Looking at Shi Yan in front of him, Ye Lin asked.

He still has a good impression of the Guoshan clan.

Moreover, there are many powerful people among the patron clan.

Just looking at a set of data, there are dozens of Hedao Stage True Lords among the patron clan who stand on the bright side.

And this is only on the surface, I don’t know how much there is secretly.

Moreover, the total number of members of a clan is only about 2,000. Among the more than 2,000 clan members, there are actually more than ten True Lords in the Hedao stage. This is simply unimaginable.

As for the human race and the demon race, the number of people is immeasurable, but what? Among hundreds of millions of people, the chance of a true king of the Hedao stage being born is as high as one percent.

Moreover, the patron clan is not only powerful, but also very loyal.

Ye Lin is also very willing to make friends with such a race. If he gets the favor of the patron tribe, the road ahead will be much easier.

"Oh, yes, he used to sleep with this white cloth in his arms. See if it works."

Seeing Ye Lin agreeing, Shi Yan was overjoyed. He had long heard that in terms of magic, a hundred races combined could not defeat one human race.

So I accidentally found Ye Lin with the attitude of giving it a try.

Ye Lin took the white cloth from Shi Yan, and then quickly made the seal with his hands.

Relying on objects to find people is just a small technique. Even the monks in the Qi training period look down upon it.

However, once this thing is used, it may cause consequences.

For example, if a monk at the golden elixir stage takes this thing to find a real person at the transformation stage, isn't it like turning on the light in the toilet and looking for shit?

"Found it, but your friend doesn't seem to be in good condition."

After a while, Ye Lin put away the white cloth, his expression a little unnatural.

"What? Please tell us where there is someone who dares to attack my patron clan. When I find him, I will cut him into pieces."

After hearing Ye Lin's words, Shi Yan couldn't help but look a little anxious, and the other stone man standing next to Shi Yan didn't look very calm either.

Due to the small number of people, there were only ten members of their tribe who came to the Tiangong ruins this time. If one of them died, they would not be able to explain to the powerful people in the tribe.

After all, the Patron Clan is capable of treating every Patron Clan member as a relative. There is no other way, because the clan members are too few.

"To the southeast, keep walking and you will see your friends, but you have to be fast, otherwise..."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he looked at the two stone men in front of him, and then handed the white cloth in his hand to Shi Yan in front of him.

"Thank you very much. My patron clan owes you a favor. If you are in trouble in the future, come to the patron clan to report my name as Shi Yan and keep you safe and sound."

Shi Yan bowed solemnly to Ye Lin, then picked up the white cloth and turned around to leave.

All the murderous intent was on display.

"What did you just see?"

After seeing the two stone men go out, Shangguan Xihe looked at Ye Lin curiously.

After Ye Lin used the spell just now, his expression became unnatural.

"This time, I'm afraid not many of the demon clan will make it out alive."

Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh.

He just saw five people from the demon clan besieging a patron clan member.

If Shi Yan didn't look for him, he would really let the people from the demon clan take advantage of him and kill the person from the backing clan without anyone noticing.

Anyway, the people of the Guoshan clan are full of rocks in their minds. Even if a clan member dies, they can't figure out who killed him.

But this time, this demon clan may...

And when they get out, I'm afraid the entire patron clan will attack the demon clan.

When it comes to protecting shortcomings, no ethnic group can compare to the patron tribe.

The Monster Clan is not only mortal enemies with the Shura Clan, but also has a deep hatred with the Human Clan, and now they have offended a patron clan, tsk tsk tsk.

"Monster clan, you said that the people of the demon clan are targeting the patron clan?"

After hearing Ye Lin's brief words, Shangguan Xihe's little mind was racing.

"Don't worry so much."

Ye Lin picked up his right hand and hit Shangguan Xihe on the head.

Shangguan Xihe immediately covered his head and looked at Ye Lin with resentful eyes.

"There's movement."

At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly took out a jade talisman, and saw the brilliance of the jade talisman shining brightly.

The next moment, the jade talisman soared into the sky.

"Follow up."

Ye Lin's expression remained unchanged. After speaking to Shangguan Xihe, he chased after the jade talisman. Shangguan Xihe had a confused look on his face, but he still followed Ye Lin honestly.

"Hiss, with the jade talisman making such a big movement, I'm afraid we'll be in trouble this time."

Ye Lin followed Yufu and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

If a person calls for help, this jade talisman will only show a weak light.

Looking at this light, it was obvious that it was not just one person asking for help, but probably dozens of people sending out a signal together.

Moreover, they all come from the same direction.

Another place, on a huge platform, stood two teams of people.

One team is the human race, and the other team is the eighth race on the surface of Dongzhou, the shadow race. This race can be called the lackeys of the demon race and is a subsidiary race of the demon race.

"Keep the person who made the move, otherwise, no one from your Shadow Clan will be able to get out today."

Zhao Huaian stood at the front with a long gun in his hand, his expression indifferent.

The man standing next to Zhao Huaian pressed his nose and looked at the Shadow Clan person in front of him solemnly.

Streams of light flashed across the sky and entered their respective camps.

As the number of people increased, the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

"Human race, don't be arrogant. You human race are incompetent. Why call someone else if you can't defeat them?"

A member of the Shadow Clan stepped out, his expression extremely arrogant.

The Shadow Clan is a race that is good at assassination. They are born for assassination.

They are all black, with a pair of black wings behind them, and their faces are ferocious. On their arms, they all have a pair of sharp blades.

This kind of sharp blade has existed since they were born.

As their cultivation increases, the grade of the sharp blade is also constantly rising.

It is rumored that a real person of the Shadow Clan in the early stage of transformation can assassinate a real person at the peak of transformation without anyone noticing.

"Hehe, my human race is incompetent? Three against one, you dare to say this?"

Hearing the words of the Shadow Clan in front of him, Zhao Huaian snorted coldly.

And behind Zhao Huaian, in the encirclement of everyone, there was a woman covered in blood.

There were several wounds all over her body, and she looked extremely miserable.

"Over the years, you Shadow Clan have forgotten the scars of the past. In this case, today, we will let you regain the feeling of the past."

Zhao Huaian sneered, and his spiritual power surged all over his body.

Suddenly, dozens of people from the Shadow Clan felt a strong sense of oppression.

After all, the first genius of the human race in Dongzhou, the first sequence of the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain, that is not a joke.

There is no false person under a great reputation.


Hearing Zhao Huaian's words, the entire Shadow Clan was angry.

Zhao Huaian was scolding them in a roundabout way. Ten thousand years ago, the human race gave birth to a top genius, who practiced for fifty years and entered the Hedao period.

Such a dazzling light shocked the entire Dongzhou at that time.

Then the Shadow Clan was arrogant and wanted to assassinate such a genius, but in the end something went wrong and assassinated the genius's lover.

This was a big deal. The genius was furious. One person and one gun stepped into the Shadow Clan territory and killed for seven days and seven nights.

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