You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2260 Mysterious Place-Perfect Misunderstanding

And there is no immortal energy inside, let alone cultivation. It is good enough to keep his cultivation level from falling.

Even if a true immortal goes there, he will lose a layer of skin, let alone stay in there for three hundred years. Three hundred years, even if Yang Xiu is still alive, his life will be wasted.

"Ah? Me?"

Ye Lin, who was watching the show, was also surprised. He didn't know why the sect leader chose him?

Nine Nether Thunder Realm, he didn't know this place.

"Elder Ye, I have sealed his cultivation level. Let him go as painlessly as possible on the way there."

Suddenly, a voice resounded in Ye Lin's mind, and the next moment, Ye Lin's mouth corners rose.

This voice was the voice of the sect leader. The sect leader obviously didn't want to keep Yang Xiu, but he was really thoughtful. He sealed Yang Xiu's cultivation level for himself. Now, it's very simple to solve it by himself.

As the saying goes, plans can't keep up with changes. Originally, Ye Lin thought that this time he would only severely injure Yang Xiu, but he didn't expect that he would directly press Yang Xiu to death.

"Ye Lin obeys."

Ye Lin bowed to the master with his fists, and then came to Yang Xiu.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, please."

Ye Lin bowed to Yang Xiu, and Yang Xiu nodded, stood up and walked out of the hall. At this time, his cultivation had been completely sealed by the master, and he was now just an ordinary person.

The seal of Taiyi Xuanxian was not something he could break through in a short time.

Name: Yang Xiu

Cultivation: Peak of the Celestial Immortal

Fate: Taoist

Race: Human

Identity: An ordinary casual cultivator, but if you despise him for this, you will definitely pay a huge price.

Numerology: [Rat hiding in the dark] [Comprehension of God] [Unparalleled combat power] [Words come true]

Destiny: Enter the realm of Daluo transcendence, and finally leave the galaxy universe to explore a more mysterious world.

Recent Opportunity 1: After being imprisoned in the Nine Nether Thunder Domain, he was baptized by the Nine Nether Thunder every day and night. After 49 days of baptism, he was on the verge of death. He comprehended the Nine Nether Thunder Dao, controlled the entire Nine Nether Thunder power, baptized his whole body with the Nine Nether Thunder power, and finally broke the seal of the True Immortal. Finally, he absorbed the Nine Nether Thunder of the entire Nine Nether Thunder Domain and entered the True Immortal cultivation. Since then, he has suppressed the entire Daotian Sect.

Recent Opportunity 2: His own cultivation has become so powerful that he finally suppressed the Sect Master of Daotian Sect, Dao Lintian, and became the Sect Master of Daotian Sect. He found a broken sword in the Daotian Sect's treasure house.

[Rat Hiding in the Dark]: He is born with a very cautious personality. He likes to leave a way out for everything he does. He never does anything he is not sure of. He likes to do something behind people.

[Comprehension of God]: His comprehension is extremely amazing. Usually, he can see through all the skills at a glance.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: Extremely keen in combat, his combat awareness is unmatched throughout history. If you are entangled by him, it will definitely be a nightmare.

[Words Follow the Law]: Born with supernatural powers, words follow the law, good advice.

Treasure Illustration: Broken Sword (Heaven-Slaying Sword), in the ancient times, the Heavenly Dao gave birth to spiritual wisdom, enslaved for life, and finally, countless creatures united to refine a real Taoist weapon, the Heavenly Dao Sword, and finally gathered the power of all spirits to cut the sky. In the end, the Heavenly Dao was cut, all spirits wailed, the Heaven-Slaying Sword collapsed and disappeared, and the luck of countless races was broken, and they never recovered from it.

After reading Yang Xiu's panel, Ye Lin had to sigh, he is worthy of being the future Daluo Jinxian, this terrifying luck, the dead street for others is an opportunity for him, it is really too outrageous.

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