Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 138 The Jiang Family’s Wife and Daughters

"Who ordered you?"

The dim prison was filled with a foul smell. In one of the cells, a ragged woman was tied to a wooden frame, her body covered with scars and she was dying.

Zheng Chang had a gloomy face and stared at the other person with cold eyes.

After two days of rigorous investigation and torture, the woman finally couldn't resist the torture and confessed everything.

However, the clues she gave were of no use. The person behind it is so hidden that there is no clue.

Thinking of this, Zheng Chang's face turned extremely ugly.

The young master has been missing for several days. Within these few days, there was almost an uproar in Xunyang City. As things escalated in the past two days, the young master, the prefect, and even the Wang family were put on the fire.

Public opinion in the city has begun to spread in this direction, although the governor's office quickly used its power to suppress public opinion and arrest those who spread the rumors. At the same time, many people were sent to quietly eliminate the influence...

With the power of the Wang family and the Grand Administrator, it is not difficult to suppress public opinion.

But until now, the person hiding behind the secret has never appeared, which is a huge hidden danger. The less the other party shows up, the more passive they are.

No one knows what conspiracy they are brewing secretly!

After interrogating the arrested women, before Zheng Chang could leave the prison, someone hurried over and whispered something into Zheng Chang's ear.

Zheng Chang's expression changed immediately.


"Who did it?"


Prefect's Mansion.


Wang Shiquan smashed the cup in his hand to the ground angrily: "What's going on?!"

"Why hasn't the matter been resolved yet?!"

Zheng Chang stepped forward with a gloomy face: "Sir, I'm afraid things are beyond our expectations..."

"My subordinates secretly sent people to deal with this matter according to your Lord's instructions. Even the restless forces in the city have warned them..."

"Originally, the situation has been gradually brought under control, but for some reason... there seems to be another force in the city!"

Zheng Chang looked coldly: "This force is secretly fueling the flames and inciting the emotions of the people, making it difficult to calm down the matter!"

Wang Shiquan looked at him coldly: "You haven't found out yet?"

Zheng Chang gritted his teeth: "Sir, the other party's traces are extremely hidden, and nothing can be traced. The other party seems to have expected it, and our people have been led by the nose..."


Wang Shiquan spoke coldly, with an angry expression.

Public opinion in the city has fermented, and now the people have targeted him. If this matter is allowed to continue to ferment and alarm the governor, or if this matter is brought to the capital...

"I order you to do everything you can to quell this matter as soon as possible!" Wang Shiquan said angrily.

"I obey my orders!"


Wang Shiquan took a deep breath, raised his eyes and stared at Zheng Chang: "Where is Wang Changjin?"

Hearing this name, Zheng Chang's heart skipped a beat.

Wang Changjin?

This person is the elder's biological brother.

Zheng Chang's eyelids twitched suddenly and he lowered his head and said: "The second master has been living alone in the west of the city since he moved out of the house a few years ago. He stays behind closed doors and has very little contact with the outside world..."


Xunyang City, western suburbs, house.

A middle-aged man wearing a simple gray robe was carrying a kettle to water the flowers and plants planted in the yard. Flowers and plants grow lushly and thrive.

A somewhat satisfied look appeared on the middle-aged man's face. He put down the kettle and sat down in a pavilion. A servant had already made hot tea.

The middle-aged man picked up the tea cup, drank a cup of hot tea on this cool autumn day, closed his eyes and enjoyed it slightly. Until the footsteps in the courtyard not far away broke the tranquility.


A servant hurriedly walked into the pavilion and whispered something into the middle-aged man's ear. The middle-aged man was startled for a moment, then recovered and nodded lightly.

"I see."

Not long after, a figure appeared in the courtyard again.

Wang Shiquan stepped into the courtyard and looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the pavilion. He approached slowly without saying a word.

"grown ups!"

The maid in the pavilion spoke respectfully, but was waved away by Wang Shiquan coldly.

Soon, only two people were left in the pavilion.


Wang Shiquan stared at the middle-aged man sitting in the pavilion and spoke slowly, his voice neither cold nor indifferent.

Wang Changjin slowly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on his face: "Why are you free to come to my place today?"

Wang Shiquan's face was expressionless, and his eyes were slightly complicated as he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who looked somewhat similar to him.

They are brothers, real brothers!

