You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2385 The road is right in front of us

"My dear, do you need a fortune telling? You can't do it without money."

The old man smiled at Ye Lin. The big yellow teeth in his mouth emitted an inexplicable smell. Even if Ye Lin was far away, he could not help but smell an indescribable smell.

"Then senior, can you tell me how to get out of here?"

Ye Lin was silent for a moment and finally asked.

"Okay, then I'll take care of this kid like you."

He originally thought that the old man would refuse, but he did not expect that the old man agreed very readily, which made Ye Lin's eyes flash with a hint of surprise.

I saw the old man picking up the broken bowl in front of him, groping for a long time from his arms, and finally took out three black copper coins. He placed the copper coins in the bowl, placed his hands against the mouth of the bowl and began to shake violently.

The copper coins kept hitting the wall of the bowl, making clanging sounds. Finally, the old man tipped the broken bowl upside down on the ground. As he lifted the broken bowl, three black copper coins suddenly fell on the ground.

"Tsk, fire, wind, earth, water, Qian is Li, Kun is fire."

The old man looked at the three copper coins and thought about it, while Ye Lin didn't hold out any hope. If the jade butterfly hadn't disappeared from the old man, he would have left long ago.

Fortune telling? A trick that only mortals would believe.

Fortune telling involves great cause and effect, and basically no practitioner is willing to touch it. Fortune telling basically involves heaven, and each calculation consumes one's own blessings and destiny.

What practitioners care most about is their own fortune and destiny. Once these two aspects are damaged, the path of spiritual practice will become increasingly difficult in the future.

"My child, the way out is right in front of you."

Finally, the old man looked at Ye Lin with a pair of cloudy eyes and said slowly, but Ye Lin didn't know why.

"Senior, this is my reward. Please point me to the direction of Tianyong City."

Ye Lin took a deep look at the old man, and then took out three hundred lower-grade immortal stones and placed them in front of the old man.

"Hahaha, be sensible, kid, I don't need to say more about the road. I said, the road is right in front of you."

The old man laughed and put away the fairy stone, then pointed in front of Ye Lin. In an instant, the scene in front of Ye Lin changed drastically.

When it became clear again, he had arrived on a grassland.

Ahead is a huge city. The huge city is extremely powerful. At the bottom is a huge city gate more than thirty meters high. There are dozens of soldiers wearing silver armor standing on both sides of the city gate.

The jade butterfly flapped its wings and floated in front of Ye Lin's eyes. When Ye Lin looked again, he could still see the figure of the old man.

At this time, Ye Lin was very worried. The old man's methods were too mysterious and unpredictable, and he couldn't catch any traces at all.

After all, he was also a true immortal and powerful, so he could not detect the method at all, which made his scalp numb.

After thinking for a moment, he put the matter behind him. The top priority now was to get the so-called stone of salvation.

Ye Lin put on his mask and took the jade butterfly into his arms. Later, he would rely on the jade butterfly to take him to Shen Yunxue and the others.

After making all preparations, Ye Lin headed to the city gate.

"Stop, where are you coming from? What are you doing in Tianyong City?"

After Ye Lin arrived at the city gate, he was blocked by a soldier in golden armor.

“I came from the wilderness just to get some necessities of life.”

Ye Lin came to the golden armored general and went to the man's arms and stuffed a few low-grade immortal stones into his arms.

When he saw that it was an immortal stone, the golden-armored soldier's complexion looked much better.

For their current situation, immortal stones are rare resources.

Just a few low-grade immortal stones were enough to last them for a long time.

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