You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 262 Let me draw my sword? You are not worthy

Hearing this, Zhou Qingyun slowly put away his arms and said with interest.

In addition to his poor brain, he also likes gambling, and Ye Lin's words completely aroused his interest.

"How about we have a battle in three days? If I lose, I will respect you as my elder brother and listen to your orders at all times."

"But if I win, how about giving me the jade pendant on your neck?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, Zhou Qingyun subconsciously touched the jade pendant on his neck.

This jade pendant was obtained by him in a secret realm, and he still doesn't know what it is for.

But on second thought, Ye Lin listens to his orders at all times?

Now Ye Lin's limelight is very grand. If he listens to his orders at all times, it sounds like a very good idea.


"Although I can't see your cultivation clearly, according to the feedback on the battlefield, you are only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and I am in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. Are you sure?"

Zhou Qingyun looked at Ye Lin with interest.

After all, those who can become the inner disciples of Wuming Mountain are not simple people.

In front of such a person, let alone crossing two small realms, even if it is a small realm, it is extremely difficult to win.

"Don't you dare to gamble? If you don't dare to gamble, get out of the way."

The next moment, Ye Lin's face suddenly turned cold and he scolded Zhou Qingyun.

"Who said I don't dare to gamble? Well, see you on the battlefield in three days. I hope you don't kneel down and beg for mercy then."

"Let's go."

Zhou Qingyun easily agreed, then glared at Ye Lin and left with the two little brothers behind him.

Watching Zhou Qingyun leave, Ye Lin's mouth corners rose.

This guy really has muscles in his brain, and he can be fooled by such a simple trick.

As long as he defeats him, from now on, the number of people who cause trouble will be greatly reduced.

Because he judged from the aura around Zhou Qingyun, although this guy didn't have a brain, his combat power was good.

As long as he defeated this guy, he could at least be quiet for a long time.

Then Ye Lin turned around and came to his residence.

He took out the spirit stone from the space ring and began to practice.

His goal is to break through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul within three days.

Although he has just broken through the Nascent Soul, if it were someone else, doing this would be tantamount to seeking death.

Continuous breakthroughs in realms can easily lead to unstable foundations, which can cause the cultivation to drop at the least, or even lead to the devil and become a useless person.

But Ye Lin did not have such big concerns.

In the final analysis, it was because his foundation was too deep, and there was no problem at all to break through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

For a while, the whole residence fell into a brief calm.

People, when they are famous, naturally have more troubles.

Now many disciples in the inner sect are focusing on him, and Zhou Qingyun is just a dog.

Just break the teeth of this dog and kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Three days of silence, in the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

On this day, the momentum around Ye Lin went up a level.

Yes, in three days, he easily stepped into the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, but there is still a long way to go from the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

But such a speed is enough to shock many people.

For ordinary Yuanying stage cultivators, a breakthrough to a small realm may take ten years, or even a hundred years. Even worse, it may not take a thousand years to break through a small realm.

But what about Ye Lin? It seems that there was less than a month in between.

Enough to shock the world.

"It's time to defeat Zhou Qingyun and establish prestige."

"Get the jade pendant, listen to the great man's preaching, and take the sword intent a step further. If you can touch the rules, it will be better."

Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes and was making plans in his heart.

Then he stood up and walked towards the battlefield.

The battlefield is an extremely special place, specially built for disciples to learn from each other.

Once you step into the battlefield, you will be automatically separated by the barrier. Outsiders can only see the duel between the two people in the battlefield, but the various means used in it will be hidden by the barrier.

That is, you can clearly see the two people fighting and making moves, but you can't see what the moves are.

It contains the unique means of the real person in the spirit transformation realm.

When they arrived at the battlefield, they saw a long spear inserted beside Zhou Qingyun in a huge white jade plate. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a great hero.

And all around, there were disciples watching the battle.

After all, it was useless to rely on seclusion every day and night when you reach the Nascent Soul stage. It was more about perception.

And watching others fight is often the most effective way to improve yourself.

In addition, with Ye Lin's fame, it was not surprising to gather so many disciples.

"You are here, and you made me wait for half an hour. You are so arrogant."

Zhou Qingyun looked at Ye Lin flying slowly in the sky, and a trace of hostility flashed in the corner of his eyes.

He has maintained this posture for half an hour.

"I've waited, what do you want?"

Ye Lin stepped on the white jade plate with both feet, looked at Zhou Qingyun with his hands behind his back, and chuckled.

"Okay, I hope you won't kneel down and beg for mercy later. Let's start."

After Zhou Qingyun finished speaking, a barrier appeared on the surface of the white jade plate, directly covering the two of them.

This also prevented the disciples who were watching the battle from taking the opportunity to intervene and launch a sneak attack.

Besides, this kind of thing has happened before.

The person who attacked was the traitor planted by the Ten Thousand Demons Hall in the Nameless Mountain, who specialized in assassinating the human race's genius.

After all, although the human race is cowardly, the rising geniuses make them feel quite annoyed.

"Draw your sword, or you may not even have a chance to draw your sword when I make a move."

Zhou Qingyun grabbed the spear beside him and said indifferently.

"You are not worthy."

Ye Lin shook his head calmly.

Zhou Qingyun in front of him really did not deserve to draw his sword.

"Looking for death."

Hearing that Ye Lin looked down on him so much, Zhou Qingyun was immediately furious.

Hearing that Zhou Qingyun, who was ranked in the top 100 in the inner sect disciple battle rankings, was actually looked down upon by a newcomer again and again.

No matter who it was, they would not be able to remain calm.


Zhou Qingyun drew the spear beside him, and rushed towards Ye Lin with a flash, pointing the spear in his hand directly at Ye Lin's face.

Ye Lin's body retreated rapidly, raised his right hand and put his two fingers together to form a sword, and several sword energies slashed forward.

Ding Ding Ding.

There were only three crisp sounds, and all three sword energies were blocked by Zhou Qingyun.

Outside, the disciples watching the battle had different expressions.

"It's normal for a new disciple to be a little arrogant."

A young man holding a white folding fan said with a smile, waving the folding fan in his hand.

"Indeed, but it's too arrogant. It seems that Ye Lin is just like that, but he is more famous. If you ask me, killing thousands of Yuanying demon cultivators with one sword is just an exaggeration."

"It's already amazing that he can kill dozens of Yuanying demon cultivators by himself."

In the distance, a big man carrying a giant hammer looked disdainful.

He was extremely unconvinced that one man killed thousands of Yuanying demon cultivators with one sword. Who can believe this?

"Don't believe it? That's just you. Don't mistake the great man for you. If it's fake, how can Ye Lin have such a great contribution? Even I envy the reward."

"If it's fake, is the reward given for nothing?"

Next to the big man, a charming woman looked at him with contempt.

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