You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2547 Happy Dragon Boat Festival 4

Looking at these three items, Ye Lin chose the first one without thinking, the elixir.

Of these three things, only the elixir is the most helpful to him.

For the second map, if he wants it, he must collect other fragments, which is too troublesome. What's more, he has already obtained the inheritance of Taiyi Jinxian, and he doesn't care about the so-called Xuanxian fragments at all.

The third one is the immortal-grade top-grade long sword. To be honest, at present, he really doesn't care about this so-called immortal-grade top-grade long sword.

Because the Emperor Shang Blood Drinking Sword on his back is a veritable supreme weapon. Compared with the supreme weapon, this so-called immortal-grade top-grade long sword is dispensable.

After choosing the reward, Ye Lin turned and left.

After all, he can't continue to break through the tower now, and can only wait for three months to continue to break through the tower.

What Ye Lin didn't know was that because of his tower break, the outside world had exploded.

"Oh my god, who is this Ye Lin? He jumped to more than 10,000 without making any noise? I don't think I've heard of him before?"

"I don't know, a newcomer, he must be a newcomer."

"Oh my god, a newcomer directly reached more than 10,000, is this a genius? I am still stuck on the fifth floor and can't even get on the list of the geniuses."

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared."

The whole Central Region is talking about the two words Ye Lin.

It is undeniable that the two words Ye Lin have become a hot topic in the Central Region.

There will basically be no major changes within the top 100,000 of the genius list. If an old man on the list stepped into more than 10,000, they would not be so shocked.

Ye Lin is a newcomer. He didn't even make it to the top of the genius list before, but now he has directly become more than 10,000. How can this not shock people?

In the three cities of Beizhou, when Ye Lin walked out of the genius tower, he saw that a large number of creatures had surrounded him at some point, and the eyes of these creatures fell on Ye Lin.

They had already heard the announcement of the Tianjiao List, and some people speculated that Ye Lin must be a newcomer and should have just finished the tenth floor, so at this time, he should have just walked out of the Tianjiao Tower.

Hearing this news, many creatures have begun to squat first.

Among them, there are also people from major forces. They all have their eyes on the potential of Ye Lin, a Tianjiao. What does it mean to reach more than 10,000 in one step? It means that Ye Lin has a lot of room for improvement.

If he is carefully cultivated, he may have a chance to be in the top 100 of the Tianjiao List.

"Fellow Daoist Xuesha, Fellow Daoist Xuesha, how is it?"

As soon as Ye Lin came out, Dongfang Shenming and An Ye came to Ye Lin and asked excitedly.

After hearing Dongfang Shenming's words, those eyes focused on Ye Lin also retracted.

In just a moment, Ye Lin knew what happened. He looked around and then smiled bitterly.

"Stuck on the tenth floor and didn't get through."

Ye Lin was very glad that he didn't reveal his true identity to the two people in front of him, otherwise he would be in great trouble now.

He didn't know how the Tianjiao Tower knew his name, but he was not surprised.

After all, it was too easy for those great powers who calculated the secrets of heaven to know his name, and this Tianjiao Tower was able to pull the projection of the Dragon Emperor, so it was not easy to know his name.

"So that's it, Fellow Daoist Ye Lin, I was right about you."

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