"You kid, you really don't make people worry."

Seeing this, Su Xiang patted the little girl's hair. Although his tone was full of blame, his eyes were full of doting.

"Hey, what a beautiful little girl."

At this time, another voice sounded, and a figure suddenly hugged Ye Lin's neck. It lay on Ye Lin's back and looked at the little girl in front of him with surprise.

This person is none other than Lin Yunlu, the weapon spirit of the Xuanhuang Universal Clock.

Ever since Lin Yunlu complained to him last time, he had kept the Xuanhuang Universal Clock on his body so that Lin Yunlu could come out and play at any time.

"Ye Lin, I haven't disturbed you during this time, but you owe me a lot of delicious meals."

Lin Yunlu slapped Ye Lin on the neck and said, Seeing Lin Yunlu being so rude, Su Xiang and his disciples standing next to Ye Lin didn't dare to breathe. They just stood quietly.

Ye Zi didn't care at all about Lin Yunlu's rudeness, and just smiled and patted Lin Yunlu's head.

"Don't worry, I will remember everything I owe you."

Ye Lin also felt a toothache, three meals a month. More than a thousand years have passed. How many meals did he owe? Countless, impossible to count.

"Hmph, you better remember, or I will bite you to death."

After Lin Yunlu showed off her four cute tiger teeth to Ye Lin, she left Ye Lin's back and jumped up to the girl held by Su Xiang.

"Hello, my name is Lin Yunlu, what's your name?"

Lin Yunlu looked at the little girl in front of her and stretched out her hand.

"I...I...my name is Gu Xin."

The little girl said in a vain tone, and moved her body behind Su Xiang.

"Gu Xin? What a strange name, but it doesn't bother you. How about Gu Xin, do you want to play with me?"

Lin Yunlu touched her chin and thought for a moment, and finally stretched out her little hand towards Gu Xin.

Su Xiang's eyes hinted at his little daughter. The Lin Yunlu in front of her could tell that she had a serious relationship with her senior.

If his daughter could become a playmate with her, wouldn't it mean that he would have a relationship with his senior?

Such good things cannot come to you if you ask for them.


Gu Xin stretched out her little hand and held it with Lin Yunlu, and then the two little girls started jumping around and playing. The Star War Boat was big enough for two little girls to play with.

Ye Lin smiled as he watched this scene. Lin Yunlu had been alone for too long, and now she finally met someone who looked about the same age as herself, so she was naturally very excited.

Of course, this age only refers to the mental age. In terms of real age, even Ye Lin is dozens of generations younger than Lin Yunlu, or even more.

As the war boat sailed in, the scene in front of him slowly emerged.

Thick clouds enveloped the entire continent, and the war boat penetrated the clouds and headed towards the continent.

"Huh? That's weird."

Seeing her daughter playing so happily with Lin Yunlu, Suxiang also smiled happily.

But the next moment he realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing Su Xiang's change, Ye Lin turned around and asked.

"It stands to reason that there will be divine generals patrolling the clan's territory every day. At normal times, no matter what creature or war boat, there will be a period of interrogation. It will never be so easy to get in."

"But now those patrolling generals are nowhere to be seen."

Su Xiang's face was full of doubts. The clan land was the root of the human race. It would never be so easy to enter, let alone not even a single guard.

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