You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2594: The Road to Invincibility - Poison Lord vs. Sword Warrior 2

This was the first time he encountered such a difficult opponent.

"Daoyou, if this is all you have, it's not enough."

Jian Wushuang smiled as he looked at Du Zun in the distance with his hands behind his back. As he slowly raised his right hand, Du Zun keenly sensed that this world began to reject him.

The space around him became extremely sticky, making it extremely difficult for him to move.

"Is this... the power of heaven and earth?"

Du Zun's face was solemn. Jian Wushuang was mobilizing the power of heaven and earth around him to suppress him.

To control the power of heaven and earth, any immortal realm strongman can do this.

But there are very few who can be as relaxed and comfortable as Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang slowly gathered his hands together, and the power of heaven and earth formed a series of sword qi that swept over.

At this time, Du Zun was like a small boat crossing the turbulent sea. The power of heaven and earth around him was controlled by Jian Wushuang. If he was not careful, his small boat might be completely smashed by the waves.

"All things, transform."

Poison Lord's hands were claws, and as he pushed his hands forward suddenly, countless green mists formed behind him, and these green mists turned into extremely terrifying beasts.

They rushed towards Jian Wushuang with their fangs and claws, as if they wanted to tear Jian Wushuang apart.

"Little Daoer."

Jian Wushuang laughed and pressed down with his right hand. In an instant, the surrounding space felt broken, and the means used by Poison Lord were ruthlessly crushed.


As Jian Wushuang's last word fell, countless forces of heaven and earth gathered, and then formed sword qi that was thousands of feet long, and sword intent flowed in the air.

Poison Lord looked at Jian Wushuang in the distance with a look of horror, as if the one standing in front of him at this moment was not Jian Wushuang, but a sword, a sword that could cut through everything.

An extremely sharp sword.

"As expected, there is no false reputation under a great reputation. It is lamentable that he has reached such a level in swordsmanship at this age."

"But you are still a little short of it."


Poison Lord did not show any sign of giving up. Instead, he quickly made hand gestures with both hands, and a series of green magic gestures were cast by him.

In an instant, the originally lush trees on the ground withered one after another, and a strong vitality came from them and entered the body of Poison Lord.

"Poison Dao, manifest."

As Poison Lord's last voice fell, his eyes began to become dull, as if he had no emotion at all.

The whole body exuded an aura that was difficult to express in words.

"You are a genius who enters the Dao with your body. Kill."

Looking at the changes in Poison Lord, Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed with surprise, and then his right hand fell fiercely.

The countless sword energy condensed by the power of heaven and earth swept towards the Poison Lord.


Poison Lord was not in a hurry. He spread his hands, and in an instant, a green light enveloped his body.


As the last word fell, the aura around the Poison Lord rolled.


Finally, the green light surrounding the Poison Lord exploded quickly, and the sword energy that attacked him was shattered.

At this time, he was wrapped in extremely dense poison light, and his body exuded a breath that did not belong to a living being.

To say what this breath was like, in truth, it was more like the Tao in the rumors.

Supreme, ruthless and desireless.

"You are a character, and you are now worthy of my serious treatment."

Jian Wushuang laughed and said, this was his heartfelt happiness.

The happiness of meeting a real opponent.

God knows how lonely he has been all these years, invincible loneliness.

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