You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2297 Mysterious Place-Bon voyage, see you in the galaxy

And she felt a strong sense of oppression on Ye Lin.

This feeling of oppression made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, it's settled. It's useless for me to stay here now. It's time for me to leave. What do you think?"

Ye Lin folded his arms and said in a deep voice. At this moment, he chose to leave. After all, his real battlefield was in the galaxy, not here.

This place is just a secret realm full of heaven-defying opportunities. Now that everything is in hand, it’s time to leave.

"Then I wish you a safe journey."

"See you in the future, across the galaxy."

Li Wushuang smiled and waved his hand towards Ye Lin.

"Okay, bye Xinghe."

Ye Lin also smiled slightly, and then took a deep look at Li Wushuang. Ye Lin's body gradually faded until he disappeared.

At the last moment, Li Wushuang still did not choose to leave. He also knew that this place was a rare place. Now that he had encountered it, he had to make good use of it.

He also respects Li Wushuang's choice.

The scene in front of him changed rapidly. In the end, he stood in a vast starry sky. The starry sky was surrounded by darkness and loneliness, which made people feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

The only thing that could comfort me was the stars.

"Come out? It seems like you got a good harvest this time."

Suddenly, a burst of gentle laughter came from behind. Ye Lin turned around and saw Liu Bai looking at him with a smile, swinging the wine gourd around his waist.

Name: Liu Bai

Cultivation: Early stage of True Immortal

Fate: Extreme

Race: Monster Race [Ancient Royal Family]

Identity: A true disciple of the Holy Lord of the Sky Holy Land who subdues demons. He is also the reincarnation of an ancient great power. He has mysterious and unpredictable methods and must not be his enemy.

Luck value: 10 billion

Numerology: [Star Divination Technique] [Calculation of Heavenly Secrets] [Smart as the Tao] [Reincarnation of the Ancient Power] [Supreme Wine Taoist] [Star Sacred Body]

Destiny: After all kinds of hardships, he finally enters the realm of Daluo Jinxian, becomes a truly transcendent being in the world, and steps out of the world to find the real secret in the endless void.

Recent opportunities: None.

[Star Trigram Technique]: The most mysterious supplementary test technique in the world. It is said to be able to supplement even the great roads of heaven and earth. It is extremely mysterious and cannot be explored. It can calculate any living being in the sky and on the earth. The past, present and future cannot be evaded.

[Calculation of all secrets]: A pair of eyes can penetrate the past, present, and future, and can see into the human heart, the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth, and the eternal years.

[Smart as the Tao]: Extremely intelligent, even smarter than the Dao of Heaven and Earth. The intelligence and approach are close to the Tao. No one, anything, or any calculation can escape him. He can see through all illusions and point directly to what is behind him. things.

[Reincarnation of the Ancient Power]: In the ancient years, the Supreme Power of Taiyi Golden Immortal was reincarnated, possessing the mysterious and unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. Its body stepped into the realm of transcendence billions and millions of years ago, even though it is only reincarnated now. The body also possesses countless mysterious and unpredictable methods.

[Supreme Wine Tao]: Entering the Tao through wine is the most common in the world, and it is also one of the most difficult Tao to enter and the most difficult to understand. As long as there is wine, a sip of divine wine enters the belly, holding a sword becomes a sword fairy, holding a gun becomes a sword fairy. The Gun Immortal, holding the sword as the Sword Immortal, uses the Tao of Wine to realize the three thousand avenues!

[Holy Body of Stars]: The body of laws, born with a shortcut, can comprehend any Tao with twice the result with half the effort. With the boundless stars as the foundation of Tao, it draws the power of billions of stars. Every move and every move is accompanied by the power of stars, and even a single thought can It can cause the laws of the stars to vibrate. During the battle, every move is pulled by the stars.

After reading Liu Bai's panel, Ye Lin was shocked. He had such a great opportunity on that mysterious island and was worthy of entering the middle stage of true immortality.

And what about Liu Bai? Have you entered the early stage of true immortality simply by relying on your own cultivation?

Is this the reincarnation of the Great Power? Is this faster than cheating?

At this moment, Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a deep sense of frustration.

"In the middle stage of True Immortal, it seems that you have gained a lot from it this time."

Liu Bai said with a smile, while Ye Lin raised his hand and waved it wordlessly.

You also said that I gained a lot?

"It seems that you already know, but according to your talent, you shouldn't have gone in."

Ye Lin raised his eyebrows and said, Liu Bai was so defiant, he shouldn't have gone in.

Wouldn't it be a random killing for Liu Bai to enter it? Even though he is very strong now, very strong, but in front of Liu Bai, he still feels that he is slightly inferior.

Liu Bai was always so mysterious. Even with the presence of the panel, he felt like Liu Bai was still shrouded in a layer of fog in front of him.

"It doesn't want to."

Liu Bai smiled mysteriously at Ye Lin and said nothing more.

"Let's go. Seeing that you have gained so much this time, I will give you a good cleansing, and I will also tell you a very shocking news."

Liu Bai smiled slightly at Ye Lin, while Ye Lin followed Liu Bai out of here with a face full of doubts.

Very shocking news?

The two of them arrived at an island in the sky in an instant.

The island is suspended above the starry sky. The island is very small. There is only one peach tree on it. There is a stone table under the peach tree and two stone benches on both sides of the stone table.

There is a waterfall on the edge of the island. The waterfall is flowing with snow-white water, like the Milky Way in the sky, pouring ruthlessly towards the starry sky.

Ye Lin and Liu Bai were sitting on both sides of the stone table. There were two jars on the stone table, and the jars contained black and white chess pieces.

"This is a good place."

Ye Lin looked at the island and said with a smile, this place is really nice.

"That's what I discovered by accident."

After Liu Bai finished speaking with a smile, he tapped the chessboard in front of him with his hand.


Although Ye Lin doesn't know how to play chess, he only needs to know the rules because of his powerful spirit.

Once he knows the rules, he can automatically become the best Qidao master in the world.

This is the terrifying thing about the power of the soul.

"The news I'm telling you this time is the Yuanshen Realm."

Liu Bai picked up a black stone and landed it on the center of the chessboard, which was the direction of Tianyuan.

"Yuan Shen Realm, what is that?"

Ye Lin said doubtfully while making his move.

"Billions of years ago, there were a hundred Taiyi Golden Immortals in the entire galaxy. In order to seek a realm above Taiyi, they united to form the Yuanshen Realm."

"The other side of time that covers the entire galaxy exists in an unknowable space, and even the avenue cannot detect its location."

"You only need the soul to be in it today."

"In the Yuanshen Realm, these hundred Taiyi have agreed on one thing, that is, if anyone steps into a higher level realm, they will leave their insights and various treasures in the Yuanshen Realm."

"In the end, a total of fifteen Taiyi in the Yuanshen Realm stepped into a higher level. When they left, they left their treasures and insights in various places in the Yuanshen Realm, and also set various tests."

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