Wang Shiquan's expression was hidden and his tone was cold: "Did you do it?"

Wang Changjin seemed a little surprised and glanced at him: "What do you mean by this?"

"Are you behind the things Qin'er has done in the past few years?" Wang Shiquan stared at his face.

Wang Changjin did not feel any panic or uneasiness when he was exposed. He just raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a touch of sarcasm: "Since you are here, you must have the answer in your heart. In this case, why do you need to do so much?"

"So, it was indeed you who did it?"

Wang Shiquan's eyes instantly became extremely gloomy: "Why do you do this?!"


The corner of Wang Changjin's mouth raised slightly: "Why do you think it is?"

"Everything I have done is for the good of our Wang family!"

Wang Shiquan immediately looked angry and said angrily: "For the good of the Wang family? Which of these things you have done is not dragging the Wang family into the abyss?!"

"Human trafficking, selling illegal salt, enriching your own pockets, annexing land... Which crime is not enough for you to die ten times?!"

Wang Shiquan was furious. He never imagined that his own brother would do such an unscrupulous thing in private behind his back.

However, Wang Changjin's eyes were slightly contemptuous, and he didn't seem to take this to heart at all. He glanced at Wang Shiquan: "Without what I did, would our Wang family be where we are today?"

"Without me wooing the major families in Yanzhou and Xunyang County, how could you secure your position as Xunyang Governor?"

"My good brother, you don't think that you can stay in the position of Xunyang Prefect for ten years because you are capable and capable, right?"

Wang Shiquan's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "What do you mean by this?"

Wang Changjin picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said calmly: "When the Jiang family fell, how many people were eyeing the position of Xunyang Prefect? ​​Ask yourself, were you qualified and capable to sit in this position?"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he remained silent without speaking.

Indeed, his ability to become the governor of Xunyang was beyond everyone's expectations. With his qualifications, he was simply not qualified.

But he finally got it!

Not only did the Wang family strive for success, but also because he had the support of many aristocratic families in Yanzhou and Xunyang County.

Wang Shiquan always believed that there was a bit of luck and a bit of God's blessing. But now when he heard Wang Changjin's words, an unbelievable thought came to his mind.

"The fact that you became the governor of Xunyang is the result of those aristocratic families supporting you, but do you think that the people from those aristocratic families will support you and our Wang family in vain?"

Wang Changjin sneered: "What they want is profit, and our Wang family can bring them enough bargaining chips. They don't care who the prefect of Xunyang is, they only care about how much benefit our Wang family can give them!"

"Without my operation over the years, do you really think that our Wang family would be where we are today? Do you, the Governor of Xunyang, really be able to sit safely until now?"

Wang Shiquan suddenly froze on the spot and didn't say a word for a long time.

When the truth was revealed, it was difficult for him to accept.


Wang Shiquan's voice was hoarse: "Is this why you have done these things behind my back all these years?"

"All the things that happened in Xunyang County these years were all your fault?!"

Wang Changjin's expression remained indifferent and he glanced at him: "Everything I did was for the good of the Wang family."

Wang Shiquan said angrily: "You are dragging the Wang family into the abyss. Once something happens, the Wang family will be in ruins!"


Wang Changjin, however, didn't care: "You and I are already in the abyss, and we have no choice for a long time... My good brother, have you really forgotten what happened more than ten years ago?"

"Have you really forgotten why the Jiang family was wiped out overnight?"

Wang Shiquan's expression immediately changed, and he was uncertain.

"Once you are a rebel, you will always be a rebel!"

Wang Changjin looked at him and sneered: "Jiang Cheng was just like you back then, stubborn and unruly. You also know the final outcome..."

Wang Shiquan was completely silent!

He wanted to refute, but couldn't say a word.

Since he took office ten years ago, he has always wanted to be a good official. But in the end, it seemed that everything was in vain.

It turns out that he still has not escaped from this carefully woven cage!

"In Yanzhou, or even in Xunyang County, all forces have been closely connected, and one move can affect the whole body... You can't change it, and you don't need to change it!"

Seeing the silent Wang Shiquan, Wang Changjin shook his head slightly: "You can still continue to be your Xunyang prefect, and no one can shake your position. This Xunyang County still belongs to our Wang family, and no one can change it!"

