You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2301 Crossing the Shenzhou

Along the way, everyone I saw was a masked man. Everyone here was very mysterious and would not reveal their identities.

At the same time, Ye Lin, who had absorbed the jade talisman, also knew where he was. The Yuanshen Realm was a huge world, and there were many islands in this world.

There was an endless sea between these islands, and this sea was not water, but the resentment of billions of creatures. Even the Yuanshen of the Taiyi Xuanxian realm did not dare to cross the ocean. If you want to cross the sea to another island, you have to take the product of the Yuanshen Realm, that is, the Ferry.

This Ferry is made of special materials and can completely isolate these resentments. However, this Ferry is not cheap. It takes five Yuan crystals to ride once.

That is 50,000 low-grade immortal stones, which is simply crazy.

The island he was on was called the Soul Island. The island was neither big nor small. There were three auction houses on the island.

And these three auction houses all used Yuan crystals for transactions.

After a general tour, Ye Lin also withdrew from the Yuanshen Realm. Although the Yuanshen Realm was very novel, it was just a trading platform from beginning to end.

And his roots are in the galaxy.

After his soul returned to its place, Ye Lin looked at the island under his feet and finally chose to leave.

He wanted to go to the Ziyun Galaxy to take a look.

After seeing it, Ye Lin should leave. After all, as Liu Bai said, his road is lonely because his growth rate is too fast.

So fast that no one can keep up with his pace.

So along the way, there are very few people who can accompany him.

He can only walk alone on this road until dark.

With the cultivation of a true immortal, he soon came to the Ziyun Galaxy. After all, the strong people in the realm of true immortals can cross space for a short time to travel.

Today's Ziyun Galaxy is extremely dangerous. Although it looks no different from usual, in Ye Lin's eyes, the Ziyun Galaxy seems calm but actually hides murderous intent.

There are evil spirits everywhere, as if raising poison. Once these evil spirits explode, the Ziyun Galaxy will be devastated, and even the true immortals cannot escape the fate of being affected.

But now Ye Lin has no mind to care about these. He came all the way to the Holy Land of the Sky and went straight to the cave of his cheap master.

Thinking back to the time when he rescued his master's wife, helped his master to enter the realm of true immortals, and was complacent about having a true immortal backer.

Unexpectedly, now, he has successfully surpassed his master.

Things are really different, sometimes, plans really can't keep up with changes.

The words Liu Bai said when he left were so meaningful.

"Oh? The kid is here?"

Zhuge Yun was still lying lazily on the recliner in the sun like before, but compared with before, Zhuge Yun's eyes were obviously bright now.

The person he had been thinking about for many years was resurrected, and his life had a goal, and naturally there was light.

"Master, you are still like this, don't you have any pursuits?"

Ye Lin smiled and walked towards Zhuge Yun, and didn't forget to tease Zhuge Yun during the period.

"Really, you've grown up and you're teasing me. Boy, we are only master and apprentice in name, not in reality. In the end, I still owe you a huge favor."

"Let me guess, you're here to say goodbye, right?"

Zhuge Yun took off the straw hat on his face and said with a smile, and he got off the recliner, hunched over and walked towards the distance step by step, while Ye Lin followed behind him step by step.

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