You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2311 Beauty does not belong to us

"Such a beautiful Milky Way galaxy cluster lacks a place for our human race to survive. Such a large area lacks a place for our human race to survive. Alas..."

Su Xiang let out a deep sigh, and the war boat continued to drive. The war boat did not fly towards the center, but towards a dark corner.

"Senior, since you are here, why not go to our human territory and have a look?"

After Su Xiang saw this route, he smiled at Ye Lin, his voice full of prayer.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Not to mention how happy Su Xiang was to receive Ye Lin's approval. His family had been plundered by other races many times, and wars continued to occur, causing the overall strength to continue to decline.

If Ye Lin can stay in the human territory for a while this time, those guys will definitely not act rashly.

This is the intimidating power of a true immortal. No matter where he goes, he is a strong man who can speak his mind.

This is the most basic difference between real immortals and heavenly immortals.

As the war boat drove slowly, they entered a very remote place, full of lonely stars and various star fragments.

It looks extremely awkward and messy.

It was the most intuitive difference from the beautiful scenery they saw when they first entered the Galaxy Cluster.

No wonder Su Xiang just said that the beautiful scenery does not belong to them.

"Senior, we are about to arrive at the ancestral land of our human race, which is where the three great sages live. It is also the center of our human race and the most prosperous place of our race."

Su Xiang said a little anxiously, this time a powerful true immortal was kidnapped, maybe the three great sages will be very happy, right?

The war boat continued to sail, but the densely packed war boats behind them began to leave on their own. Their goal was their own power, not their ancestral land.

During this period, Ye Lin kept driving where Su Xiang pointed out.

After driving for three hours this time, Ye Lin finally saw the so-called clan land.

This so-called clan land is an endless continent. The continent is floating in the starry sky, and there are countless stars floating around the continent.

Like loyal guards, they guard the mainland at the center.

"These big stars surrounding the ancestral land are all the forces of my human race, and among them, my Tianxin Palace is also on one of the stars."

"This is the last trace of my human race."

Zhan Zhou introduced Su Xiang to Ye Lin thoughtfully while flying.

At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the war boat. Ye Lin turned around and saw a young man with a little girl standing outside the star war boat.

The young man looked helpless.

"Senior, that is junior's eldest apprentice, and the one next to me is the child I accidentally saved while traveling in the starry sky. She can also be regarded as junior's daughter."

Su Xiang explained to Ye Lin, and Ye Lin waved his hand, and immediately two people from the outside came directly to Ye Lin's side.

"Palace Master, senior."

"Nonsense, if you don't go back, why are you here?"

Su Xiang beside Ye Lin said angrily.

"Palace Master, it's not that I won't go back, it's that the young lady insists on coming to find you and is clamoring to stay by your side. In fact, I have chased you all the way, but I have never caught up."

The young man scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. The speed of the Star War Boat was beyond what he, an early Earth Immortal monk, could match.


At this time, the little girl timidly came to Su Xiang's side and grabbed Su Xiang's fingers with her little hands, looking at Ye Lin with fearful eyes.

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