Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 131 The Wang family’s secret activities

In terms of reputation, the reputation of the eldest princess of the current dynasty was much greater than that of the Linzhou Crown Prince!

The eldest princess's name is Li Miaomiao, and she and the current crown prince are both descendants of the empress, and are truly the eldest daughter of the emperor.

In terms of status, the eldest princess has been well-dressed and well-fed since she was born. She is noble and well-loved by the emperor and the royal family.

And the eldest princess also showed extraordinary martial arts talent from an early age. The eldest princess was sent to Kendo at the age of six. She became a disciple of the master of Kendo and practiced swordsmanship for ten years. Once she was born, she surpassed countless masters of the younger generation in the world and entered the second-level Tianxuan realm at the age of less than eighteen. !

The best in the world!

The eldest princess's swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world and can be said to be the best in the world. She has become the goal that many martial arts practitioners in the world aspire to pursue.

Not to mention, the eldest princess, who is not yet over 18 years old, has an alluring appearance and a peerless temperament. In terms of appearance alone, she has the qualifications to compete for the top spot on the world's most beautiful list.

Over the years, countless people in the world have admired the eldest princess and wanted to have a glimpse of her grace. However, the eldest princess always maintained a low-key style of acting, lived in seclusion, and was obsessed with the art of swordsmanship. It was difficult for ordinary people to get a glimpse of her true appearance.

Even so, it is still sought after by people all over the world and coveted by countless people.

Wang Qin is one of them!

A year ago, he had the good fortune to meet the eldest princess in Beijing. Although it was only a brief glance, Wang Qin could not forget it, and he could not think about food or tea.

The startling glance made Wang Qin tempted.

For Wang Qin, as the son of the prefect of Xunyang County, he had been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child, and there was never a shortage of women around him. Ordinarily beautiful women have no attraction for him.

But he was deeply attracted by the eldest princess in the capital, a woman with a cool and unique temperament who was the best in the world.

Over the past year, he has thought of many ways to meet and get to know the eldest princess, but they all ended in failure.

Even when he requested to reveal his identity, the eldest princess didn't even look at him and threw away the letter he sent.

The dignified son of the prefect of Xunyang County was looked down upon by others. This was a huge blow to Wang Qin!

Especially when he learned that the eldest princess he had longed for was actually engaged to the Prince Lin of Linzhou.

Wang Qin was angry and jealous!

He is not convinced!

Why could the ignorant Prince Lin marry the dynasty? Why can he marry the eldest princess?

Just because his father is Lin Hengzhong?

Is he a king with a different surname from the Daning Dynasty?

…Without his father, who is he? !

Jealousy made Wang Qin lose his mind and made him hate Prince Lin so deeply that he wished he could get rid of him quickly!

Most of the young masters present in the private room are the reputable second-generation ancestors of Xunyang County. They are dandy sons and they are the dog legs attached to Wang Qin.

Wang Qin's father was the prefect of Xunyang County, and most of the young men in Xunyang County followed his lead. Everyone present naturally knew that Wang Qin was disdainful of Prince Lin, and some even knew and guessed that Prince Wang had some interest in the eldest princess.

Now that I heard Wang Qin's words, I naturally went downhill to flatter him.

"Young Master Wang is right. How can Prince Lin be so virtuous and capable as to be worthy of the eldest princess?"

"If you ask me, the only person worthy of the eldest princess today is our prince."

"Let me tell you, Your Majesty shouldn't be so ignorant in granting marriage... Then Lin Hengzhong occupied the south and became king, and his power is growing day by day. Wouldn't it be foolish to marry his daughter to him at this time?"

"That is, if the barbarian king rebels in the future, we will have to rely on Yanzhou to stop him. In my opinion, your majesty should marry the eldest princess to our prince. When the time comes, together, Lin Hengzhong will never be able to make a big move. The storm!"


In the private room, these dandy boys spoke these dangerous words for fear of causing chaos in the world, and there were many flattering words in their words.

Wang Qin narrowed his eyes and a cold smile appeared on his face. Clearly, these words seemed to go down well with him.

"Whether this young master is worthy of the eldest princess or not is not a question for now, but he is definitely not worthy of being the crown prince." Wang Qin sneered: "If he wants to marry the eldest princess, it depends on whether he has the destiny!"

