You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 246 The Power of a Sword

After doing all this, Wu Xin's eyes flashed with fatigue.

On the surface, he looked very beautiful, but in fact, there was not much spiritual energy left in his body.

It was too difficult for two people to fight against a demon cultivator worth nearly 100,000.

"Kill, this monk is dying. This monk must be of high status. If you kill him, you will be rewarded heavily."

The unintentional feeling of fatigue was noticed by the Nascent Soul stage demon cultivator in the distance, and then the attack became more fierce.

Behind Ye Lin, there was also a large group of demon cultivators, who followed Ye Lin in hot pursuit.

"Monk, help me block the three breaths of time."

Ye Lin stood behind Wu Xin and yelled at Wu Xin.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Wuxin heard the words, gritted his teeth, took out three pills from his arms and swallowed them directly.

In an instant, the nearly transparent golden Buddha behind him began to become more solid again.

The demon cultivators who were chasing Ye Lin were all stopped by Wu Xin alone.

"The sword cuts through the sky."

Ye Lin held Zhu Xie in his hand, stood in mid-air, slowly closed his eyes, and the destructive sword intent flowed around him.

Slowly, a heaven-destroying aura began to spread from Ye Lin's body.

The extremely sharp sword intent swept all around. As time passed by, the power gathered in Ye Lin became more and more terrifying.

In just two breaths, the aura emanating from Ye Lin's body had reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Monk, stay away."

Wu Xin, who was struggling to hold on, was relieved when he heard the words. He put away his magical power, spat out a large mouthful of blood, and then immediately started to dodge.

"The sword cuts through the sky."

Ye Lin opened his eyes, held Zhuxie in both hands, and then slashed it with his sword.

There wasn't any fancy light, there was just a sword light, a pure and incomparable sword light.

"No, retreat quickly and run."

"Run, run quickly."

After seeing this sword light, the faces of the demon cultivators changed drastically.

How could this power be exerted by a monk in the Nascent Soul stage?

Boom, boom, boom.

Three loud noises were heard in the front, and the mountains in front of them were cut off by Ye Lin's sword.

And those demon cultivators had already lost 80% of their lives under this sword.

There were originally tens of thousands of golden elixirs and tens of thousands of Nascent Souls, but now there were only a few hundred left.

"Boss, are you okay? I can't stand it anymore."

In the distance, Xiaohong's extremely anxious voice came.

It's good that he is the descendant of a mythical beast, but it depends on when.

The group of monsters in front of me included hundreds and tens of millions of monsters. Not to mention the descendants of the monsters, even the son of an immortal would have to tremble when he came down to earth.

"Monk, let's go."

Seeing this, Ye Lin picked up Wuxin, who was seriously injured in the distance, and flew towards the distance.

Xiaohong, on the other hand, spread her wings and soared, chasing after Ye Lin.

Just after the two of them left, the city wall that was originally built collapsed.

In front of giant beasts hundreds of meters high, these city walls without formations were as fragile as paper.

In the distance, on the top of a mountain, behind a huge rock, three men in black looked at the jade talisman in their hands with excitement on their faces.

"Lao San, have you recorded it?"

"Don't worry, boss. It's all recorded. It's so good, so good, so good. I'm afraid one of these jade talismans can be sold for five low-grade spiritual stones."

"When the time comes, we can spread the word in Tianhe County and make a lot of money."

"The story of the love and hatred between Tianhe County's number one genius and Foshan Buddha has a selling point, not to mention that it has a great effect on boosting morale."

"Go, withdraw, and make a lot of money."

After saying that, the three people disappeared one after another.

Along the way, Ye Lin and Wu Xin stood on Xiao Hong's back.

"Monk, are you okay?"

Seeing Wu Xin, whose breath was disordered and covered in blood, Ye Lin couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I can't die. The young monk didn't expect that the donor would be so tyrannical."

Wu Xin waved his hands with a bitter look on his face.

And he had a deeper understanding of Ye Lin's combat power.

Especially the last sword, he dared to say that no one in the Nascent Soul stage could catch it.

That was a blow that was infinitely close to the combat power of the God Transformation Realm.

Wu Xin was greatly impressed by the fact that a Nascent Soul stage monk could launch such an attack.

Ye Lin is now comparable to those peerless monsters from ancient times.

"It's okay."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded with a smile, then sat cross-legged on Xiao Hong's back, took out a few pills to swallow, and took out many spiritual stones to start absorbing.

The sword strike just now drained all the spiritual energy from his body, and due to the violent mobilization of spiritual energy, bursts of pain were felt in his meridians.

His spiritual energy is dozens or hundreds of times that of monks of the same level. One can imagine how costly the sword strike just now was.

All around, figures followed Xiaohong, all of them fleeing.

The second city wall was not defended, causing the forces in the second and third lines of defense to begin to relocate one after another.

If they don't run away, they will become food for monsters.

It only took a few minutes for the soldiers to retreat; it took several hours for them to retreat.

There are really too many things to take away, and the speed is extremely slow when dragging the whole family with them.

The two of them started cultivating on Xiao Hong's back, and groups of spiritual energy appeared all over Xiao Hong's body, and they began to quickly provide a steady stream of spiritual energy to Xiao Hong.

Divine beasts are the darlings of heaven and earth, born in response to the great destiny of heaven and earth.

Sleeping with your eyes closed, on the battlefield, fighting and recovering at the same time, these are all childish.

As for bottlenecks, there is even less of one. As long as there are enough resources, it can continue to grow.

Xiaohong flew for five hours, and the third line of defense began to show some outlines.

As the distance got closer, these outlines gradually became larger.

The third line of defense did not have any walls, only steel fortresses made entirely of steel.

These fortresses were extremely large, and their defense was also top-notch.

The Yuanying stage combat power could not destroy these fortresses at all.

Arriving above the fortress, Xiaohong slowly landed on the ground. Ye Lin and Wuxin opened their eyes, then stood up and came to the ground.

The next moment, Xiaohong's body shrank rapidly, and she came to Ye Lin's shoulder and began to close her eyes to recuperate.

Just now, intercepting tens of millions of beast tides with the power of a bird was also a big burden for him.

"It's Wuxin, the Buddhist son of Foshan, and Ye Lin, the first pride of Tianhe County. They are back."

"What? They are back? Come out to greet them."

Before Ye Lin and Wuxin could stand firm, a large number of cultivators in front had already discovered them.

These monks, smiling, gathered madly towards Ye Lin and Wu Xin.

Ye Lin and Wu Xin looked at each other, full of doubt.

When did they become so famous?

"Hahaha, it's them."

"Come on, come in, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Come on, notify them, Ye Lin and Wu Xin are back, no need to gather."

These monks, smiling, surrounded the two and walked towards the steel fortress.

"Daoyou, what are you doing..."

Seeing these monks so enthusiastic, Ye Lin asked in confusion.

"Daoyou, you two strangled hundreds of thousands of demon cultivators with your own strength. Such a record has never been achieved even in ancient times. I really admire you, admire you."

The monk next to Ye Lin arched his fist towards Ye Lin, full of admiration.

Ye Lin and Wu Xin looked at each other and remained silent.

Their fight was actually recorded.

Who on earth has such strength? He can record the battle between the demon beast group and the demon cultivator group, and it has not been discovered by anyone.

As for the real person in the God Transformation Realm, it is impossible. The real person in the God Transformation Realm cannot appear on the battlefield and can only sit in the rear.

As for the cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, it is even more impossible.

He was able to record the battle scene without telling anyone, and he could fly faster than Xiao Hong. Even if Ye Lin compared his speed with Xiao Hong, he would be ashamed of himself.

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