldly.

"no no……"

Wang Qin lowered his head, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Wang Shiquan was silent again.

After a long time, he said in a cold voice: "From now on, you are confined at home and are not allowed to go out without my permission. Also, you are not allowed to do these things with your second uncle again, do you understand?"

Wang Qin lowered his head and nodded honestly.

Wang Shiquan's expression softened slightly, and then he brought up another matter: "Also, where have you been these days? What is the origin of the person who kidnapped you?!"

When Wang Qin mentioned this, his face turned pale, as if he recalled some painful memories: "Yes, it's a woman..."

"A woman?"

Wang Shiquan's pupils shrank: "What woman?"

"No, I don't know..."

Wang Qin's voice was trembling: "She, she kidnapped me... and imprisoned me without food..."

Wang Qin described the painful experience during this period, completely unaware of Wang Shiquan's increasingly ugly expression.

"A woman?!"

Wang Shiquan stared at Wang Qin with gloomy eyes: "How old is she?!"

Wang Qin thought carefully: "He looks about the same age as me..."

Wang Shiquan's breathing was low and rapid: "It's her!"

About the same size as Qin'er...

The little girl from the Jiang family who escaped back then is now about the same age as Qin'er!

"It's indeed her!"

"Who?" Wang Qin was confused.

But Wang Shiquan turned around and left in a hurry with a sullen face.

Wang Qin stood in the room and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Then, his eyes seemed a little guilty and a little frightened. After a while, it became gloomy and ferocious.

At this moment, a faint voice came from the window.

"Are you Wang Qin?"

Wang Qin trembled all over as if he had a guilty conscience. He turned his head and saw a strange man about his age appearing outside the window, looking at him playfully.

"Who are you?!"


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