"You, who are you?!"

When Wang Qin saw outside the carriage that it was not his coachman but a strange woman, he was stunned.

When he felt the chill on his neck, Wang Qin trembled all over, and an ominous premonition filled his heart.

"If you don't want to die, just be obedient!"

Outside the carriage, the woman spoke with a low and cold voice and an expressionless face.

After Wang Qin was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously said angrily: "Do you know that I am..."

However, before Wang Qin could even say threatening words, the piercing cold light sword came one step closer to the skin of his neck. The painful touch made Wang Qin's whole body tremble.

"Female, Heroine, spare your life!"


Night falls.

Prefect's Mansion.

A servant figure hurriedly entered the mansion.

"Master, it's not good!"

The servant's voice was urgent and panicked: "Young master, the young master is missing!"

In the mansion, Wang Shiquan was staying up late to review the papers sent by the officials below. During this period, a lot of things happened in Xunyang County. News of a missing woman broke out in many places in Xunyang County. People were panicked, and the people in the government followed the clues. I checked, but found nothing.

These matters were originally supposed to be resolved by the officials below, but now that the matter has reached him, the prefect, it is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the matter.

Before Wang Shiquan could find out the reason, a servant outside the door hurriedly brought this extremely exciting news.

"Master, you are missing!"

Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head, his expression solemn.

Wang Shiquan, who was over fifty years old, had a son, so he naturally loved his only son. But as the governor of Xunyang and busy with official duties every day, he paid less attention to his only son.

Therefore, over the years, his only son developed a dandy temperament. On weekdays, I get into trouble every now and then, and there is always some trouble. But these are nothing in Wang Shiquan's eyes. As long as nothing big happens in Xunyang County, there is nothing wrong with being a dandy.

This can be regarded as a kind of compensation for his lack of care for his only son.

Now that he heard that Wang Qin was missing, Wang Shiquan frowned. The first thing that came to his mind was whether the traitor was fooling around with those bad friends again?

"Have you looked for it? Are you drinking in some brothel again?"

The servant's face was pale and his voice was slightly trembling: "I've looked for it, but nothing..."

"Master, this afternoon, someone saw the young master going out alone, and then he disappeared..."

"On the west side of the city, I found the carriage the young master was riding in, but the whereabouts of the young master are nowhere to be seen..."


Wang Shiquan's face suddenly became solemn: "Where are the guards? There are no guards following him?"

"The young master somehow transferred all the guards around him out of the city today. There is only one personal guard with him, and his whereabouts are unknown..."

Wang Shiquan finally realized something was wrong!

Although this rebellious son often did not return home on weekdays, his presence in Xunyang County was always under Wang Shiquan's radar. Now that he suddenly disappeared in the city, this is indeed a bit unusual!

"Send someone to find it!"

Wang Shiquan said solemnly: "We must find Qin'er back."


The servants left in a hurry.

The entire prefecture became turbulent with Wang Qin's sudden disappearance. In a short period of time, several experts were dispatched to search for the young master's whereabouts in the city.

However, to no avail!

Morning, dawn!

Wang Shiquan, who had not slept all night, stood in the hall, his eyes bloodshot, and his voice was low: "You haven't found it yet?"

"Master, my subordinates have searched most of Xunyang County and all the places where the young master may have gone, but there is no whereabouts of the young master. The young master seems to have... disappeared from the world!"

A soldier in armor lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "My subordinates suspect that the young master may have been kidnapped!"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy, and his old and depressed face was full of anger.

After searching all night, I had no clue. Combined with the previous clues, it was obvious what happened.

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan's gloomy face could not suppress the indifference. Someone dared to kidnap his only son in Xunyang City. This was a provocation and a threat!

"Look for it, do whatever you can to find it!"

Wang Shiquan said coldly: "We must find out those who dare to plot against my Wang family!"

"If anything happens to Qin'er, please come and see me!"



In the lobby, Wang Shiquan still had a gloomy expression. He hadn't slept all night, but he was still full of energy and extremely angry at this moment.

Over the years, as the prefect of Xunyang, he had made many enemies, but after all, he held a high position and was in Xunyang City, so no one dared to touch members of his Wang family.

