You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2341 Li Mu accepts the challenge

"No, you are only at the peak of the Earthly Immortal. There is an unbridgeable gap between Earthly Immortals and Heavenly Immortals. Since he wants to die, I will help him."

"The competition is going on now. The Ice Bird Clan dares not move. Listen to me now. All of you leave here and return to the clan to escape with your clan members. Escape as far as you can."

Li Mu pulled the man in front of him and said solemnly. Before he died, he was still thinking about gaining a glimmer of life for his race.

"No... Elder, without you, how can we survive in this huge galaxy?"

The man still insisted, and the other members of the Earth Spirit Clan around him nodded one after another. The race without the Heavenly Immortal sitting in the seat is the lowest in this starry sky. Their destiny is to be slaves to the strong clan.

There is no other way.

"I am now an elder. I am not dead yet. This is my last order and my last request."

Li Mu grabbed the arm of the clan member in front of him and said seriously, and then handed his space ring to the clan member in front of him.

After doing all this, he slowly stood up and waved his hand, dismissing all the tribesmen on the stage.

They left the stage involuntarily, and looked at Li Mu on the stage with tears in their eyes.

"Elder, no..."

The man before was crying like a child at this time, and he looked at the elder on the stage in despair.

"Humph, it's just a race that will be destroyed sooner or later."

The three elders of the Ice Bird tribe in the air snorted coldly, and then walked to the stage step by step, looking at Li Mu with a proud face.

"Today, I will avenge my junior brother, but I will also fulfill my promise to protect your Earth Spirit Clan for thousands of years."

The three elders spoke in an extremely arrogant tone.

Looking at the old man in front of him with such a look and such a tone, Li Mu smiled, he knew that the Earth Spirit Clan still had hope.

Such a proud person would never do such a thing to break his promise.

In the spectator seats, watching this scene of life and death, everyone around Ye Lin was silent, they seemed to see the shadow of their human race in this Earth Spirit Clan.

Once upon a time, the human race was also bullied and enslaved.

Liu Yun, who was sitting next to Ye Lin, was no longer as lively and cheerful as before. She was silent at this moment, and tears were flowing in her eyes.

"Qin Feiyu."

Ye Lin raised his hand and said lightly. Qin Feiyu, who had been silent behind Ye Lin, came to Ye Lin in three or two steps and lowered his body.


"This Earth Spirit Clan is also a good helper, and it will also be of some help to the future of the human race."

Ye Lin said lightly, and the people around him widened their eyes when they heard the words. They seemed to have guessed Ye Lin's thoughts.

Zhuge Yunyu was thoughtful.

"You take my sword and kill the old man. I don't need to say more about what happens next."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he took out his bloodthirsty magic sword from the space ring and handed it to Ye Lin.

Qin Feiyu looked excited, and took the long sword handed over by Ye Lin with trembling hands.

On the bloodthirsty magic sword, he sensed an extremely strong blood evil spirit.

However, the bloody aura that the Bloodthirsty Demon Sword involuntarily emanated almost made him lose his spiritual platform.

"Senior, I'll go now."

Qin Feiyu, holding the Bloodthirsty Demon Sword, saluted Ye Lin solemnly, then ran towards the arena holding the long sword.

"Senior, are you going to subdue the Earth Spirit Clan?"

Zhuge Yunyu looked at Qin Feiyu's back and said thoughtfully.

"Well, the Earth Spirit Clan seems to be a good helper. If they are combined with the human race, it will greatly enhance the strength of the human race."

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