You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2324 Qin Feiyu's Peak Battle

Qin Feiyu said angrily. He was so sleepy that he couldn't even hold the gun in his hand.

How could he not see the purpose of the star beast in front of him?

Since you want to delay, I won't do what you want.

A crazy look flashed across Qin Feiyu's face. The next moment, his aura began to surge. At the same time, his life span was being consumed at a terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, his black hair had turned white, his face was full of wrinkles, his waist was bent, but his eyes were shining, full of fighting spirit.

"Burn the soul? You really don't want to die."

The star beast screamed. If burning blood still has a chance of survival, then burning the soul will have no chance of survival.

Once it is turned on, the soul will be burned, and when the soul is burned out, the person will die.

And there is no chance of reincarnation, and the whole person will be completely removed from this world.


Qin Feiyu would not continue to talk to him, but simply stabbed out with a gun. The tip of the gun became bigger and closer in the eyes of the star beast.

The spear was very slow, so slow that even a mortal could dodge it, but he couldn't.

For a moment, he was sweating all over, and sweat was pouring down his huge body. He couldn't dodge it, couldn't dodge it.

He could only watch the spear come in front of him and finally pierce his mind.

In the end, his huge body floated in the silent starry sky, his eyes dim and lifeless.

"Is this the higher realm of the gun? What a pity."

Qin Feiyu's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have realized something at that moment.

The epiphany between life and death, but unfortunately, he didn't have time.

He turned and smiled miserably at Zhan Zhou, and slowly loosened his hand holding the spear, and the whole person floated in the starry sky.

Just like that, he slowly closed his eyes, and he couldn't hold on any longer.


At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly stretched out his hand, and Qin Feiyu's body was pulled directly onto the warship by some mysterious force.

Looking at the old Qin Feiyu, with a dry body, extremely old skin, and three thousand white hairs moving in the wind.

It seems that the person in front of him is not the Qin Feiyu who was full of vigor and vitality just now, but a dead old man.


Looking at Qin Feiyu's miserable appearance, Zhuge Yunyu said with a worried face. These children have grown up under her watch. Now they have become like this, and her heart is also in pain.

The soul was completely burned, and the blood was completely burned. At this time, Qin Feiyu was obviously dead, even if the Daluo Jinxian came down to earth.

At this moment, she had doubts about Ye Lin for the first time.

Ye Lin ignored Zhuge Yunyu. He just smiled lightly and grabbed the void with his right hand. Suddenly, endless vitality gushed out of the void.

Just a simple smell can make people feel a hundred times more energetic.


This extremely huge vitality force entered Qin Feiyu's body under Ye Lin's guidance.

With the entry of vitality force, Qin Feiyu's dry body began to gradually become full, and his white hair turned black.

In a short time, Qin Feiyu changed from an old man to a young man.

It was exactly the same as before, without any difference.

However, although he returned to youth, Qin Feiyu was still lifeless at this time. To put it bluntly, he had no soul, just a corpse.


Ye Lin waved his hand again, and at this moment the starry sky shook. In the dark, a stream of power came from the starry sky and was caught in Ye Lin's hand.

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