You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2379 Happy May Day

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm going to rush first."

At this time, Niu Hanshan came belatedly with two big knives. He happened to hear the conversation between the two, so he volunteered.

Jade Rose looked at Niu Hanshan, and after seeing that there was no one behind him, her expression did not change, as if she had already guessed this outcome.

"I don't think these two are bad people."

Yu Ruyi curled her lips and said, but did not complain.

Fear of death is human nature and nothing unusual.

"Liu Li Divine Body, open."

Niu Hanshan let out a low roar, and the aura around his body began to rise rapidly, reaching the peak of a heavenly being in a short period of time.

Since being suppressed for tens of millions of years, their realm has fallen to the level of immortals. No matter how hard he recovers, he will never have the strength of a true immortal.


Niu Hanshan, who was carrying two big swords, rushed out without thinking, while Yu Ruyi and Yu Meigui looked helpless and followed Niu Hanshan immediately.

"Get out of my way."

Niu Hanshan swung his sword and saw that the two jade scorpions rushing towards him were cut in half.

The three people made a lot of noise, and countless jade scorpions from all around gathered in this direction. Yu Ruyi felt numb all over after seeing this scene.

The Jade Scorpion's defense is extremely strong. Every move they make requires all their strength to break through its defense, and the consumption is huge.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, just move forward."

The cold voice of Jade Rose came, and roses fell into the space in front of Niu Hanshan. All the Jade Scorpions who were contaminated by these roses lay on the ground motionless.

Although roses are beautiful, they contain extremely terrifying murderous intent.

If you touch it, you will die.

"Frozen Love Dance, open."

Yu Ruyi said softly, bursts of white light emitted from his hands, and the white light dispersed around him with him as the center. Anyone contaminated by the white light would be turned into fragments.

The three of them were so powerful that they rushed straight to the opposite side, but gradually, the three of them showed a sense of decadence.

"Hoo, hoo."

Niu Hanshan gasped for air. There was not much immortal power left in his body, and it was as if he was carrying two mountains on his back and it was difficult to move.


Looking at the densely packed jade scorpions in front of him, Niu Shanshan raised his sword and struck with a strike. The sword light appeared in the world and struck hard on the jade scorpion's body.

But this sword light only left a white mark on the jade scorpion.

"Damn it, if it were in my heyday, how dare you do this?"

Niu Hanshan's catalog was about to burst. In his heyday, let alone a little fairy, not even a real fairy could withstand his blow.

He won't get tired either.

Although his cultivation level has briefly returned to the peak of the Heavenly Immortal, correspondingly, the suppressive power on his body is increasing every minute and every second. If this continues, he will be suppressed to death without Yu Xie taking action.

Exploding with all his strength is tantamount to losing the protection of the Doomsday Stone, exposing himself to the world, and only receiving ruthless suppression.

"Damn it, I can't get over it."

Jade Rose stood beside Niu Hanshan and said weakly, covered in sweat, and dense beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Frost blooms."

Seeing that both of them were dead, Yu Ruyi gritted her teeth and stood beside them. A lotus, a white lotus, appeared on her chest. The lotus rotated slowly, releasing bursts of cold air with her as the center.

The cold air suppresses a radius of ten meters. Within ten meters, any jade scorpion that steps in will be instantly frozen into an ice sculpture and then turned into a field of ice.

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