You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 474: The Power of Divine Sword City

In the sky, an extremely luxurious golden sedan was suspended in the air, and in front of the sedan, there was a huge dragon, which exuded the aura of the God Transformation Realm.

Below, Jianxu, the leader of the Divine Sword City, looked at the sedan in front of him with an unpleasant expression, and the five elders of the Divine Sword City followed behind him.

"My Divine Sword City is also a considerable force in Tianhe County. Is your remark a bit arrogant?"

"And I haven't settled the score with you for defeating my son not long ago."

Jianxu snorted coldly. In his eyes, the person in the sedan in front of him was just a junior. How dare a junior be so arrogant.

"Not a small force? Oh, indeed, but in my eyes, I can destroy it with one hand. I am giving you a chance to choose because your Divine Sword City still has some say in Tianhe County."

"Otherwise, you won't even have a chance to choose. My time is limited, and I hope you can answer me quickly."

"Your son's skills are not as good as others'. What? Do you want to seek justice for your son?"

Hearing the words in the sedan, Jianxu clenched his fists, and the rules of swordsmanship surrounded him, but he still held back.

Since he became famous in Tianhe County, this is the first time he has encountered such an insult.

"Okay, very good, my Divine Sword City only obeys Wuming Mountain, as for you, you are just a bunch of jumping clowns."

Jianxu said with strong anger.

Shenjian City surrenders to these guys? It's impossible. These guys are like wolves and tigers. Now Shenjian City surrenders to them. Within ten years, Shenjian City will definitely be squeezed dry by them.

And once the reckoning of Wuming Mountain comes, Shenjian City will be destroyed.

"Oh? So we can't talk? That's a pity, Mr. Meng, kill them all."

The words of the young man in the sedan fell, and the old man sitting in front of the sedan gently picked up the bamboo hat on his head and reached out to Jianxu with one hand.

Sensing the breath of the old man, Jianxu's face changed drastically.

"True Lord?"

Jianxu's face was extremely shocked. He had noticed the old man in front of him earlier. He thought he was a true person at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, but he didn't expect it to be a True Lord?

He knew the origin of the young man in the sedan, but you went out with a True Lord in the Hedao period to protect you? Such a big deal?

"How dare you, you really bully me, there is no one in Shenjian City?"

Suddenly, a roar came from Shenjian City. The old man sitting on the sedan frowned, retracted his right hand, and looked forward with a serious face.

In the deepest part of Shenjian City, a terrifying breath rose, and the next moment, an old figure came to Jianxu silently.

Seeing this figure, Jianxu was shocked and bowed with his fists.


The old man in front of him was the true foundation of the Divine Sword City, the True Lord of the Hedao Period, and the ancestor of Jianxu.

"Oh? The unparalleled sword saint from 100,000 years ago? Sword Master? I didn't expect that this Divine Sword City was created by you. What a fate?"

The old man's face gradually became serious, and he stood up and looked at the Sword Master in front of him.

Sword Master, this is not a title, but the old man's real name. At first, the name of Sword Master was ridiculed, but this old man, with a wooden sword in his hand, killed his peers from 100,000 years ago and couldn't raise his head.

And the name of Sword Master has become a taboo for sword practitioners in Tianhe County, and no one has mentioned it for 100,000 years.

"A hundred thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye? Time flies so fast."

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