You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2334 The show begins

"Ah, my three hundred low-grade immortal stones, three hundred."

"What's that to you? I bet three thousand, that's all my savings, it's all gone now, all gone."

Unlike this side, the other side burst into a pig-killing cry, Ye Lin mourned for them silently, this time, many cultivators will go bankrupt because of this.

Like them, there are many people below who are dissatisfied and have begun to shout slogans of insider information.

But the organizers don't care about them, their arena is extremely fair, the cultivation is limited to a major realm, and you can't bring anything to the arena.

From then on, who wins depends entirely on strength, there is no insider information at all.

"Who are you betting this time? I promise to bet with you."

At this time, Liu Yun looked at Ye Lin with burning eyes, her eyes were eager to move, obviously, just this time she has been convinced by Ye Lin, and she is bound to make a fortune with Ye Lin.

"These are enough."

Ye Lin just smiled slightly, these are indeed enough for him to use for a while.

It is not good to act at will and be bound by money.

"I heard that there will be a big show next. I wonder what it is?"

Ye Lin stretched out his hand, and Zhuge Yunyu beside him immediately understood. She stood up and came to the table in the distance to get a wine pot for Ye Lin, and there were three cups in her hand.

After pouring a glass of wine for Ye Lin, Ye Lin picked up the wine glass and looked at Liu Yun.

"Indeed, it is a war between two immortals. It will start soon, but the destination is not here, but at the top of the battlefield."

"If you want to see it, I will take you there."

Liu Yun said excitedly, obviously she was also very interested.

"Then take me to see it."

Ye Lin put down the wine glass and stood up. A group of disciples who had been paying attention to Ye Lin saw Ye Lin stand up, and they all stood up and looked at Ye Lin.

"I am going to watch a battle between immortal cultivators next. Watching the war between high-level cultivators will also be of great benefit to you."

"Those who want to leave can follow me, and those who want to play here can continue to play."

Ye Lin looked at the dozen or so Tianjiao in front of him and said lightly.

These people came behind Ye Lin one after another. They didn't want to fall behind, although this place was also quite interesting.

"Okay, in that case, I will activate the teleportation array."

After Liu Yun finished speaking, a jade card appeared in his hand. With the input of immortal power, the jade card burst into a thousand-foot brilliance. In an instant, everyone disappeared in the private room.

Everyone only felt the scene in front of them turn, and then they came to a huge space.

There were densely packed seats all around, and the entire space was in a stepped style. The lowest was a huge arena. These seats, from high to low, surrounded the arena in the center.

And on the seats sat densely packed creatures, with all kinds of looks, which dazzled the people.

"It seems that we are lucky."

Liu Yun took Ye Lin and his party to a middle position to sit down. Looking down from here, the viewing view is also excellent.

"This is the most serious place in the battlefield. This is a platform, a platform for settling grudges between the dead."

"If there are grudges, they can be settled here. Once on stage, life and death are irrelevant."

"And this so-called drama is that the powerful people of the two tribes regard each other as mortal enemies. Therefore, they choose to settle their grudges here. It has nothing to do with the tribes behind them."

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