You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2518: One Hundred Years

"Okay, you have initially mastered my supreme method, and your fate with me ends here."

Liu Yinshu sat cross-legged in the air and looked at Ye Lin below, while Ye Lin nodded sadly.

He is not a creature without emotions. Liu Yinshu selflessly passed on to him three top-quality supreme laws. Now they are about to completely disappear between heaven and earth. It is fake that he does not have any emotional fluctuations in his heart.

"Boy, remember, after I go out, I must carry forward my Supreme Technique, especially the Tianxin Sword Technique. Those old guys said that I would definitely fail."

"However, they miscalculated, and I succeeded. She had an epiphany between the horror of life and death, and created the supreme Supreme Dharma Tianxin Sword Technique."

"Paired with the Tianxin Sword Technique, it is enough to make you respected in the field of swordsmanship."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Although I understood the Tianxin Sword Technique at the last moment, I didn't have the chance to use it, and I couldn't see its true appearance. It's a pity, alas..."

Liu Yinshu seemed to have changed again, as if she had become a talkative person. She said to herself, and as the lonely voices sounded, Liu Yinshu's body became darker and darker.

In the end, with a sigh, Liu Yinshu's body completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

As Liu Yinshu dissipated, the scene in front of Ye Lin's eyes also turned into fragments like a broken mirror. Finally, Ye Lin's vision went dark.

"Is this... coming out?"

Ye Lin opened his eyes slightly, looking at the light in front of him and the familiar tomb, Ye Lin slowly stood up.

Candles were lit around the tomb, and each candle emitted a faint candlelight, but when these candlelights merged together, the entire tomb was illuminated.

"Ye Lin, are you awake?"

Luo Yao, who was bored in the distance, immediately shouted excitedly when she saw Ye Lin wake up, and then Sayazi came to Ye Lin's side.

"How long has it been since?"

Ye Lin looked around and said slightly, there were no candles around when he was sleeping, but now the candles were obviously brought by Luo Yao in front of him.

"One hundred and twelve years have passed since you were in coma."

Hearing this, Luo Yao pinched her short fingers and spoke word by word.

"One hundred and twelve years?"

Ye Lin said in a shocked tone. He was listening to Liu Yinshu's teachings in that space and couldn't feel the change of time at all. But now Luo Yao told him that more than a hundred years have passed?

How could this not shock him?

"Yes, one hundred and twelve years."

Luo Yao confirmed again.

"You've just been waiting for me for a hundred and twelve years?"

Ye Lin asked again. At this moment, he was shocked by Luo Yao.

Luo Yao actually waited for him for a full one hundred and twelve years?

This is more than a hundred years, not more than a hundred hours, nor more than a hundred days.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for one hundred and twelve years. You don't know. During the time when you were unconscious, I called Dahe to wake you up, but who would have expected that Dahe could not do anything."

"In the end, I can only wait for you. If you weren't still breathing, I would have thought you died."

"Luo Yao, I don't want the friend I finally got to know to die like this."

Luo Yao walked around Ye Lin nonchalantly, swinging her two short arms.

Looking at Luo Yao in front of him, Ye Lin felt warm in his heart.

Just as a friend, the girl in front of him is willing to wait for him for more than a hundred years.

Is this the weight of the word friend?

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