Now someone dares to attack his only son. This is tantamount to touching his bottom line. What is the origin of the other party and what is his purpose? !

Zheng Chang's figure appeared at some point and whispered: "Sir, the whereabouts of the young master are unknown, and my subordinates are suspicious. I am afraid that the other party is coming for you, my lord."

Wang Shiquan narrowed his eyes and remained expressionless without speaking.

"Although the young master has done some bad things over the years, everyone in Xunyang City knows his identity, and no one dares to attack the young master. Now that something like this has happened, we have to be on guard. The person behind it is very likely to pass through the young master. Come and attack you, sir!"

Wang Shiquan's face was expressionless: "Who do you think it could be?"

Zheng Chang frowned: "My lord, you have held Xunyang County in your hands over the past few years. Logically speaking, no one in Xunyang would dare to do such a thing. The only possibility is probably outsiders..."

No one in Xunyang dares to do such an irrational thing!


Wang Shiquan looked gloomy and muttered to himself.

The next second, he suddenly realized something, raised his head, and a sharp light flashed from his eyes.

At the same time, Zheng Chang on the side also thought of something, looked into Wang Shiquan's eyes, nodded slightly, and spit out a name from his mouth.

"Prince Lin's son, Lin Jiangnian!"


Going north in autumn, the weather is cold.

On the carriage, Lin Jiangnian wrapped himself in clothes and chuckled: "Winter is coming soon. I wonder if I will see snow when I get to the capital this time!"

The Wilderness Land is located in the south, where snow is rare throughout the year.

Xiaozhu sat on the soft couch beside him, leaning against His Highness, wrapping himself tightly in a small quilt. When he heard His Highness's words, his smart eyes lit up slightly.

"Snowing? Will it snow in the capital?"

"Probably so."

Calculating the time, according to the upcoming itinerary, if nothing happens, it will be almost winter season when we enter Beijing, and we will definitely encounter snow.

Xiaozhu said nothing, but her beautiful eyes were full of hope and expectation. For her, a little girl who grew up in the south, snow is indeed a rare thing.

"Your Highness."

Outside the carriage, Lin Qingqing's serious voice came.

"Xunyang City has arrived!"


The carriage slowly stopped and the curtains were opened.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and jumped out of the carriage first. Looking up, a towering city wall appeared in front of his sight. The bustling crowd outside the city was so lively.

Spectacular, prosperous and lively!

"Is this Xunyang City?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the city in front of him with deep emotion in his heart. Along the way, we passed countless desolate places and finally came across a big city.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes stayed outside the city not far away, but he saw that the city defense soldiers outside the city were heavily guarded. They were questioning and examining passers-by along the way. He was a little confused: "What is that?"

"Is access to Xunyang City so strict?"

Lin Qingqing on the side seemed to have thought of something, lowered her head and said: "A big event happened in Xunyang City last night."

"A big deal?" Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, slightly interested: "What's the matter?"

"Wang Qin, the son of the Governor of Xunyang, disappeared last night. The people from the Governor's Mansion searched all night but could not find Wang Qin's whereabouts. Now there are rumors in the city that the people from the Governor's Mansion have gone crazy..."

"Starting this morning, the city of Xunyang will be closed and all suspicious persons will be searched!"


Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, the governor's son disappeared under his nose?

This is indeed somewhat unusual.


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered something and looked back at Lin Qingqing, only to see Lin Qingqing's confused look: "Your Highness, what's wrong?"


Lin Jiang young shook his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

Why is he the son of the prefect?

Why at this juncture again?

Is it related to Paper Kite...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian chuckled again: "Since it has nothing to do with us, then stop meddling in other people's business and let's go into the city!"


There was a long queue outside Xunyang City!

Lin Jiangnian, accompanied by Xiao Zhu and Lin Qingqing, mingled in the crowd without attracting anyone's attention and slowly followed the long queue into the city.

When you go out, keep a low profile. Lin Qingqing had already taken care of everything before and successfully entered the city using a false identity.

The guards and the prince's personal troops who followed along the way also secretly entered the city in batches, without attracting much attention.

"Your Highness, do you want to go to the inn to rest first?"

After entering the city, Lin Qingqing asked.

She had already arranged for everything to be done before His Highness entered the city.

