You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2306: Just a Beast

"You were the one who instigated him to attack me just now, right?"

Ye Lin said softly.

"Senior, this junior has no ill intentions."

There was no fear in the young man's eyes, and there was no apology in his tone. As if it was just a face-saving project, he bent down to Ye Lin with his fists in hand.

"I don't like your attitude very much. I'll give you a chance to live. Kneel down and you will survive."

Ye Lin said lightly that he was obviously in retreat and then woken up, so he was in a bad mood.

"Senior, I come from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters and am one of the core disciples of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters. For the sake of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, please forgive me for your rudeness this time."

The young man fanned his fan and said nonchalantly, as if he was telling a very common thing.

"Oh? Your chance of survival is gone."

Ye Lin flicked his fingers, and a sword energy streaked across the starry sky towards the young man.

Just when the sword energy was about to approach the young man, his dry hand crushed the sword energy into pieces.

"Your Excellency, my young master has also apologized. Let's end this matter. If we continue, it will not be good for you."

An old voice came, and the old man in black robes behind the young man stepped out in one step. This step seemed to be a light step, but it seemed that he had spanned a billion miles, and he arrived in front of Ye Lin in an instant.

The young man just watched this scene quietly.

"Mr. Wang, I've changed my mind. I happen to be missing a means of transportation. Don't damage this war boat."

The young man quickly reminded him, not taking Ye Lin seriously at all.

"Since the young master has said it, then follow the young master's wishes."

The old man smiled sinisterly.

"Fellow Taoist, if your fate is bad, no one is to blame."

The old man suddenly took action, grabbing Ye Lin's heart with his dry palm, as if he wanted to pull out Ye Lin's heart.

Ye Lin also took action at the same time, pinched the old man's wrist and twisted it, and then slapped the old man's chest with a light palm.

What seemed like a light palm actually contained a huge amount of power and could directly send the old man flying thousands of miles away.

But in the galaxy, the distance of thousands of miles is just that.

"Your Excellency, you have something."

The old man's gloomy voice came, and then the old man's black robe was torn in an instant, and his whole body expanded rapidly as if mutating.

Finally, a skeleton that was millions of miles tall appeared in front of Ye Lin.

The skeleton's eyes were burning with will-o'-the-wisps, and its chest was burning with eerie green flames.

One claw is as big as a star. Ye Lin is like an ant in front of the skeleton. Not to mention Ye Lin, the entire star battleship cannot compare with one finger of the skeleton.

"Fellow Taoist, come out and fight."

The skeleton's voice shook the starry sky. Even if his true identity was revealed, he did not choose to take action directly. He still remembered his young master's request, that is, not to damage the star battle boat.

His current actions would definitely result in damage to the star warship.

"You don't deserve it."

Ye Lin raised his eyelids and said calmly, he is just a beast in the early stage of a true immortal, and his realm is extremely vain, as if he is about to fall, who has the courage to do so?


This statement directly angered the skeleton, and then he stretched out a big palm and slapped Xingchen Zhanzhou.

All the stars along the way exploded, and a fireworks show was staged in the palm of his hand.

There were bursts of roars.


Ye Lin raised his palm, and countless sword energy rose around the star battle boat.

"As for why the starry sky can transmit sound, I can only say that the settings are different, please understand. 》

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