You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2344 Sword Slashing Celestial Beings

"Protect him, I wonder how long you can protect him."

The three elders attacked again. The ring match had not been officially announced yet, so he could not attack Li Mu openly, but could only attack the human boy who had trespassed into the ring.

"Looking for death."

Qin Feiyu stared at the huge pressure and took out the bloodthirsty magic sword, then grabbed the hilt and pulled out the bloodthirsty magic sword with all his strength.

In an instant, the bloody aura filled the entire ring.

In an instant, the three elders seemed to see a sea of ​​blood and corpses. The sky and the earth turned scarlet. There was a sea of ​​blood flowing under their feet, and scarlet mist was floating in the sky.

And he was like a small boat in the vast ocean, and could be killed by the waves at any time.


Qin Feiyu gritted his teeth and chopped down with a sword.

There was a sound of sword ringing through the world, and the powerful men in the audience closed their eyes.

The sword aura was everywhere, and the heads of the three elders of the Ice Bird Clan were directly cut into powder by the sword aura.

Even the several immortals watching the battle felt their skin hurt, and they all used their own divine light to resist.

The sword energy dissipated, and all the strange phenomena disappeared. Qin Feiyu inserted the bloodthirsty magic sword into the scabbard with a weak face, and he sat on the ring as if he had been sucked dry.

The sword just now drained all his immortal power and almost took half of his life.

However, looking at the headless corpse slowly falling in front of him, he was shocked.

"I... I killed a immortal?"

Qin Feiyu, who came back to his senses, looked at his hands and murmured, immortal, that is an immortal, a strong man who is strong enough to become the pillar.

He was killed so easily by his sword.

"No, it's senior, it's senior."

At this time, Qin Feiyu hurriedly held the bloodthirsty magic sword in his arms.

The shock in his heart was beyond words. Just the senior's sword was enough to kill a late immortal strongman. This is... too strong, right?

He knew how powerful the immortals were. Just a wisp of their breath made him unable to resist.

And now, he was holding the sword of his senior and was enough to kill a immortal.

What was more shocking than him was Li Mu behind him.

Qin Feiyu didn't understand, didn't he? At the moment when Qin Feiyu drew his sword, he felt a trace of the breath of a true immortal.

Yes, it was a true immortal. It was not that there were no human true immortals who came in the past. He was not unfamiliar with the breath of true immortals.

True immortals, as far as he knew, there was not a true immortal-level existence in the entire remote area.

The human race, there are true immortals?

No wonder this kid dared to go directly to the ring so confidently.

He barely glanced at the bloodthirsty magic sword in Qin Feiyu's arms.

"Senior, your trouble is solved. Can you come with me to see the elders at home now?"

Qin Feiyu, who had recovered a little strength, looked at Li Mu weakly.

"Okay, let's go now, let's go now."

Li Mu nodded quickly. That was a true immortal.

To put it simply, considering the current situation of his Earth Spirit Clan being doomed, as long as this mysterious True Immortal says a word, not to mention the Ice Bird Clan, all the major races in the remote areas dare not have any bad thoughts about his Earth Spirit Clan.

This is the value of a True Immortal, this is the prestige of a True Immortal.

There is no need to show up, just one word is enough to make all the major races afraid.

Qin Feiyu smiled slightly after hearing Li Mu's answer, and then walked down the ring first and walked towards the spectator seats with Li Mu behind him.

The dozens of big men who were dying and had not yet left the ring followed their family elders obediently.

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