Everyone knows that the eldest princess is also very resistant to this marriage contract. There are even rumors in the capital that if Prince Na Lin dares to enter the capital, the eldest princess will break his legs.

"It may be his territory in Linzhou, but it's different when it comes to Xunyang County!"

The sneer on Wang Qin's face became even louder: "As long as he dares to come, I will definitely give him a big gift!"


In the early morning, the sky is bright.

A rush of footsteps went upstairs and outside the room door.

Knock on the door.

"Master, Master?!"

An anxious voice came from outside the door.

In the room, Wang Qin was woken up in a daze and yelled: "Who is it?"

"Master, something big has happened, something big has happened!"

A servant's voice came from outside the door.

Wang Qin's head was spinning. His head that was confused after being drunk last night seemed to have sobered up a lot.

Sitting up, I saw that the room was in a mess. On the bed, there was a dazed woman who had just been woken up. Her voice was delicate and charming: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Who knows?!"

Wang Qin spoke angrily, hugged the woman into his arms, kneaded her with his big hands, and at the same time looked at the door: "Come in."

The room was pushed open and a servant walked in.

As soon as he walked into the room, he smelled a strange smell in the air. When he walked in, he glanced at Wang Qin sitting on the bed, and then subconsciously glanced at the bed.

Right next to Wang Qin, there was a young woman nestling in his arms. She was naked, her snow-white skin exposed to the air, her face was like a peach blossom, and she was charming.

The servant's heart felt hot, and he lowered his head subconsciously. He quickly took a deep breath, calmed down his mind, and whispered: "Master, something big happened..."

He paused for a moment, then looked up at the woman in the young master's arms, but hesitated to speak.

Wang Qin saw the look on his servant's face, frowned immediately, and pushed the woman in his arms away: "You can go out first."


The woman in his arms was startled, as if she didn't expect that Prince Wang would kick her out?

But seeing Wang Qin's frown, the woman trembled. She thought of Mr. Wang's temper and didn't dare to say any more nonsense. He quickly got up from the bed, wrapped his head in disheveled clothes and quickly left the room with his head down.

The servants on the side couldn't help but look up a few more times, their eyes burning in their hearts. This woman from Liuxianglou is so stunning!

"Okay, let's talk!" Wang Qin said expressionlessly.

The servant calmed down and then got down to business: "Sir, something happened..."

"Information just came from Chaoyang County, there is a problem with our goods..."

Upon hearing the news, Wang Qin's eyes suddenly changed: "What did you say?!"


Morning time.

A carriage stopped outside a house in Xunyang City. Wang Qin jumped out of the carriage and entered the house.

Soon, we arrived at a small courtyard.

The small courtyard is elegant and has the atmosphere of a scholar.

In the courtyard, sitting in front of the stone table, was a middle-aged man with an elegant face and the air of a scholar. On the table next to him, there is a book and a pot of tea, and the tea is slightly steaming.

Wang Qin stepped into the courtyard quickly and said anxiously: "Second uncle, it's bad, something big has happened!"

"How many times have I told you? Don't be so anxious when doing things!"

The middle-aged man retracted his gaze, glanced at him, and shook his head slightly: "No matter what happens, don't get into trouble. If you are so anxious, how can you become a big deal in the future?"

"Second uncle, now is not the time to talk about this. Our 'business' outside the city has an accident!"

Wang Qin looked embarrassed and anxious.

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he put down the book in his hand: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Wang Qin then quickly told what the previous servant had reported.

"Our batch of goods was robbed, the smuggling route was also discovered, and one of our nests was stabbed. If someone follows the clues and investigates, the consequences will be disastrous..."

The middle-aged man's eyes were very indifferent: "Where is Wang Shi?"

"I don't know, he hasn't replied yet, what should we do now... If he is found out, people will definitely guess about our Wang family."

"Second uncle, you have to think of something quickly!"

The middle-aged man glanced at him: "As I said, don't be hasty in doing things. Things haven't reached the worst point yet. What big things can you do if you are so impatient?"

Wang Qin was silent for a moment: "Second uncle, what do you think we should do?"

"Sit down first and have a cup of tea."

The middle-aged man looked calmly.

Wang Qin: "..."

How could he still be in the mood to drink tea?

In the past few years, he has teamed up with his second uncle and used the influence of the Wang family to secretly do some shady things.

