You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2378 Niu Hanshan, relieved

"And they are highly poisonous and have no value at all. They like to live in groups and generally won't leave easily in one place."

"Now they are on the road we must pass. If they don't leave us, we will never be able to get through. And this is the only road we must pass to Tianyong City. We have less than three days to save the stone in our hands. We need to take a detour. The price is that you can’t get to Tianyong City at all.”

As if she saw Ye Lin and Shen Yunxue's doubts, Yu Ruyi explained to them thoughtfully.

Ye Lin already understood at this time that if they didn't go through, the three of them would die. If they took a detour, they would still die.

The only way to go now is to kill him.

"With our strength, it is still too dangerous to break into the jade scorpion group. If we take a detour, we will not rest for three days..."

Niu Hanshan fell silent as he spoke. If we took a detour, we wouldn't be able to get there.

"Then fight your way out."

Jade Rose in the distance said with a solemn expression.

She exuded terrifying murderous intent, and then turned around and walked towards the group of jade scorpions.

"Sister Rose, you are still like this."

Yu Ruyi complained with a face full of complaints. Although she complained on her lips, her body followed Jade Rose honestly.

"Jade scorpions are very dangerous. There is a high chance that there are jade scorpions in the true immortal realm in a group of jade scorpions. Therefore, if you are afraid, you can leave. There is no use in keeping this thing in my hand. Why don't you give it to me?" You.”

After speaking, Niu Hanshan took out a scroll from his arms.

"I didn't change it even if I changed everything in my body. Now, I give it to you."

"The direction of Tianyong City is fifty stars directly in front of here. If you keep walking, you will definitely be able to reach it."

"That's it for now, let's do it for ourselves."

After Niu Hanshan finished speaking, he took his two big knives and rushed forward.

They fight because they have no way to go, but Ye Lin and the others are different. They still have a million years.

It's a long time, don't worry.

Besides, converting three pure things into one breath is really useless to him.

The confrontation with Ye Lin just now was just a subconscious reaction, and when he came back to his senses, it was just like that.

It was like a group of people came across a lot of money in the desert. They started to rob it, but in the end, after they thought about it clearly, that was all.

If you can't get out, you can only wait for death. It's useless no matter how much money you ask for.

The logic is the same. It's useless to hold this so-called scrap if you can't get out.

Ye Lin looked at the Yiqi Sanqing in his hand and thought a lot.

Shen Yunxue on the side also showed hesitation. She couldn't do it if she was asked to fight with three people she only knew for a moment.

Everyone has selfish motives, even the stupidest people have selfish motives.

"Sister Rose, what should I do?"

On the other side, Jade Rose and Yu Ruyi lay behind a stone and looked forward.

Ahead was a large plain, and on the plain stood huge scorpions that were as big as mountain peaks.

They were all white, with the scorpion tails behind them constantly swaying. A pair of huge pincers shone with cold light under the moonlight, and they were covered with a layer of armor, which was extremely hard.

Looking around, the entire plain is occupied by these jade scorpions, totaling tens of thousands of them.

"We have to fight a bloody way out, otherwise, we will never have a second way to go."

"Let Niu Hanshan be the vanguard later. His fifth-turn Glazed Saint Chen body is the most suitable to be the vanguard. You and I just need to eliminate the dangers on both sides."

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