You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2259 Mysterious Place-Yang Xiu, the One Everyone Wants to Kill

At this time, the elders standing on both sides bowed to the old man above with fists clasped, and put pressure on him together.

Outside the hall stood countless disciples, all of whom were watching the judgment.

They were scared after feeling that breath just now, and then several unlucky guys were struck to death by lightning.

After some investigation, they found that the instigator was Yang Xiu.

Such a big thing happened, and he acted recklessly in public, which was simply a wolfish ambition.

"As far as I know, Senior Brother Yang Xiu is definitely not that kind of person. There must be something hidden."

"Hmph, hidden? What hidden? This is what everyone has seen. He has the strength comparable to the late True Immortal, but he shows his cultivation as a mid-level Heavenly Immortal all day long. What does he want to express?"

"That's right. If Yang Xiu is not eliminated, it will be unsafe for me to stay in this Daotian Sect."

The disciples were talking about it, and at this time, Ye Lin and the other two arrived. The three walked into the hall under the surprised eyes of the disciples.

In the hall, the old man looked at Yang Xiu who was silent below, and his eyes flashed with a trace of pity, and then his face became stern again.

"Yang Xiu, are you not going to say anything?"

Listening to the questioning of the leader above, Yang Xiu smiled lightly. What else can he say now?

Say that he came from the Galaxy Universe? Say that Li Shanchang plotted against him first? Say that he was just trying to protect himself? Say that those inner disciples died just because he was careless?

After saying this, he still had no doubt that the leader would kill him without hesitation.

He had been wise all his life, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would be tricked by Li Shanchang. Li Shanchang was about to die, but in the end, he had to use his trump card to force out his true strength.

Even if he died, he would not let himself feel good.

Now all he could do was wait for what the leader above said and see what the leader meant.

There was no other way. In Daotian Sect, no one could stop him except the leader.

"I have nothing to say."

Yang Xiu finished smiling and lowered his head again.

"Yang Xiu, do you really have nothing to say?"

At this time, a delicate voice came, and Hong Yanran came to Yang Xiu and shouted coldly, her tone full of coldness.

"Senior sister..."

Yang Xiu looked up and smiled bitterly. This was completely over.

"Senior sister, do you believe me?"

Yang Xiu said bitterly. Bai Ziran also came to Yang Xiu at this time, leaving only Ye Lin standing in the distance and watching.

"I believe you, but how can you ask me to believe you? The facts are in front of me. I have been with you for so long, and I know that you are not a murderer. Tell me, why do you do this?"

Bai Ziran said slowly. She was giving Yang Xiu a chance, giving Yang Xiu the last chance.

However, Yang Xiu just shook his head lightly, and then lowered his head.

His identity cannot be said. Once it is said, it will attract the attention of this side of the heaven. At that time, there is only one way to die waiting for him.

Identity is something that you know yourself, you just need to know it, but you can't say it out.

It can only be understood but not expressed in words.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that such a scum would appear in my Daotian Sect. Elder Ye, please take this evildoer to the Nine Nether Thunder Territory and lock him up for three hundred years."

The Sect Master above flashed a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and finally took a deep breath and said.

After hearing the Sect Master's words, the elders around were a little dissatisfied, but they didn't say anything.

First, Daotian Sect is a one-man show of the Sect Master, and what the Sect Master says is what it is.

Second, the Nine Nether Thunder Territory is simply not a place for humans to stay. It is filled with thick Nine Nether Thunder, and that kind of thunder is something that only exists below the Nine Nether.

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