"Since His Majesty has spoken, I will obey His Majesty's orders."

After speaking, the tauren waved his hand gently, and in an instant, rays of light lit up, and these rays of light came towards the star battle boat one after another.

Just when the light was about to destroy the star warship, a blue light lit up on the star warship and blocked all these attacks.

"Oh? It's not easy for this battle boat to withstand such a dense attack."

The tauren squinted his eyes and thought to himself, if it could withstand such a dense attack, this war boat must be extraordinary, at least of the immortal level.

He couldn't afford to offend someone who could drive an immortal-level warship.

Immortal-level warships are very valuable, so much so that even the Sky-devouring Bull Clan cannot afford to buy one even if they sell them.

At this moment, he was in a dilemma. One was a young man with an astonishing background, and the other was the extremely mysterious Zhan Zhou.

Both sides can't be offended.

The human camp in the distance looked extremely ugly after witnessing this scene, but there was nothing they could do.

"He is a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom. Now we are in trouble. The Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom has also intervened, and the Blue Sky Treasure House cannot be saved. Palace Master, let's retreat."

A young man behind the middle-aged man whispered.

It seems that he is extremely afraid of the young man watching the theater in the distance.

"Conceding step by step, forbearing step by step, when will it end? The people on that war boat are obviously my fellow human race, but why don't they wake up?"

The middle-aged man was full of doubts, but he had no intention of leaving. He just stood there and watched.

"That's all, if you offend, just offend."

At this time, the tauren finally made a great determination. He raised the giant ax in his hand, and the ax head flashed with thousands of rays of light. As the ax head fell down, a dazzling ax light illuminated the entire starry sky.

The murderous intention was fully displayed in the light of the ax, which stung the person's eyes.

Both parties closed their eyes at this moment, but only the middle-aged man standing at the front could open his eyes and watch.

The ax light fell very quickly, and then hit hard on the blue light shield of the star battle boat.

Click, click, click...

The next moment, there was a crisp sound, and cracks appeared on the blue light shield. This made the middle-aged man behind him clenched his fists, and the center of his palms was covered with sweat.


The next moment, with a loud noise, the blue light shield shattered and slashed straight towards the bloody figure.

Just when the ax light was about to approach the bloody figure, countless people were sweating for it.

However, the next moment, the eyelids on the delicate face of the figure were slightly raised, and the ax light above his head instantly shattered.

"Why did you get beaten again when you were in seclusion for a while?"

A sigh resounded throughout the starry sky, and the voice was filled with helplessness.

The middle-aged man who had been paying attention to the battlefield suddenly widened his eyes, and the figure behind him was filled with disbelief.

At this moment, the tauren's inner alarm sounded, and he immediately turned around and ran away.

Great terror, he felt great terror in this figure.

If you don't leave, you will die.

"When you move your hands, you get the cause and effect. Can you swat it away?"

Ye Lin raised his palm and then flicked his fingers. In an instant, a bright light chased him at lightning speed. In an instant, the tauren stood upright and floated in the starry sky.

The soul was ruthlessly shattered, leaving only an empty body floating in the silent starry sky.

After doing all this, Ye Lin raised his head and looked at the young man in the distance. To be precise, he looked at the old man in black robe behind the young man.

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