You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2298: The Soul Realm

"There are people from powerful races from all over the Galaxy Universe in the Yuanshen Realm, and even Taiyi Jinxian travels there in his spare time."

"And those who know about the existence of the Yuanshen Realm are all descendants and clan leaders from powerful forces, and there are also descendants of Taiyi Jinxian."

"So this time, I want to tell you about the existence of the Yuanshen Realm and give you a chance to enter the Yuanshen Realm."

"In the Yuanshen Realm, you can fight with the top geniuses of the Galaxy Universe to improve yourself. If you are lucky enough to get a Taiyi Jinxian's understanding, you can soar to the sky."

After Liu Bai finished speaking, Ye Lin's hand trembled while playing chess, and his face was extremely shocked.

This Yuanshen Realm shocked him even more.

There is such a thing in the Galaxy Universe. Now he has a deeper understanding of the methods of Taiyi Jinxian.

What kind of method is it to create another world that covers the entire Galaxy Universe? Ye Lin's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

They seem to be omnipotent.

"Play chess with me. If you win, I will give you this qualification."

Liu Bai smiled mysteriously at Ye Lin. Seeing this smile, Ye Lin understood that he must be among the hundred Taiyi who constructed the Yuanshen Realm.

In this way, Ye Lin and Liu Bai were silent in the chess game. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was just a chess game, but in the eyes of the two, this was a battlefield.

Liu Bai held the white chess pieces and Ye Lin held the black chess pieces.

Light vs. darkness, which contained murderous intent.

Time passed bit by bit, and before they knew it, the peach tree behind them withered and bloomed, bloomed and withered, and so on.

The sun, the moon, the stars, and the galaxy turned upside down.

Unknowingly, a thousand years had passed.

That day, Ye Lin also successfully woke up from the chessboard. During the chess game, Liu Bai had been guiding him, guiding him to go deep into it, so that he could not feel the change of time.

When he woke up, he was shocked to find that a thousand years had passed in the outside world.

"Although the island's rules are very strange and no one has yet figured out the drawbacks, your cultivation is not the result of your own practice."

"Your foundation is weak, and this thousand years is a chance for you to settle down."

Liu Bai put away the chessboard and said with a smile, while Ye Lin bowed to Liu Bai.

Liu Bai did not move and gladly accepted Ye Lin's greeting.

"Progressing too fast is not a good thing either."

"Progressing too fast means that you will not stay on one path for too long. You are lonely. If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening."

After Liu Bai finished speaking, he turned and left, his body gradually disappearing into the starry sky, and on the stone table, there was a black chess piece.

Ye Lin picked up the black chess piece and held it in his palm. With the infusion of immortal power, the black chess piece burst out with endless light, and finally this light enveloped everything, and Ye Lin's eyes gradually became dark.

"Hey, a newcomer is here. This kid looks pretty good."

"I don't know which family this kid is from, but he dares to show his true face. He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

Noise after noise came into Ye Lin's ears, and Ye Lin couldn't help but open his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two people wearing strange masks.

The two people were looking Ye Lin up and down.

There were figures around, but these figures were wearing various masks. Subconsciously, Ye Lin took out the mask from the space ring and put it on his face.

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