You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2598 The Road to Invincibility - Poison Lord's Panel

"Fellow Taoist, you have just finished fighting, and the immortal power in your body will inevitably fluctuate. I don't want to take advantage of others' danger."

Seeing Jian Wushuang trying his best to suppress the immortal power in his body, Ye Lin said lightly.

"Oh? In that case, fellow Taoist, how about a battle in three days?"

Jian Wushuang was surprised when he heard this. He couldn't help but feel that he had a better sense of Ye Lin, so he spoke.


Ye Lin nodded lightly and his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Jian Wushuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. On the surface, he was very relaxed against Poison Lord, but in reality, it was not that easy.

After all, in his eyes, Poison Lord is stronger than any opponent he has encountered before. As for his current state, only he himself knows.

"Hiss, it's over. Jian Wushuang is still the same Jian Wushuang, the undefeated myth."

"In three days? Okay, then I'll come back and take a look in three days."

"Although the Blood Fiend is arrogant and murderous, I have to say that he deserves respect."

"This is the arrogance of a genius."

Countless people couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in their hearts after seeing the two of them leaving without fighting.

However, some people have already chosen to settle in Longshou City, waiting to watch the battle in three days.

After all, Jian Wushuang is so tyrannical and he still refuses to give up challenging Jian Wushuang, so he must have the confidence.

The decisive battle three days later will definitely be exciting.

In Longshou City, in an inn, Ye Lin and Du Zun were sitting across from each other.

"I know you didn't do your best."

Looking at Du Zun across from him, Ye Lin said calmly.

"If you lose, you lose. It's not a life-and-death battle. There's no need to fight for it. This Jian Wushuang is also a malleable talent, and his understanding is at the top of his game."

Du Zun Minle took a sip of the tea in his hand and said calmly.

Name: Wang Changsheng

Cultivation: Middle stage of True Immortal

Destiny: Taoist

Race: Human race

Identity: An ordinary prodigal son of the galaxy.

Numerology: [Poisonous Path is respected] [Luck is transcendent] [Perception is at its peak]

Destiny: After practicing hard, I finally stepped into the realm of transcendence with an absolutely strong attitude, so I broke the barrier of the galaxy and the universe and went to the outer world to pursue the so-called transcendence.

Recent opportunities: None yet

[Praise of Poison Dao]: A strong competitor in the future of Poison Dao, he always has his own understanding of poison.

[Transcendent Luck]: Those with great luck will have smooth sailing on their road.

[Extreme Comprehension]: Possessing extremely terrifying comprehension, he can always comprehend some difficult and obscure Dharma at a glance.

After reading Du Zun's panel, Ye Lin fell into thinking.

I have seen many people's panels, but they only stop at the realm of transcending Da Luo, and there is no description of higher levels.

Do these people stop at the realm of transcending Daluo throughout their lives? Or is transcendence of Daluo the pinnacle of spiritual practice? Or... the highest level of the panel can only stay in the realm of transcending Daluo?

"Fellow Taoist, are you sure about it in three days?"

At this time, Du Zun looked at Ye Lin who was meditating across from him and said softly.

He has been defeated. If Ye Lin is also defeated, they can go back home. The Hundred Cities Alliance is their apex.

"Are you sure? How will you know if you don't try?"

In response to Du Zun's inquiry, Ye Lin just smiled softly.


The Poison Lord was not surprised at all when he heard this, he just laughed at Ye Lin.

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by.

During this period, the geniuses from all over the Hundred Cities Alliance broke through and came out to Longshou City, and the number of geniuses in Longshou City at this moment has reached a terrifying number.

There are those who have their names on the list of geniuses, and there are also those who are mediocre.

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