Wang Shiquan seemed to have come to his senses and said coldly: "Qin'er is missing!"

"His disappearance has something to do with you!"

Wang Changjin frowned slightly and was silent for a moment: "I am also looking for his whereabouts!"

"I'm afraid there are other forces involved in Xunyang City."

Wang Shiquan sneered: "You said that our Wang family has the final say in Xunyang County, but now Qin'er's whereabouts are unknown, and rumors are spreading in the city..."

"How do you explain it!"

Wang Changjin was silent for a moment and frowned.

He has also heard about what happened in Xunyang County recently and found some clues. However, we are still not sure yet.

"I heard that Prince Lin Wang has arrived in Xunyang City?" Wang Changjin asked.

Wang Shiquan said expressionlessly: "He is in my house."

He seemed to realize something: "Is Qin'er's disappearance related to him?"

Wang Changjin did not explain, but narrowed his eyes slightly: "I heard that there is a maid named Jiang beside Prince Lin Wang..."

Hearing this surname, Wang Shiquan frowned: "What does it mean?"

"Prince Lin's son's mother is from the Jiang family in Jiangnan. Why is it strange that there is a maid in Prince Lin's palace named Jiang?"

"You still remember the news that when the Jiang family was raided and executed, Jiang's mother and daughter escaped and their whereabouts are unknown, right?"

Wang Shiquan's eyes narrowed.

Of course he didn't forget it.

When Jiang Cheng died in Miao territory, the entire Jiang family was executed, but for some reason Jiang Cheng's wife and daughter escaped.

The Wang family sent almost all their experts to look for the Jiang family and their daughter, but when they were found, the mother and daughter had already frozen to death in the river in the wilderness.

Wang Changjin sneered: "The mother and daughter who were found back then have changed beyond recognition. Except for the fact that their clothes and jewelry are the same, there is no evidence to prove their identities... You are really sure that those two corpses are Jiang Cheng's wife." Female?"

Wang Shiquan's expression changed slightly. He had indeed had doubts, and he had been searching for them all these years, but there were still no clues, so he gradually assumed that the mother and daughter were dead.

"You mean, they are still alive?"

Wang Shiquan frowned: "At that time, mother and daughter were helpless. If they were alive, how could they escape the pursuit?"

Wang Changjin sneered: "Who said they are helpless?"

"What's the meaning?!"

"Jiang Cheng met Lin Hengzhong, who was not yet Prince Lin, and they had a pretty good relationship..."

Wang Changjin did not continue, but Wang Shiquan's pupils shrank suddenly: "What do you mean..."

"came back!"

Wang Changjin's eyes gradually became serious and he said coldly: "They are back for revenge!"


"Your Highness, my subordinates have followed your instructions and secretly sent people to add fuel to the flames and make the matter worse..."

Lin Qingqing lowered her head to report the results, but there was some confusion on her brows: "Your Highness, is it really useful for us to do this?"

Although it is a bit troublesome for the Wang family to spread public opinion and make things worse, it will not cause much harm.

"It's no use!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Lin Qingqing was puzzled: "Then why..."

"What this prince wants is to expand the influence of the matter. It doesn't matter how much impact it can have on the Wang family..."

Lin Jiangyoun sighed: "With the current level of farce, it is almost impossible to shake the Wang family's status."

not enough!

The evidence is far from enough!

Judging from the existing charges, whether it is human trafficking, illegal salt trafficking, and a series of other things, there is no direct evidence to prove that it is related to the Wang family.

The Wang family is naturally not stupid, and Wang Qin is obviously not stupid either. It is naturally impossible for him to do this kind of thing himself. All of this is done by others, and the Wang family is secretly controlling it.

Although Wang Qin is now under suspicion, as long as the Wang family is willing to be ruthless, they will exterminate them with righteousness. Even if the losses are heavy, the foundation of the Wang family cannot be damaged!

"If you only have this ability, doesn't it seem like your style?!"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself that based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, this was not like Zhiyuan's style. How could she take action if she wasn't completely sure?

Moreover, if she wanted revenge, why didn't she show up yet?

What is she waiting for?

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps outside the hospital, followed by several figures passing by.

"what happened?"

Lin Jiangnian took a look.

Lin Qingqing left in a hurry and hurried back soon.

"Your Highness!"

"What's the matter?"

"Wang Qin, was rescued!"


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