You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 365 Declaration of War

He had been trapped in the Nameless Mountain for ten years, and he dreamed of leaving the Nameless Mountain.

However, there was a barrier around the Nameless Mountain. Unless Xiaobudian used Ye Lin's token to open the barrier, he had no way to deal with the barrier of the Nameless Mountain.

After all, the barrier of the Nameless Mountain was able to resist the attacks of the True Lord of the Hedao Period. How could a small demon lord in the God Transformation Realm shake the barrier?

The ten years in the Nameless Mountain with Xiaobudian simply made him feel suffocated.

"You are stupid, we went out for a walk and came back, and we didn't tell anyone, and no one knew."

Hearing Xiaohong's words, Xiaobudian touched his chin and thought. In the past ten years, he has been living in the Nameless Mountain and has a little yearning for the outside world.

"Will we really not be discovered after we go out?"

Xiaobudian asked Xiaohong, and it was obvious that he was moved.

"Of course, if we don't tell anyone, who would know that we went out?"

After listening, Xiaobudian nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, then I'll tell you."

It's obvious that Xiaobudian has been fooled by Xiaohong. Children are more or less playful.

In this way, a bird and a man quietly used the token to open the barrier of Wuming Mountain and slipped through.


Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, another ten years passed.

Xiaohong and Xiaobudian, who were playing outside, had returned to Wuming Mountain at this time. They were still standing in the yard looking at Ye Lin's retreat in front of them.

Ten years later, Xiaobudian's cultivation has reached the early stage of Yuanying.

The sword intent around Xiaobudian has become more and more condensed, which makes people afraid.

Xiaohong's cultivation has entered the middle stage of incarnation.

In the outside world, the entire Dongzhou has changed a lot in the past twenty years.

The first is that the demon clan openly declared war on the Shura clan, which shocked the entire Dongzhou.

You should know that the demon race was suppressed by the Shura race before. The reason for this is that the demon race had to fight with the Shura race while keeping an eye on the human race, fearing that the human race would steal their home behind them.

It was because of such concerns that the demon race was suppressed by the Shura race.

But now, the demon race actually ignored the human race and went to war with the Shura race directly.

At this time, the two top races in Dongzhou started a war.

It is said that at that time, at the border between the demon race and the Shura race, each of them swallowed hundreds of millions of troops, each of which was the top elite of the two races.

It was different from the cannon fodder sent by the demon race to invade Tianhe County last time.

This time, the demon race sent all the top elites, and each of them could kill three or four people of the same level at the same time.

And the two races fought on the border for a full ten years.

In the first ten years of Ye Lin's retreat, the two races had already started fighting.

And the Shura race could not crack the fighting method used by the demon race for a while, and was caught off guard by the demon race.

And the Shura tribe has not been able to find an effective way to resist the tactics used by the demon tribe this time.

That's why half of the county has been occupied by the Shura tribe.

This made the Shura tribe furious, and they began to station troops on the border, causing the war between the two tribes to escalate.

However, on the front battlefield, under the tactics of the demon tribe, the Shura tribe had no power to resist.

And the demon tribe could still distract itself and declare war on the other two large and small tribes.

The entire Dongzhou was in complete chaos at this time.

When the major tribes saw the two top tribes fighting, the other tribes would certainly not sit idle, and they all went to declare war on their long-standing hostile races.

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