You know, he is a True Lord of the Hedao Period, with a wide range of knowledge. He has seen more martial arts than ordinary mortals.

As long as he is allowed to explore the body once, he can have a fixed number in his heart, and know in his heart what martial arts others practice.

But no matter how much he looks at the martial arts practiced by this little guy, he can't tell what kind of martial arts this little guy is practicing, which makes him extremely puzzled.

In this way, time passed little by little, and the number of times that little guy met Taichu increased little by little, and as time passed, little guy also grew up slowly.

Because he appeared in the outside world from time to time, the little kid was seen by other inner disciples.

Everyone has a kind of care for this kid. After all, can a kid who can walk freely in the inner gate of Wuming Mountain be an ordinary kid?

It is possible that he is the offspring of some powerful person.

So little guy has a very good relationship with people, and all inner disciples know little guy.

At this time, Ye Lin had entered a deep retreat, and he had no idea of ​​the passage of time in the outside world.

In his mind, the passage of time was just a moment.

In the blink of an eye, ten years had passed.

Little Bit had grown up, from a small body to a 1.8-meter-tall man.

And Little Bit's cultivation had reached the terrifying and astonishing early stage of the Golden Core.

Such a speed of cultivation shocked all the inner disciples of Wuming Mountain.

Good guy, a 14-year-old Golden Core? Can you believe this?

This also made the inner disciples more certain that Little Bit was the offspring of a great man.

After all, only the offspring of a great man, who inherited the excellent genes of a great man, could have such a speed of progress.

In Ye Lin's residence, Little Bit and Xiao Hong looked at Ye Lin's retreat.

"Senior Xiao Hong, how much time does Master have left to come out of retreat?"

Little Bit asked Xiao Hong beside him.

"Boy, it's only been ten years, why are you in such a hurry? The higher the cultivation level of a cultivator, the less time they have."

"Ten years is just a blink of an eye for a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage."

After hearing Xiao Hong's words, Xiao Bitian sat in the middle of the yard, holding his chin with both hands and thinking.

"Boy, you have been growing up in the Nameless Mountain for ten years. Do you feel a little bored? How about we go out for a walk?"

Seeing Ye Lin who had no energy at all, Xiao Hong quietly approached Xiao Bitian and whispered.

He had been with Xiao Bitian in the Nameless Mountain for a full ten years, which almost drove him crazy.

They don't need to practice, they practice anytime and anywhere, and they don't need to retreat like humans do, and they need to carefully and meticulously improve their cultivation.

Compared with humans, the divine beasts are simply the sons of heaven.

They are born without the need to practice, they just need to sleep, and their automatic practice speed is doubled at ordinary times, and their practice speed increases three times when they sleep.

Such characteristics of the divine beasts really make other races envious.

We improve our cultivation little by little, going through countless hardships, and what about you? You just need to close your eyes and sleep?

How unfair is the way of heaven?

However, how can there be fairness in the world now?

"The outside world? But the master said before he went into seclusion, and the old man in the back mountain said that we are not allowed to leave without permission."

Little Bit said with a depressed face.

When Xiao Hong heard what Little Bit said, she became anxious.

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