After sitting down, Liu Yun sat beside Ye Lin and began to explain to him. The geniuses behind him stretched their necks and listened with great interest.

"Do you see that? That's the Earth Spirit Clan."

"And there, that's the Ice Sparrow Clan."

Ye Lin looked in the direction Liu Yun pointed.

I saw a group of big men sitting in their seats in a reserved manner. They were burly, their bodies were made of stone, their eyes were full of worry, and they looked uneasy.

This is the Earth Spirit Clan.

On the other side were men and women in gorgeous clothes. They sat in their seats, their faces were full of arrogance, and they wore beautiful crowns on their heads.

This is the Ice Sparrow Clan.

"The Ice Sparrow Clan is a first-class clan in this remote area. There are eight celestial beings guarding the clan, and no one dares to provoke them."

"The Earth Spirit Clan is different. Their territory is very small and their strength is very weak. They live on a big star. There are few people in the clan, and there is only one celestial being in the clan to support them."

"For some unknown reason, the Earth Spirit Clan has always been at odds with the Ice Sparrow Clan, and several wars have broken out between the two."

"And this time the ring match was started by the celestial beings of the Ice Sparrow Clan and the Earth Spirit Clan."

"The fundamental reason is that the descendants of the celestial beings of the Earth Spirit Clan were assassinated by the celestial beings of the Ice Sparrow Clan. In a rage, the celestial beings of the Earth Spirit Clan brazenly broke into the territory of the Ice Sparrow Clan and launched an attack. sin."

"However, due to the difference in numbers, the Earth Spirit Clan's great power was seriously injured and returned. Since it was extremely difficult for the Earth Spirit Clan to give birth to offspring, the Earth Spirit Clan's great power was angry. "

"In the end, in order not to implicate the race behind him, he resolutely challenged the Ice Bird Clan's great power to a ring match. "

"The Ice Bird Clan agreed to this ring match for the sake of face."

"It can be said that for the Ice Bird Clan, if they lose, they lose. Although the loss of a powerful celestial being will cause great damage to their vitality, they will be able to recover after recuperation."

"But for the Earth Spirit Clan, once they lose, they will be eliminated from this place."

Speaking of this, Liu Yun's tone was inevitably filled with a trace of sadness. This is the cruel place of the starry sky.

A race without a celestial being sitting in the seat is not qualified to survive even in this remote place.

Either the whole clan becomes a slave, or the whole clan is destroyed.

Hearing Liu Yun's explanation, the eyes of the people behind Ye Lin were full of sympathy. Once upon a time, their human race was also like this.

If it weren't for the good luck of the other races to wait for a great man, otherwise, the human race might have suffered a worse fate than the Earth Spirit Clan.

"Since almost everyone has arrived, now, both sides will take the stage."

At this moment, a magnificent voice resounded throughout the venue, and two figures quietly appeared on both sides of the ring.

One side was a middle-aged man in a white robe, with the symbol of the mythical beast Suzaku engraved on the robe, which was extremely gorgeous and majestic.

"This is the strong man of the Ice Bird Clan, named Tianxuan."

The other side was an old man with a cane, looking old and aging.

"This is the only celestial strongman of the Earth Spirit Clan, named Li Mu."

Liu Yun explained to Ye Lin intimately.

When both sides stepped onto the ring, endless anger suddenly broke out in Li Mu's eyes.

"Old thing, you are seriously injured now, and you still dare to challenge me to a ring battle?"

"Do you know that if you die, the Earth Spirit Clan behind you may be expelled from here."

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