You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 245 A Final Battle

"What the donor said is..."

Hearing this, Wu Xin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What you have in mind is what I want to do. Kill all these evil cultivators here. This achievement will probably allow you to secure the position of Buddha in Foshan."

Ye Lin was full of confidence, and then slowly took out Zhu Xie from the space ring, exuding a fierce fighting spirit.

This is about to be his first battle to break through the Nascent Soul stage.

"Okay, since the donor is not afraid, then the young monk is not afraid either."

Hearing this, Wuxin was completely ready to fight, and his whole body also exuded the aura of the Nascent Soul stage.

After a month of retreat, he also broke through the Nascent Soul stage.

Who can live without a moment of madness?

Wuxin's body was covered with Buddha's light, and a colorful lotus slowly floated in front of him. In a moment, the lotus slowly opened, and inside the lotus, there was a golden Buddha bead.


Looking at the colorful lotus in front of Wu Xin, Ye Lin thought to himself.

The capital is indeed abundant.

However, at this time, the city wall underfoot was trembling, and the group of monster beasts in the distance began to slowly approach the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin didn't panic at all. Xiaohong on his shoulder calmly looked at the swarms of monster beasts in the distance.

"Donor, here we come."

Wu Xin looked into the distance with a solemn expression. In the distance, figures were rapidly approaching the city wall like ghosts.

These figures are all demon cultivators, but each of them is no longer a complete human being.

Some have three legs, some have five legs, and each leg is extremely huge, just like the legs of a rhinoceros.

These figures crowded towards the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xin's hands were trembling slightly.

If you say you're not afraid, that's a lie.

Tens of thousands of golden elixirs and tens of thousands of Nascent Souls, this power can destroy almost everything.

And he and Ye Lin were just two Nascent Soul Stage spirits. No matter how powerful their fighting power was, it was simply unrealistic to kill such a large number of evil cultivators.

"Hahaha, donor, today I will go crazy with you without any intention."

Wuxin laughed loudly, then raised his feet and walked forward. The Buddha's light surged around him, and with every step he took, the shadow of the Buddha behind him became more solid.

"Huh? Why are there only two of us?"

When the demon cultivators who came in a hurry saw only Ye Lin and Wu Xin on the huge city wall, they couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Damn it, our plan has been noticed. Kill these two people quickly and then retreat quickly."

One of the demon cultivators looked ugly and cursed secretly.

Their whereabouts are extremely mysterious, but even so, they were still discovered by the powerful human race.

It is obviously unrealistic to sneak into the second line of defense under the nose of a powerful person in the realm of gods.

On the battlefield between the demon clan and the human race, the combat power of the God Transformation Realm is not allowed to appear, so even if they appear on the second line of defense, the real humans of the Human Race God Transformation Realm will not take action.

This is why they dare to gather such a huge force to attack the Nascent Soul, the second line of defense.

Otherwise, if a real person in the realm of transformation takes action, no matter how many there are, even millions of Nascent Soul stage monks can be wiped out with one hand.

The gap in combat power between the Nascent Soul stage and the Divine Transformation stage is so huge.

After saying that, many demon cultivators below quickly rushed toward Wu Xin and Ye Lin.

The group of monsters behind them was very close to the city wall, and they looked like they were about to step onto the city wall.

"Xiaohong, stop the monster group."

"Okay boss, I can finally kill you happily."

When Xiao Hong heard this, his eyes flashed with excitement. He had never fought seriously once since he was born.

He has been waiting for Ye Lin's words for a long time.

"Boss, I'm going."

Xiaohong's body was covered in gas flames, and then she spread her wings and soared into the sky. A huge phoenix shadow appeared in the sky.

This phoenix shadow occupies half of the sky and is extremely powerful.

"Monk, quickly resolve the Golden Elixir stage and leave the Nascent Soul Stage until the end."


Before Wu Xin could agree, Ye Lin took the lead and rushed out instantly with Zhu Xie in his arms.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan and kill."

Ye Lin roared angrily, and suddenly, long swords completely condensed with spiritual energy appeared in the air. These long swords began to ruthlessly harvest the lives of these Jindan stage demon cultivators.

Even some demon cultivators in the early stage of Nascent Soul were killed by one sword.

This is Ye Lin's current combat power. Within the same level, ordinary monks are like ants, and only the genius can make him take a look seriously.


Seeing the demon cultivators of the Golden Core Stage fall down one by one, the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators became anxious, and they began to quickly surround Ye Lin.

However, Ye Lin was so fast that they couldn't even touch the corners of Ye Lin's clothes.

"Damn it, you who are good at speed, hurry up, if this continues, our golden elixir-level comrades will be killed by him."

In the distance, a Nascent Soul stage demon cultivator shouted loudly.

At the same time, he also wondered that launching such a large-scale attack would consume extremely spiritual energy, and Ye Lin didn't plan to run away?

With the combat power Ye Lin has shown now, he can escape completely.

If the spiritual energy is exhausted, it will be fish on the knife board, ready to be slaughtered.

Ye Lin's behavior made him confused. Could it be that this person really wanted to kill them all with just two people?

On the other side, Wuxin was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, chanting scriptures in his mouth, and there was a golden light protecting his body. No attack could get close to his body.

In front of him, the seven-colored treasure lotus shone with golden light, and the golden Buddha behind him swung out palm prints one after another. Every time he made a move, he could take away hundreds of Jindan stage demon cultivators.

Yuanying stage is directly crushing Jindan stage, without any suspense.

And those Yuanying stage demon cultivators can only try their best to break Wuxin's golden light body protection.

From a distance, Wuxin was surrounded by dense demon cultivators at this time, and Wuxin's figure could not be seen at all.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect, unite."

Ye Lin roared, and the surrounding long swords quickly gathered above his head. A huge sword began to condense around Zhuxie.

And the Yuanying stage demon cultivators below began to rush towards Ye Lin desperately.

"Kill, this person is a peerless genius. If you kill this person, offer this person's head to the demon master, and you can expect to enter the spirit transformation realm."

"Kill, my time is up. If you kill this person, the demon master will definitely give me a hundred years of life."

One by one, the Yuanying stage demon cultivators roared and began to rush towards Ye Lin.


Ye Lin's spiritual power surged, and a hundred-meter-long giant sword above his head had already condensed.

Ye Lin put his two fingers together to form a sword and gently waved forward.

Instantly, the giant sword behind him mercilessly slashed at the demon cultivator.


There was a violent explosion, followed by various screams.

With one sword, thousands of Jindan-stage demon cultivators were killed, and among them, dozens of Yuanying-stage demon cultivators also fell.

After doing everything, Ye Lin took back Zhuxie and rushed towards Wuxin.

"Donors, do you really think I'm easy to bully? Break it for me."

Seeing the demon cultivators who completely surrounded him, Wuxin's eyes flashed a fierce look, and the golden Buddha behind him suddenly merged his hands.

Instantly, a scorching golden light appeared, and the demon cultivators surrounding Wuxin were suddenly blown away.

In an instant, the demon cultivators around Wuxin were directly cleared.

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