The abduction and trafficking of women in Chaoyang County is only a small part of the business. Wang Shi is a distant relative of the Wang family, and he secretly works for them under the shade of the Wang family's trees. If something happens to Wang Shi, once it attracts the attention of others, the consequences will be disastrous.

Over the years, in addition to abducting women and selling illegal salt, he has even committed more serious acts...

How could Wang Qin not be anxious?

"It's just a little accident. I see you are anxious."

The middle-aged man glanced at him and shook his head slightly: "I told you earlier, I told you to restrain yourself. You insist on doing those small things... Once something happens, the gain will outweigh the loss."

Wang Qin frowned and sighed: "Second uncle, this is beyond my control. Even if I don't do it, those people below will still have to eat, and you know..."

"That's it!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said calmly: "This matter is not a big deal. Everything is still under control. Since someone has discovered it, just get rid of it."

"Let Wang Shi think of a way to arrest the person quickly and eradicate the root cause!"


Wang Qin nodded and thought of something quickly: "But, what if Wang Shi can't catch anyone?"

The middle-aged man half-squinted his eyes: "I remember that your distant cousin was very interested in the position of Chaoyang County Magistrate?"

Wang Qin was startled, and then suddenly realized the meaning of his second uncle's words.

Second uncle, this means...

Cutting off the roots?

Wang Shi, could it be that root?

Wang Qin immediately beamed with joy: "Second uncle, you are indeed smarter!"

"I'll do it now."


Wang Qin left happily and returned to a house in the city. He immediately ordered his men to go out of the city to find out the news. Then, Wang Qin called the guard master around him and ordered him to take his men out of the city secretly and act according to the opportunity!

The second uncle is right, the things they have done behind the scenes these years must not be exposed. But fortunately, everything they have done over the years has been secretive and they have not personally participated.

Even Wang Qin's father didn't know.

The only person who knows the secret is Wang Shi.

Wang Shi is also a distant relative of the Wang family, and is regarded as the dog next to his second uncle. The second uncle helped Wang Shi become the magistrate of Chaoyang County and secretly worked for them.

If Wang Shi couldn't get rid of the root cause this time, they might have to give up on Wang Shi as a precaution.

However, this is not important. The most important thing for the Wang family is dogs, and there are many people who want to be the magistrate of Chaoyang County.

After all this was resolved, Wang Qin felt relieved and relaxed all over. I remembered the night of lovemaking with the oiran from Liuxiang Tower last night, and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

I have to say that this woman from Liuxianglou is very good at serving others!

Thinking of this, Wang Qin felt hot and stood up and walked towards the door.

"Sir, where are you going?"

A housekeeper at the door said: "Sir, I asked you to go back!"

"No return."

Wang Qin waved his hand impatiently: "There must be nothing good to do with me. I must miss you, Master Tao, so I won't go!"

The butler behind him could only sigh when he saw this scene. The relationship between the young master and the old master has never been good. The young master has rarely returned home since he moved out a year ago. At the moment, he can only go back and report truthfully.

Wang Qin left the house and got into a carriage behind the house.

"Go to Liuxiang Tower!"

Wang Qin's eyes were burning as he thought about what it would be like to be the courtesan of Liuxianglou. At the same time, I also remembered what the young masters in the city said last night, Prince Lin is coming to Xunyang County?

There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes. He really wanted to meet Prince Lin, and...

Prince Nalin was engaged to the eldest princess. Now that he heard that he came to Beijing to marry the eldest princess, Wang Qin felt extremely unhappy.

Then, an idea came to mind!

If so, what if Prince Lin died on the road?

It's a long way from Linzhou to Beijing. Who can guarantee that there won't be any accidents on the way?

What if Prince Lin was assassinated by bandits and died?

Isn’t the eldest princess...

Thinking of this, Wang Qin's eyes became more and more fiery, and a crazy idea emerged.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped.


So fast?

Wang Qin frowned slightly, but before the servant could lift the curtain, he said angrily: "Slave dog, what's going on?"

Still no movement!

"Do you want to die?!"

Wang Qin looked coldly and angrily stood up and opened the car curtain: "Dog..."

As soon as the word "dog" was spoken, a cold light suddenly appeared.

A dazzling silver sword was pressed against Wang Qin's neck, and Wang Qin's whole body trembled suddenly.

Looking up, a woman appeared in his sight.

Looking at him expressionlessly.

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