You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2340 The Shameless Ice Bird Clan

Those who can cultivate to the realm of heavenly immortals are not fools. They have experienced countless battles and have a very high combat awareness.

It is more difficult to make them relax their vigilance and kill with one blow than to ascend to heaven. However, Li Mu did such a difficult thing. He was ruthless and decisive, which also attracted several heavenly immortals in the battle field to marvel.


At this time, Li Mu on the ring suddenly coughed up blood, and his breath was extremely weak. He was kneeling on the ring and couldn't stand up.

In order to deceive Tianxuan, he was not pretending, but really triggered his old injury. Now the old injury recurred, and the new injury was consumed too much, which was enough to take half of his life.


Seeing the elder of their family in such a state, the members of the Earth Spirit Clan sitting in the spectator seat could no longer hold back. They left the spectator seat and went to the ring, sending countless natural treasures into Li Mu's mouth.

In any case, Li Mu must not get into trouble.

If Li Mu gets into trouble, then the sky of his Earth Spirit Clan will fall.

"In this battle, Li Mu of the Earth Spirit Clan won."

At this time, a magnificent voice sounded, announcing the final result.

There were bursts of wailing in the surrounding spectator seats. They did not expect that Tian Xuan was such a waste. Li Mu could not defeat him even with his seriously injured body.

Now, a large sum of money is gone.

"Wow, you are really amazing. You won again, won."

Liu Yun looked at Ye Lin with admiration. He won again, and it was another big upset.

After betting 50,000 low-grade immortal stones, it has now become more than 3 million. The profit is dozens of times, which is simply shocking.

"As it should be."

Ye Lin just smiled faintly.

"Li Mu, I am the third elder of the Ice Bird Clan, and now I challenge you to a ring match."

The spectator seats were very lively, but the next moment, a voice broke the calm.

Everyone looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw an old man standing in the air. His face was gloomy and he could not see his joy or anger.

"It's over, it's over. The Earth Spirit Clan is completely finished now. The Ice Bird Clan wants to get rid of the Earth Leader in one fell swoop."

"I agree. The three elders of the Ice Bird Clan have a very good relationship with Tian Xuan. Now that Tian Xuan is dead, these three elders have stood up. This one has the cultivation of a late Heavenly Immortal."

Everyone was talking about it. You know, even a strong man like Li Mu is only a mid-Heavenly Immortal.

The reason why Li Mu has been dealing with the eight Heavenly Immortals of the Ice Bird Clan for tens of millions of years is because Li Mu has a secret method that can drag the enemy to death together. This is the fundamental reason.

After all, they have become powerful Heavenly Immortals, and no one wants to die.

"Li Mu, do you dare to fight? If you fight, I will guarantee that your Earth Spirit Clan will be passed down for tens of millions of years. If you don't fight, the Earth Spirit Clan will disappear in this starry sky in three days."

Seeing Li Mu keep silent, the three elders in the air continued to force him with words.

This is already a naked threat. The major races watching the battle around also despised the Ice Bird Clan for such a shameless behavior in their hearts.

But no one dared to show it. After all, the Ice Bird Clan was one of the strongest. Even if a celestial being died, they could not afford to offend them.

"Elder, let me go. You can't fight now."

On the ring, the strong man in front of Li Mu said in a deep voice, with a look of fearlessness on his face. At this moment, he was ready to die.

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