You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2599: The Road to Invincibility - Luck Gathering

But they all came here for a common goal, which was... to watch the battle!

There is a sacred mountain in the center of Longshou City, a sacred mountain that is covered by white fog all year round, and there is a huge sacred sword on the sacred mountain.

This sword is ten thousand feet high, standing on the sacred mountain.

From a distance, the sacred mountain looks like the scabbard of this sword.

There are rumors that this sword is a real supreme weapon, the sword of Jian Wushuang, and there are also rumors that this sword comes from outer space.

As for these speculations, no one believes them.

But some people have their own ideas about this.

At this moment, a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes sat cross-legged on the top of the long sword. The man was dressed in white and a pair of cloth shoes, sitting quietly on the hilt.

"The luck is gathering, and the battle of the great world is still coming. I wonder what role my Jian Wushuang plays in the great world?"

Jian Wushuang murmured as he looked into the distance, and a flash of golden light flashed in his eyes. In his eyes, at this time, there was an extremely rich golden light hovering over Longshou City.

The sky was full of golden light, enveloping Longshou City.

"Three days are up. In three days, the luck will reach its peak. If I win, I can use this luck to reach a higher level."

"Is this your plan? The first invincible person in the world who has taken the invincible road."

"Will you continue your invincible road, or will you retreat in my hands?"

Jian Wushuang slowly stood up, standing on the hilt of the sword with both feet and looking into the distance.

"Three days are up."

At the same time, Ye Lin, who was sitting cross-legged in the inn, opened his eyes at the same time, and a bloody aura flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, the luck here has gathered to a certain extent. If you win, you will get the first ray of luck."

At the same time, the sound of the Devouring Demon Pot also reached Ye Lin's ears.

"The world seems to have changed."

Ye Lin's face changed slightly. In his perception, the world was undergoing subtle changes.

Not only this place, but even the starry sky was undergoing some subtle changes.

"Yes, the world has indeed changed, and the great era has arrived."

The Devouring Demon Jar smacked its lips.

"How do you say that?"

Ye Lin's eyes flickered, and he had some guesses in his heart.

"With the arrival of the great era, the spiritual energy of the world and the immortal energy have been greatly enhanced, and the luck of the starry sky has reached its peak."

"In the future, countless creatures that have long been extinct will be born one after another, including some extremely evil geniuses."

"The starry sky that originally had no immortal energy will also be full of immortal energy, and some ancient forces will be born one after another."

"The great era is also called a battle of luck. Whoever fights for more luck will go further."

"Moreover, the galaxy universe will also send down three paths of transcendence. Step on the path of transcendence and completely transcend."

"This Now you know why I let you take this invincible path, right? It is wishful thinking for you to want to compete with the descendants of those ancient forces now. "

"You have no foundation, no background, at most you are a little more talented, but it is wishful thinking to want to compete with the descendants of those ancient forces."

"So, you have to take one step at a time, accumulate step by step, and when you have accumulated enough, you will be truly qualified to compete with those monsters."

Listening to the words of the Devouring Demon Pot, Ye Lin's heart was surging.

From beginning to end, he did not look down on the world.

And those descendants of ancient forces, let alone looking down on them.

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