The three people couldn't stop the rain, they were suppressed for too long, and their immortal bodies had lost their divinity.

The jade butterfly left a faint blue trace as it flew, and Ye Lin chased Ye Lin all the way.

The rain butterfly was very fast, and Ye Lin also increased his speed accordingly and followed the rain butterfly closely. As he walked, Ye Lin came to an unfamiliar road.

In front of him was a white road, so pure white that he could even see his own reflection, and on both sides of the road were white trees.

The trees formed a white forest, and at this moment, the whole world was white.

A crescent moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight shone on the ground. After being refracted by this snow-white road, the forest on both sides of the road looked extremely weird.

And in front, the end of the road was dark, which added a bit of horror.

However, this scene had no effect on Ye Lin at all. He crawled out of a pile of dead bodies, how could he be afraid of these things?

In the quiet environment, there was only a blue rain butterfly flying on the road, leaving a series of blue powder, which was very beautiful.

Ye Lin followed behind the jade butterfly and kept running.

The trees on both sides retreated madly, and the ground under Ye Lin's feet continued to extend, as if there was no end.

"Fortune telling, fortune telling, one hanging of three hundred low-grade immortal stones, you are not allowed to refuse the money, you are not allowed to refuse the money."

At this time, an old voice came into Ye Lin's ears. Ye Lin turned around and saw an old man in tattered clothes lying under a tree and shouting.

There was also a tattered white flag next to him, and a broken bowl with half of it missing in front of him, looking extremely embarrassed.

In his figure, there was also a little baby in red clothes, with a face as delicate as porcelain, sitting quietly on the ground.

The little doll was wearing a red dress, and her cheeks were very white, as if she had put on a thick layer of foundation. She also had a small braid on her head, which hung down behind her and swayed in the wind.

Her big eyes were even more closed, and her hands were crossed in front of her chest, motionless.

What was even more surprising was that the nails on the little doll's small hands were particularly long. Those nails were different from those of ordinary people. They were pure black nails, and there was a layer of light black mist on the surface.

"Little doll, do you want to have your fortune told? You must pay."

At this moment, the old man seemed to see Ye Lin and said to Ye Lin. When the old man turned his head, Ye Lin realized that the old man had no white in his eyes, pure black eyes, and a decayed complexion.


Ye Lin's face was cold and stern. He waved his hand mercilessly and looked forward. It didn't matter if he looked at it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

"Where's Yudie?"

Ye Lin looked surprised. He just turned his head and Yudie, who led the way for him, disappeared?

Is he too slow or is it the old man's work?

"Little kid, the old man knows that you and I are destined to be together. Are you willing to tell me your fortune now?"

After hearing the old man's voice again, Ye Lin was helpless. He knew it was the old man's work. He could make Yudie disappear in front of him without anyone noticing. This old man must have something.

At this point, Ye Lin could only walk in front of the old man.

"I have something urgent to do. Please don't embarrass me, senior."

Ye Lin bowed to the old man in front of him with his fists clasped.

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