You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 296 The Despicable Shadow Clan

In the end, three True Lords of the Hedao Period of the entire Shadow Clan fell, and as for the other cultivators, the number of deaths was simply incalculable.

After this battle, the entire Shadow Clan suddenly became a joke in Dongzhou.

A great clan was killed by a great man of the human race in their own territory, and even three of their own True Lords of the Hedao Period fell.

Since then, the Shadow Clan has never raised its head again in ten thousand years.

And this incident has accompanied every member of the Shadow Clan.

"Well, well, it seems that this matter cannot be resolved peacefully."

The leader of the Shadow Clan standing in the front said, looking at the clan members behind him.

At this time, all his clan members have arrived, a total of ninety-two.

As for the other eight, they died on the first day they entered the ruins.

"We have sixty-three here, one is seriously injured, and there are ninety-two on the other side. Do we really want to fight?"

The man standing next to Zhao Huaian pinched his nose and touched his messy hair, saying casually.

"Ten thousand years ago, the great power of our human race could make the entire Shadow Clan fearful. Today, we, the younger generation, can still do it."

"This inferior race deserves to be trampled under our feet."

Zhao Huaian's face was full of sternness.

In the ancient times, the Shadow Clan assassinated countless human geniuses, so the relationship between the two clans is naturally self-evident.

"Leave two to protect the wounded, and let me kill the rest."

"Ten thousand years ago, the great power of our clan could suppress the entire Shadow Clan and make the entire Shadow Clan fearful. Today, we can still do it."

After Zhao Huaian finished speaking, he shook the spear in his hand and rushed towards the Shadow Clan.

The other cultivators did not hesitate at all, and took out their own life weapons and rushed to kill.

In the face of this racial justice, they did not hesitate at all.

They were all top geniuses of their respective forces, not inferior to anyone, as for fear? What was fear? They didn't know.


With a loud bang, the two groups of people and horses suddenly collided with each other, and the flat ground below was also shattered by the attack caused by the encounter between the two sides.

The two sides just stood in mid-air and fought against each other.

This time, eight of the ten sequences came, and each of them fought one against two, and even so, they did not lose.

The people of the Shadow Clan are proficient in assassination, but head-on confrontation is not their strong point.

"Sword opens the world, cut."

Jian Wushuang held the sword in his right hand, and the sword intent of the world flowed around him, and he slashed at the Shadow Clan in front of him.

If you look closely, you can find that Jian Wushuang's sword intent is close to perfection.

With one sword, it carries the power of the surrounding world, and the Shadow Clan Tianjiao on the opposite side is miserable.

Jian Wushuang's sword intent is really disgusting. Every sword carries the power of the surrounding world. Fighting Jian Wushuang is like fighting against the entire world.

Jian Wushuang used the strength of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul to suppress the Shadow Clan Tianjiao at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

As the two sides fought, more and more tribes watched the battle around them. After all, such a big movement, of course, could not be hidden from these tribes Tianjiao.

The ruins of the Heavenly Palace, although it is said to be a treasure hunt, actually has another meaning, that is, a secret competition.

In the outside world, a big clan will not easily go to war with another big clan, because when the big clans go to war, it is a life-and-death struggle.

The war may affect the entire East Continent.

The top big clans, the human clan, the Shura clan, and the demon clan, occupy the entire territory of East Continent.

Once these three big clans fight, all the creatures living in East Continent will not have an easy time.

So the possibility of a war is very small.

But in the ruins of the Heavenly Palace, there are not so many concerns at all. If you don’t like you, then fight.

This is a good place to resolve the grievances of the major clans.

It is also a good place to consume the strength of the other clan.

Those who can come here must be the top genius of a clan.

After all, the ruins of the Heavenly Palace are too important, so important that Lianhe Daoqi Zhenjun wants to come in.

And the ruins of the Heavenly Palace can only be opened once every ten thousand years.

Each time you come in, there are only one hundred places.

Such a precious opportunity, do you dare to send your own straw bag? Impossible.

As long as one is killed, it means that the other tribe will have one less powerful person in the future.

And now more than ten days have passed, no one knows how many lives have died during this period.

"Zhao Huaian, you are too arrogant. What if you are the first pride of the human race? Isn't it going to fall in my hands?"

A shadow clan pride looked at Zhao Huaian, arrogant.

Zhao Huaian covered his waist with an extremely ugly face.

Originally, he was fighting one against three. He needed to go all out to fight one against three, and at this gap, the fourth suddenly appeared and attacked him.

The assassination technique of the shadow clan is hard to guard against, and he was still fighting one against three. Under such circumstances, he was taken advantage of by the shadow clan people in front of him.

"Despicable and shameless."

Looking at the four shadow clan prides slowly approaching him, Zhao Huaian gritted his teeth and said.

And drops of black blood flowed from his waist.

That's right, he was poisoned.

There are few poisons that can poison high-level monks, but they are not non-existent.


Suddenly, Zhao Huaian's face changed, and he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The spitted blood was black, and there was black mist on it.

Seeing this, Zhao Huaian immediately took out a few pills and swallowed them, and his pale face gradually began to turn red.

After all, as the head of the ten sequences, he had a lot of things to save his life.

"Don't waste your energy. Even a real person in the Spiritualization Stage cannot underestimate this thing, and there is no antidote."

Seeing Zhao Huaian like this, one of the Shadow Clan's Tianjiao was full of joking.

Seeing Zhao Huaian like this, the other monks who were fighting were full of anxiety, and the next moment, their opponents in front of them began to attack fiercely.

The meaning was already very clear, not allowing them to go to support.

This also made it impossible for them to free their hands.

After all, they did not dare to underestimate the opponent in front of them.

"Damn it, get out of here, get out of here."

The man who was standing next to Zhao Huaian just now, picking his nose and rubbing his hair, was now full of madness. Looking at the two Shadow Clan Tianjiao who were blocking him in front of him, he immediately opened fire.

Seeing such a crazy man, the two Shadow Clan Tianjiao were not feeling well, but they could only fight back desperately.

Once Zhao Huaian was killed, their Shadow Clan would definitely make a lot of money.

After all, Zhao Huaian was known as the most likely cultivator to enter the Tribulation Stage.

As long as he is killed, the human race will suffer heavy losses, and it will also undermine the confidence of the human race and wash away the shame of the Shadow Clan ten thousand years ago.

As for the means, is it important? Just win, history is written by the victor.

"Tsk, this Shadow Clan is still so hateful, and the means are extremely insidious and cunning."

"Who said it wasn't? This first pride of the human race, I'm afraid he will die here today."

"Alas, it's easy to break when you are too strong, I'm afraid the human race will go crazy this time?"

Seeing this, the prides of various races standing around watching the battle shook their heads.

But during the whole process, no one took action.

After all, the demon race and the shadow race are in the same boat. If they take action at this time, they may attract the attention of the demon race.

In the eyes of various races, although the human race is powerful, its strength is still not comparable to that of the demon race.

They all represent the races behind them. If they want to take action, they have to see how much the cost of taking action is.

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