You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 261 Your name is Ye Lin


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the huge furnace, and a series of circular formations began to appear at the bottom of the furnace.

The whole furnace was directly surrounded by light.

And everything seemed to be within the old man's expectations, and he pinched his fingers on his own.

"Melt it for me."

The old man shouted, and his breath surged. Under this breath, Ye Lin felt like a small boat walking in the boundless sea, which could be submerged by the boundless sea water at any time.

In the furnace, streams of light began to merge with each other, and the prototype of a long sword began to gradually appear.

This is the sword embryo.

After finishing everything, looking at the sword embryo in front of him, the old man took out a jar from his arms and slowly opened it.

The jar contained the purest soul power in the world.

Taking out a part of the soul power, the old man directly merged these soul powers into the sword embryo.

The earth-level spiritual weapon has spirit, and the spirit comes from here.

Weapons, after being used for a long time, gradually begin to give birth to spirituality, and this pure soul power is used to give birth to the fragile spirituality in the weapon.

As long as the spirituality is fully born, it is a true earth-level lower-grade spiritual weapon.

The user and the spirituality cooperate with each other and can emit tremendous power.

In the distance, Ye Lin watched this scene quietly.

With the integration of the soul power, the sword embryo burst into a thousand-foot light.

This pure soul power requires the soul of all things in the world to be taken out, and then a special method is used to erase it to obtain this purest soul power.

The whole process is extremely cruel and inhumane.

The soul of the living creature is roasted alive into a ball of liquid.

And this liquid is the soul liquid.

This liquid, swallowed directly, has a huge effect on the soul.

In ancient times, there were special demons who slaughtered hundreds of millions of human beings and used their souls to boost themselves.

This method is extremely cruel, and it still exists between heaven and earth until now.

As for where the thing in the old man's hand came from, no one knows.

Then the old man began to enter the array formula into the sword embryo.

The reason why weapons are divided into different qualities is that they are firstly based on their hardness, secondly on the material, thirdly on the array, and fourthly on the forging technique.

Setting up an array in a weapon can enhance the user's attack by several levels in the array, and the power of the attack will naturally be stronger.

The lower the grade, the simpler the array is, because a powerful array requires equally powerful materials, and ordinary materials cannot withstand it at all.

For example, a real person in the transformation realm uses a yellow-grade weapon, and before the spiritual power is injected into it, the weapon explodes.

The reason is that the grade is too low and cannot withstand the terrifying spiritual energy of the real person in the transformation realm.

As the array formulas are entered one by one, the old man shows a satisfied smile.

And the whole sword is slowly formed.

This sword looks the same as the previous Zhuxie, but no matter how you look at it, you can detect something wrong.

"The sword is done."

After the old man said this, the whole sword began to float slowly and left the furnace.

The old man touched the sweat on his forehead with satisfaction.

It was extremely difficult for him to create a ground-level spiritual energy.

Fortunately, it succeeded.

Zhuxie, who had just left the furnace, made a cheerful sword sound, and then turned into a stream of light and came to Ye Lin at a high speed, spinning around him.

"Okay, you can drop a drop of blood on the sword body now, and then you and this sword will have the same mind and spirit."

"Zhuxie, kill all the evil spirits in the world, a good name."

The old man commented with a smile, and then left.

He was going to rest. He looked no different from ordinary people on the outside, but only he knew the real consumption in his heart.

"Thank you, senior."

Ye Lin bowed to the place where the old man disappeared.

"Blood recognition? I am familiar with this."

Ye Lin smiled and separated his fingers, and suddenly, a drop of blood dripped on the sword body.

Suddenly, the blood was completely absorbed by Zhuxie.

In an instant, Ye Lin looked at Zhuxie in front of him, and it seemed that something was different.

"Zhuxie, come."

Ye Lin stretched out his palm without using any spiritual energy, but the next moment, Zhuxie came to Ye Lin's hand, and the hilt of the sword was placed steadily in Ye Lin's palm.

Now, he and Zhuxie are truly connected, and Zhuxie knows everything he is thinking.

The advantage of this is that there is no delay in the casting process.

The cooperation between the two can burst out a stronger combat power.

"Hahaha, good."

Seeing this, Ye Lin was extremely satisfied. When he was about to put Zhuxie in the space ring, the next moment, Zhuxie turned into six sword balls and wrapped around Ye Lin's wrist.

Zhuxie was wrapped around his right wrist, and Xiaoling was wrapped around his left wrist.

"So that's it, the earth-level spiritual weapon can be turned into a sword ball and wrapped around the wrist."

Shaking his arm, Ye Lin left the weapon refining pavilion with a smile on his face.

When he was halfway there, Ye Lin was stopped by three people who didn't mean well.

"Your name is Ye Lin?"

One of the young men looked at Ye Lin and said with a face full of anger.

"You are..."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Ye Lin was full of doubts.

"Humph, this is my eldest brother, Zhou Qingyun, and all the inner disciples respectfully call him Brother Yun."

The young man who looked like a traitor introduced him.

Looking at these three young men, Ye Lin never thought that there would be such a person in the inner sect?

Shouldn't they all be extremely arrogant and indifferent?

"Ye Lin, right? I'm here to invite you to join my ninth sequence. I guarantee you will live a very comfortable life in the inner gate."

Zhou Qingyun clenched his fist and said with a ferocious face.

"Oh? Ninth sequence? What if I don't join?"

"Don't join? Do you see my fist?"

Zhou Qingyun came in front of Ye Lin, grabbed Ye Lin's shoulder with his huge palm, and said fiercely.

"Ye Lin, I advise you not to be ungrateful. This is my eldest brother. If you make my eldest brother angry, believe it or not, my eldest brother will cripple you now?"

In the distance, the traitor spoke.

If it weren't for the aura of the late Nascent Soul, Ye Lin would have thought this was a gangster from somewhere.

And in front of him, a panel appeared.

Name: Zhou Qingyun

Cultivation: Late Nascent Soul

Fate: Blue

Natural Science: [Power to God]

Destiny: Stopped at the peak of incarnation, and was ambushed by the monster and died in a fight with a monster.

Recent opportunities: When listening to the great man's sermon half a month later, suddenly, the jade pendant on his neck shone brightly, forcing him to enter enlightenment. After half an hour of enlightenment, he stepped into the peak of the Nascent Soul.

[Power to God]: You are born with supernatural power. At the age of 18, you have not yet come into contact with cultivation. One arm has nearly 3,000 huge forces. If you embark on the path of body training, you will definitely become a great body training master.

After reading Zhou Qingyun's panel in front of him, Ye Lin's mouth corners rose.

Enlightenment, if he enters enlightenment now, it is very likely that his destructive sword intent will go further, and it is not impossible to even touch the rules of the sword.

"How about we make a bet?"

Ye Lin grabbed Zhou Qingyun's wrist and slowly left his shoulder, saying with a smile.

"Oh? Bet? Interesting, tell me about it."

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