You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2325: Turning decay into magic

These mysterious powers began to slowly condense in Ye Lin's hands. As time passed, these powers gradually gathered into the appearance of Qin Feiyu.

Watching this scene, the disciples in front of him, including Zhuge Yunyu behind him, all widened their eyes. Rebuilding vitality and recreating souls, what kind of great power is this?

Is this a true immortal? So terrifying.


Ye Lin waved his hand, and Qin Feiyu in his hand entered the body in front of him. For a moment, Qin Feiyu in front of him burst out with infinite vitality.

The whole body burst out with an extremely bright light.

Qin Feiyu had a very long dream, a very long dream. He dreamed that he went to the depths of the starry sky and saw a river, a river with no end in sight.

It seemed that there was some kind of power pulling him towards the river. As soon as he touched the river water, a huge force suddenly came from behind him, and then sucked him into an unknown place.

"Wake up, wake up, is this the power of a true immortal? Too scary."

"The senior is really awesome."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable."

A series of noisy voices entered Qin Feiyu's ears. Qin Feiyu opened his eyes with great effort, and familiar faces appeared in front of him.

"You... am I not dead?"

Qin Feiyu asked in confusion, isn't he dead? Burning blood, burning soul, only he knows how serious it is. At that level, even if the three great masters come together, they can't save him.

But why? He saw these familiar people again?

"What nonsense are you talking about? The senior used great magic power to save you, why don't you thank the senior."

Zhuge Yunyu walked up and hammered Qin Feiyu's head with regret, and this slam directly pulled Qin Feiyu's thoughts back.

He suddenly widened his eyes, yes, there is a true immortal senior behind him.

Senior saved him?

Suddenly, he stood up immediately. After seeing Ye Lin, he walked a few steps to Ye Lin, knelt on his knees, and kowtowed to Ye Lin.

"Junior Qin Feiyu, thank you for saving my life."

Qin Feiyu's confident voice sounded, and Ye Lin looked at Qin Feiyu and nodded with a smile.

At the same time, he also complained in his heart that it was a bit too strenuous to use the first time to say it.

This time, he spent a lot of money to save Qin Feiyu.

In fact, Qin Feiyu's soul has not been completely burned out. At the last moment, he secretly retained a trace of Qin Feiyu's soul.

Otherwise, if the soul is really burned out, let alone him, even Taiyi Jinxian will be powerless.

"You can comprehend in the midst of life and death crisis. You are also a promising talent."

"Today, I will teach you a method. How much you can comprehend depends on yourself."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he pointed at Qin Feiyu. Qin Feiyu immediately closed his eyes. At the moment when Ye Lin pointed, he saw a spear, a spear standing between heaven and earth.

Looking at Qin Feiyu sitting cross-legged, the men and women behind him looked at Qin Feiyu with envy. They knew that Qin Feiyu would probably soar to the sky after this time.

No one among them envied Qin Feiyu, because this was what Qin Feiyu got with his own strength.

If it were them, they might not be as decisive as Qin Feiyu.

Zhuge Yunyu also smiled and looked at Qin Feiyu. After this time, the human race might have another venerable.

"This child may be able to change the situation of the human race in the Tianhe Galaxy Cluster in the future."

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