You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 473: Brutal Condensation

Ling Ning's face turned ruthless, and the sword flashed, and a blood mark appeared on Wang Teng's neck.

Ye Lin took a step back involuntarily, and then looked at Zhao Huaian. Zhao Huaian slumped his hands on his chest, shook his head innocently, and said that he didn't know.

I have to say, this woman is really scary when she is ruthless.

"I regret it, I regret not having sex with you that time, hahaha, come on, kill me as much as you want."

Wang Teng's face was crazy, and he roared at Leng Ning.

Ordinary means can't kill a real person in the God Transformation Realm at all, even if the head is cut off.

"Want to die? It's not that easy."

Leng Ning's face was indifferent. After hearing Wang Teng's words, he cut off a piece of flesh from Wang Teng's body with a sword, and then one sword after another, one sword after another.

Every time Leng Ning's sword fell, he could take away a piece of flesh and blood from Wang Teng's body. The whole process was extremely bloody.

On the other side, Xiao Hong directly tore the two people alive, and blood flowed all over the ground.


After Leng Ning finished speaking, a blue flame jumped on the sword body, and Wang Teng's soul was burned out by the flame, and his soul was scattered, and there was no chance of reincarnation again.

After seeing the solution, the dozen or so real people in the transformation realm put away the formation, then nodded to each other and left the place quickly.

And Zhao Huaiping took out a treasure bottle from his arms, slowly opened the treasure bottle, and a stream of spiritual light flew out of the treasure bottle and crisscrossed the canyon.

"This is a special treasure that can cover up anything that happened here, even if you go back in time, you can't see it."

Toutian came to Ye Lin and explained intimately.

Ye Lin nodded involuntarily. There are so many fancy means. In this way, he can delay a little time.

As long as he waits until three years later, when he successfully becomes the master of Wuming Mountain, no one will dare to say it even if the truth is found out.

The status of the master of Wuming Mountain is transcendent. Although the master can be a cultivator in the transformation realm, the master can mobilize the power of the ancestral land.

The ancestral land of Wuming Mountain is an extremely mysterious place. The real power of Wuming Mountain and the real foundation of the Dongzhou human race are all in the ancestral land.

And the leader of Wuming Mountain can mobilize a small part of the power. Don't underestimate this small part of the power. Even this small part of the power can shock the entire Dongzhou.

"Within three days, someone will find that these three people are dead. At that time, we will definitely be mobilized back for questioning."

Leng Ning's tone was very cold. When he spoke, the air around him dropped several degrees, making people tremble.

After listening, Ye Lin and the other two nodded. Now they just need to find an alibi. This is very simple and only needs to be said verbally.

Anyway, no one dared to embarrass them in Wuming Mountain. Everything depends on their own fabrication.

"I have something to do here. Goodbye. See you in three days."

"Me too."

"Hahaha, goodbye."

Watching the three people leave, Tou Tian came to Ye Lin's side.

"Let's go to Tianhe County and see what happened to Jian Wushuang."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he and Tou Tian stepped on Xiao Hong's back, and Xiao Hong spread her wings and flew towards Tianhe County.

The journey was long, but Xiao Hong's speed was too fast.

At this time, Shenjian City was facing an unprecedented catastrophe.

"Old man, there are only two ways in front of you now. Either you lead Shenjian City to surrender, or I will kill you until you surrender."

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