Ye Lin stood up and came to the bronze coffin, looking at Liu Yinshu lying quietly inside. It was exactly the same as the space in his dream, without any change.

Taiyi Jinxian, even if he falls, his body can be immortal forever.

As long as the Tao rhyme does not dissipate, he can live forever in the world.

Ye Lin solemnly closed the bronze coffin slowly, then came to a distance, looked at the bronze coffin in front of him, and knelt on his knees.

"Thank you for the teachings, senior, Ye Lin will not let you down, senior, goodbye."

Ye Lin said, bowed heavily.

And I don't know if it was Ye Lin's illusion or reality. Just when Ye Lin's head rested on the ground, the bronze coffin in the distance actually made a buzzing sound, as if responding to Ye Lin.

"Luo Yao, let's go, don't disturb the senior's deep sleep."

Ye Lin took Luo Yao's little hand and said, and Luo Yao looked at Ye Lin with a strange look. This tomb was entered by you, and the bronze coffin was opened by you.

Now, you are doing this again?

"I said, I will leave this fairy rank wreckage and go to the starry sky."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the Dao rhyme flowed around him, and the sound of the Dao resounded. The next moment, his body disappeared together with Luo Yao.

In the gap of disappearance, Ye Lin did not forget to extinguish all the candles.

The tomb fell into darkness again. Everything seemed to have not changed, but it seemed that something had changed.

In a silent starry sky, Ye Lin led Luo Yao to a desolate star. Desolation was the synonym of the star under his feet.

This time, fortunately, Ye Lin was well prepared. As soon as he came out, he took out countless fairy stones to absorb.

Looking at the big star under his feet, Ye Lin threw out countless treasure lights in a row, and each treasure light represented a treasure that was no less than the heavenly level.

These treasure lights were scattered all over the big star, and the whole big star also disappeared in the starry sky, as if it had never appeared since ancient times.

"Luo Yao, I have to retreat for some time, and the time may be a bit long."

Looking at Luo Yao in front of him, Ye Lin said with apology. Luo Yao had been waiting for him for a hundred years, and now, he had to retreat again. At this moment, he felt guilty towards Luo Yao.

But he had to retreat for this time. The three supreme methods were just preliminary comprehension, and he was far from entering the door. If he didn't enter the door, he couldn't use them at all.

And entering the door requires an extremely long time to kill.

"Is that so."

Hearing this, Luo Yao's eyes flashed with loneliness. Was he going back to that lonely moment?

My aunt also told me to retreat for some time, but this retreat was forever.

Luo Yao couldn't remember how long it had been, but she only knew that her aunt hadn't come out of retreat yet.

Now that Ye Lin mentioned the word retreat again, she subconsciously felt that Ye Lin was like her aunt. Once he retreated, it would be an extremely long time.

"When I finish my retreat, I will play with you for a hundred years, how about that?"

Looking at Luo Yao's face full of loneliness, Ye Lin said softly. At this moment, he truly recognized Luo Yao.

In his mind, Luo Yao was just an innocent little girl, just a lonely little girl who needed friends to accompany her.

Just like Lin Yunlu.

"Okay, let's make a pinky promise."

Luo Yao's eyes lit up when she heard this, and then she stretched out her small palm towards Ye Lin.

Ye Lin also smiled dumbly, and then stretched out his hand and held Luo Yao's little finger together.


As the two thumbs, one big and one small, were pressed together, Luo Yao showed an innocent smile.

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