You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2595 The Road to Invincibility - Poison Lord vs. Sword Warrior 3

"Hiss, you have entered the Tao with your own body. Du Zun has actually reached this step. No wonder he dares to face Jian Wushuang head-on."

"It's hard to predict the situation of the battle now. Jian Wushuang is in trouble this time."

"Fellow Taoists, may I ask what is the use of poison to enter the Tao?"

"Using poison to enter the Tao is the specific manifestation of the Poison Tao. It means using one's own body to bring in a trace of the power of the law to merge with one's own body. Naturally, this power of the law is only the prototype of the prototype."

"But even if it is a prototype within a prototype, it is the power of the law. If you want to achieve this, you must have a deep enough understanding of the law."

Listening to someone's explanation, everyone around took a breath.

Laws, those are things that only Golden Immortals can have access to. How can someone in the realm of True Immortals be able to access them?

What's more, before the realm is complete, it is impossible to control the power of laws. Laws are a power second only to the great road. Just a trace can make the world overturned and all living beings extinguished.

"Why? Isn't the Law the supreme power that only the Golden Immortal can touch? Why can the True Immortal realm touch it?"

One genius asked in confusion.

"Do you know what Tianjiao is? This is called Tianjiao. Although the law is supreme, there are still those who touch the law with the dignity of a true immortal."

"As we all know, only by carving out ten thousand Dao Principles can one achieve great success in the field. Only by integrating ten thousand Dao Principles can one touch the power of the law."

"But this is just a cultivation method recognized by the public. But as long as you are evil enough and have a deep enough understanding of the way you practice, you will naturally be able to touch higher power."

"That's the law. No matter how evil the creature is, the law can only control one. The only purpose of domain fusion is to deepen the understanding of the Tao and make it easier to understand the law."

"And there's always going to be a certain group of people who skip that process."

"Obviously, this Poison Lord has gone further on this path than Jian Wushuang. Jian Wushuang has been sharpening his sword here for thousands of years in order to achieve the unity of man and sword, and everything is a sword. He has entered the realm of swords with his own body."

"Even now, he has not completely entered this realm. Obviously, this Poison Master has already entered this realm. The outcome of this battle is hard to say."

After listening to these people's explanations, everyone else suddenly realized, and then they all froze in place.

It turns out that the gap between ordinary monks and geniuses is so big?

Everyone has been exposed to the law, but they still study hard because of the inscription of the Tao?

Damn, it’s really annoying to compare people to each other.

Ye Lin, who was sitting on the city wall watching the battle, also obviously heard the discussions around him.

"Enter the Tao with your body, enter your own Tao with your own body."

Ye Lin looked at the wine glass in his hand and thought carefully.

"Boy, when you realize the ultimate in swordsmanship, you will feel a barrier, a barrier in front of you."

"As long as you break through that barrier, you will see higher and more beautiful scenery."

"To enter the Tao with one's body, to put it simply, is just a more advanced understanding of the Tao. Understand the Tao as a carrier, and you yourself are the soul of the Tao. By doing this, in the process of fighting, you will be infinitely close to the Tao. Infinite sanity, infinite calm.”

"In the final analysis, it's just a more advanced fighting consciousness. There is no law as they call it."

"A true immortal understands the law. Even in the ancient times, there were no evildoers like this."

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