"There's no rush, let's just walk around casually."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and raised his eyes to look at the Xunyang City in front of him. As an important hub connecting the north and the south, it goes without saying that it is prosperous.

Xiaozhu, who was following Lin Jiangnian, followed suit, looking around curiously with his round eyes.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to take Xiaozhu around for a while, there was suddenly a chaotic sound in front of him, accompanied by a series of rapid horse hooves and footsteps.

A line of soldiers and horses appeared in the line of sight ahead, and pedestrians on the street gave way. The line of soldiers and horses quickly arrived in front of Lin Jiangnian and others.

On the leading horse, a general in armor dismounted and walked quickly towards the front.

Lin Qingqing, who was standing behind Lin Jiangnian, immediately subconsciously moved to block in front of His Highness, her eyes instantly cold and alert.

The general walked quickly not far from Lin Jiangnian and suddenly knelt down on one knee: "My subordinate, left deputy general Wang Cheng of Xunyang County, pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

At the same time, the generals and soldiers who followed him fell to their knees one after another.

"Meet His Highness the Crown Prince!"

It was loud and full of momentum.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the pedestrians and merchants on the street behind him.

His Royal Highness?

What prince?

Which one?

For a moment, all eyes fell on him.

When did Xunyang County have a prince?

Could it be that he is the one from the south?

Lin Qingqing's eyes were cold, staring at the scene in front of her, still not letting down her guard.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the scene in front of him, half-smiling but not smiling, and already had a judgment in his heart.

He had just entered the city, and he was immediately given such a big gift!

This Governor of Xunyang is a bit evil!

Gently waving Lin Qingqing to retreat, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the general in front of him and said calmly: "How do you know my identity?"

The general lowered his head: "The Grand Administrator heard that His Royal Highness was about to pass through Xunyang City, so he specially ordered his subordinates to come to meet him... I had the honor to meet His Highness a few years ago..."

This excuse is perfect.

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "So, it was your Lord Prefect who asked you to welcome this prince?"


"What else did your Lord Prefect say?"

"His Royal Highness is here for the first time. The Grand Administrator has specially hosted a banquet and specially invited His Highness to come to the mansion for a gathering!"

Get together at the house?

Hongmen Banquet?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

There is not much contact between Prince Lin's Mansion and the Wang Family in Yanzhou, and the relationship is not close. Now, the Xunyang Prefect made a special trip to welcome him.

Abnormal indeed!

Moreover, is this considered a welcome...

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the formation. He entered the city in a low-key manner this time, but he did not expect the Xunyang Prefect to put up such a mighty formation.

With ulterior motives!

Lin Qingqing on the side also cast a worried look, seeming to want to dissuade His Highness.

However, Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since the prefect invited me, I should attend the banquet!"

"Lead the way!"

"Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing lowered her voice and said with a slightly anxious tone: "Your Highness, this Xunyang Prefect is coming with bad intentions. Your Highness, please don't agree in such a hurry..."

However, Lin Jiangnian just waved his hand and gave her a reassuring look.

Wang Cheng was relieved to see that His Highness the Crown Prince agreed so easily. He received an order today to invite Prince Lin back to his residence no matter what.

Although the adults didn’t say it explicitly, the meaning is self-evident!

Now that Prince Lin is so cooperative, it will be easy to handle.

"Your Highness, please!"

Wang Cheng led the way, asked Lin Jiangnian and others to get on the carriage, and left slowly.

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd on the spot.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? Who is that His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Who else could it be? It must be the Prince Lin from the south. Didn't I hear that he is going to the capital to marry the eldest princess? It must be him!"

"But why don't I feel the same? Didn't I say that Prince Lin Wang was ugly and unsightly? But how could I see that His Highness just now was so handsome, as gentle as jade, and so talented!"

"That's right. The appearance of the young master just now is indeed outstanding. The handsome young master is full of scholarly air. He is indeed different from the Prince Lin in the wild land..."


There was a lot of chatter among the crowd.

Behind the crowd, in a corner of an alley not far away, a figure had a panoramic view of the previous scene.

"Young prince?!"

Her eyes were shocked, as if somewhat surprised and incredulous.

This son of a bitch has actually come to Xunyang County?


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