You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2256 Mysterious Place - Revenge

"No, we have to go a little further. I always feel that it is still unsafe here."

Suddenly, the old man raised his eyebrows, and then immediately pulled his little apprentice to escape.

"Oh? The Ming people who became famous in one battle are going to run away so soon?"

Suddenly, an extremely indifferent voice came.

The voice came from all directions, making the old man unable to sense the specific direction at all.

"Who is it, fellow Taoist? Please come out and talk."

The old man's face changed drastically. He couldn't help but look around in panic. The next moment, he suddenly looked up and saw a figure in a blood-red robe walking towards him step by step.

The breath emanating from this person made him shudder.

After seeing Ye Lin's face again, he immediately turned around and ran. He was too familiar with this face. Isn't this the mission target?

The mission target came here, there is only one possibility, the mission failed.

If you don't run now, when will you run?

"Run? Can you run away?"

Ye Lin sneered, then slowly stretched out his hand, and in an instant, the domain was covered, and the three people instantly disappeared into the dense forest.

"What is this place?"

The old man looked around in shock. This was a blood-colored space. Dozens of light balls were floating in the air in the distance. The power contained in each light ball made him tremble.

The next moment, Ye Lin's figure appeared in front of him.

His little apprentice had already hugged his arm and trembled. He was only at the Mahayana stage, and the breath filled here made his soul tremble, and his heart was filled with unknown fear.

"This is your grave."

Ye Lin said slowly, and then he mobilized the power of the domain without hesitation to suppress the old man.

"Damn it, I can't feel the power of heaven and earth, even the connection between the rules of heaven and earth has been cut off."

The old man who wanted to take action had a completely black face. If he couldn't connect with the rules of heaven and earth, his strength would be greatly reduced.

Just a face-to-face, he was suppressed by the infinite power of the domain and vomited blood, and his little apprentice turned into nothingness in a face-to-face.

Not even a trace of existence could be found.

"This... what kind of magic is this?"

The old man covered his chest with a look of shock. The move just now caused his internal organs to shift instantly, and even his soul was severely damaged.

This made him unbelievable. This was just one move. He was a master of the early stage of the True Immortal.

In the outside world, he would be a powerful person who could suppress one side.

"Not dead? He is quite capable, a sharp blade of space."

Ye Lin looked at the old man in surprise. His move was mixed with the power of suppression of the entire field. Even if he pulled in a late True Immortal, he could kill him with one blow.

This old man is still quite capable.

And the True Immortal of the Galaxy Universe is enough to be on par with the Taiyi Xuanxian of this world. Anyway, he did not feel the oppression of the True Immortal of the Galaxy Universe from the True Immortal of this world.

As soon as Ye Lin's voice fell, in an instant, ripples appeared in the blood-colored space in front of him, and sharp blades that were invisible to the naked eye directly penetrated the old man's body mercilessly.

The old man's eyes widened, and his body fell straight to the ground.

Under this move, he didn't even see how Ye Lin made the move, and he died.

Even his soul was ruthlessly strangled.

Looking at the old man's body, Ye Lin continued to mobilize the power of space to completely destroy it, and then left his domain space and came to Daotian Sect alone.

At this time, his dojo was already full of densely packed figures.

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