You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2345: The Earth Spirits Surrender

They looked at Qin Feiyu at the front with curiosity, although they didn't know how the three elders of the Ice Bird Clan died, or what deal their clan elders had made with the human boy.

But the only thing that is certain is that the human boy saved them, saved the entire Earth Spirit Tribe, and was the benefactor of their entire Earth Spirit Tribe.

For the Earthling Tribe, kindness must be repaid.

"How is this possible? This is impossible, this is impossible."

At this time, the strong men of the Ice Bird Clan in the spectator seats looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Why? Why do the three tribes die of old age so easily?

They didn't see the details clearly. They only saw the three clansmen standing motionless, and then their heads disappeared.

That human kid obviously only has the cultivation level of an Earth Immortal. How is that possible? How is that possible?

"Brother, what should we do now?"

A young man looked at the elder brother in front of him.

The eldest brother is the most evil genius of the Bingque tribe. At the age of five thousand years, he is only one step away from becoming a heavenly being.

Now that the two immortal elders who led them here are dead, the remaining disciples of the Ice Bird Tribe who are watching the battle are looking at this person.

Without the protection of the gods, they might not even be able to leave Fanxing Tower.

"What else can we do? Contact the tribe and tell them everything that happened here. All we can do now is wait and see what happens, stay here and don't move around."

The young man standing at the front said calmly, his eyes flashing with deep fear.

The Ice Bird clan members behind them also sat motionless. Different from their previous arrogance, they now wanted to be as honest as possible.

"Did I read that correctly? That human boy was only in the early stage of the Earth Immortal, right? He used his early Earth Immortal cultivation to attack the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal and killed him effortlessly. Am I crazy or is the world crazy?"

"If you're crazy, then I'm crazy too. What happened?"

At this time, the strong men of the major clans in the spectator seats also reacted, and they all looked shocked.

"Senior, it's done."

Qin Feiyu came to Ye Lin and respectfully handed the bloodthirsty sword to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin just took it and put it in the space ring and responded lightly.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Don't dare. It's my great fortune to work for my seniors."

Qin Feiyu said quickly, and then Qin Feiyu quickly moved away.

"Old Li Mu from the Earth Spirit Clan, pay homage to our senior."

When Li Mu saw Ye Lin, he immediately revealed his identity and bowed respectfully.

In his eyes, Ye Lin is truly a true immortal.

What a fairy.

That is a realm beyond the reach of countless immortals in a remote place.

"I believe that boy has told you what I mean, right?"

"Senior, I am willing. I am willing to take the entire Earth Spirit Tribe to become a vassal of the Human Tribe."

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, Li Mu quickly said that he must have agreed to such a good thing. Now that the human race has a true immortal in charge, it will be a matter of time to take off.

You are right to hug your thighs now.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't talk nonsense. Let's go back with my sword, and then lead the entire tribe to move to the human territory. This sword is stained with a trace of my breath, and it can kill anyone who is a true immortal."

Ye Lin thought for a while and handed the bloodthirsty demon sword to Li Mu.

Now the crisis of the Earth Spirit Clan is only temporarily solved. Relocating the territory is a huge project.

This Ice Bird Clan seems to be uneasy and well-intentioned, and the Bloodthirsty Demonic Sword is enough to exert one-tenth of its power even if it is away from them.

Killing the immortal is easy.

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