You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2548 Happy Dragon Boat Festival 5

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Shenming not only did not look down on Ye Lin's words, but patted Ye Lin's shoulder with admiration.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't know that when I first challenged the tower, I was also careless, which led to my stop at the seventh floor. At that time, I didn't even make it to the Tianjiao list."

"It was not until the second time that I worked hard to study that I barely broke through the tenth floor, but it took me ten hours and my ranking was only more than 400,000."

"You can directly break through the tenth floor, which really opened my eyes. I, Dongfang Shenming, did not make a mistake in you."

Dongfang Shenming patted Ye Lin's shoulder with admiration. He was really happy that Ye Lin was now his partner. The stronger Ye Lin was, the happier he was.

And An Ye on the side said nothing, but frowned and looked at Ye Lin, as if thinking about something.

"Okay, fellow Daoist, since we have finished the tower, let's go, go back to recuperate, and go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden in three days."

Dongfang Shenming patted Ye Lin's shoulder to comfort him.

At that time, he entered the Tianjiao Tower with full confidence, but he only stopped at the seventh floor and came out, and then locked himself in the cave for a whole hundred years.

He was autistic for a hundred years.

After all, those who dared to break into the Tianjiao Tower were all people who believed that they were peerless Tianjiao, and the blow in reality was also very big. He didn't want Ye Lin to be hit.

Dongfang Shenming pulled Ye Lin to a mysterious alley, and then bypassed several alleys along the way.

An Ye seemed to know what Dongfang Shen was going to do, so he had to follow the two with a helpless look on his face.

After walking for a full half an hour, during which time, the complicated road almost made Ye Lin dizzy, and finally found the door.

It was a small black door.

It's better to say it's a floor than a door.

Because at the end of the dark alley, Dongfang Shenming walked to the end with a mysterious face, and then looked around furtively. After finding that there was no movement, Dongfang Shenming pulled up a small black door under his feet.

What caught his eye was a long staircase that led directly underground.

"Let's go, fellow Daoist. Today I will take you to relax and prepare for the battle in the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden in three days."

The Eastern God smiled mysteriously at Ye Lin, and then, regardless of Ye Lin's confused look, he pulled Ye Lin down the stairs to the underground.

An Ye walked at the end of the three people, and during the process, he also pulled the black door closed.

The stairs were very dark, but for them, it was no different from daytime.

Walking all the way to the deepest part, Ye Lin saw a huge iron gate. On both sides of the iron gate stood two strong men, who exuded a strong and extremely strong aura of the peak of earthly immortals.

"Greetings, Mr. Dongfang."

After seeing the Eastern God, the two strong men immediately bowed to the Eastern God respectfully.

True immortals are extremely noble no matter where they are, and ordinary earthly immortals and heavenly immortals have to bow when they see them.

"Come on, open the door quickly. I'm here to bring my friend to play this time."

"By the way, this is my friend's first time here, remember to make arrangements."

The Eastern God waved his hand and threw out a storage bag.

One of the sturdy men caught the storage bag and took a look at it. He immediately took it back with a happy face and thanked him repeatedly.

"That's right, Mr. Dongfang's friend is our ghost's friend, and we will definitely take good care of him."

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