You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2300: First entry into the Yuanshen Realm 2

"Second, this Yuanjing is a specialty of the Yuanshen Realm, and the origin of the Yuanjing is also extremely amazing."

"When the Yuanshen Realm was constructed, countless creatures died. The Yuanshen power of those creatures was used to nurture the Yuanshen Realm, and this Yuanjing is the derivative of the Yuanshen of these creatures."

"Yuanjing can directly absorb and enhance the power of Yuanshen. Even if Yuanjing is absorbed by Taiyi Jinxian, it will be effective."

"From another perspective, Yuanjing itself is a first-class treasure. The Yuanshen power contained in a Yuanjing is roughly equal to the total soul power of a terrestrial immortal."

Listening to Wang Xinyue's explanation, Ye Lin couldn't help but smack his lips. This Yuanjing is too amazing.

One is equal to the sum of the soul of a terrestrial immortal. No wonder the exchange ratio is so amazing.

But Wang Xinyue may not be telling the truth. If it is really as Wang Xinyue said, the value of this Yuanjing may have to go up again.

But Ye Lin did not expose Wang Xinyue.

But what puzzled him was that he absorbed the memories of two core disciples of the demon clan, but there was no introduction to the Yuanshen Realm. He didn't know whether they were not qualified to touch the Yuanshen Realm or what.

"Guest, since you are here for the first time, you must know nothing about the Yuanshen Realm. I have an introduction here, which I will give you for free."

Wang Xinyue looked at Ye Lin, and finally took out a jade talisman from behind and handed it to Ye Lin.

"This contains the basic information of the entire Yuanshen Realm."

"Thank you."

Ye Lin took the jade talisman and said gratefully. He needed this thing the most at this time.

"Guest, I wish you a pleasant journey."

Ye Lin waved to Wang Xinyue and left.

"What good luck, I wonder which Taiyi Jinxian's descendant you are."

Wang Xinyue murmured as he looked at Ye Lin's back.

Since ten thousand years ago, the Yuanshen Realm has been full of people, and the quota has gradually become extremely precious.

Because the Yuanshen Realm can no longer bear the Yuanshen of too many people, all major forces have limited the quota of Yuanshen Realm.

It has stopped any powerful genius from contacting the Yuanshen Realm. Since then, fewer and fewer people know about the Yuanshen Realm. In the end, except for those with particularly noble status, ordinary cultivators are not qualified to know about the Yuanshen Realm, let alone enter it.

Because the Yuanshen Realm itself is constructed by the power of the Yuanshen of all living things, it is not a real world and has limited capacity.

Once there are too many people, it is likely to collapse.

So gradually there is this restriction.

So now only the descendants of a certain Taiyi Jinxian or the descendants of the Immortal Dao have the qualification to enter the Yuanshen Realm.

On the way, after Ye Lin absorbed the information in the jade talisman, he had a one-sided understanding of the Yuanshen Realm.

No one knows the location of the Yuanshen Realm except the original constructor. Anyway, it is probably that the Yuanshen Realm is just a platform that allows countless creatures in the galaxy universe to gather together regardless of geographical distance.

There are creatures from all over the galaxy universe here. They take root in the Yuanshen Realm. Some come here simply for opportunities, and some come here to resell treasures.

Anyway, it is extremely chaotic, and there is no order here, everything depends on strength.

Maybe he will be killed while walking on the road, and all the treasures will be taken away.

He is only coming in the form of Yuanshen now, and his real body cannot enter the Yuanshen world.

However, things from the outside world can also enter the Yuanshen world and can be traded.

The only thing that cannot enter is the physical body.

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