You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2255 Mysterious Place-An Xin Dies

"Master, tell me, when can I become your apprentice?"

"Master, can you be my master?"

"Why don't you let me become your teacher?"

"Master, my mother is dead, my mother is dead, woo woo woo."

"Master, I will definitely become your apprentice, I will definitely become your apprentice, definitely!"

Scenes of the past flashed through Ye Lin's mind like a movie. Ye Lin stood on the spot and closed his eyes, feeling the bloody energy surge around his body.

Finally, he slowly opened his eyes, suppressed all the illusions around him, and finally walked out of the hall alone.

Ye Lin left the main hall and walked all the way towards Yang Xiu's residence.

Ye Lin was very fast, almost tens of thousands of meters per step, and arrived at Yang Xiu's residence in a blink of an eye.

This is a very ordinary hall, and Li Shanchang is sitting cross-legged in front of the big spot.

Ye Lin didn't feel Yang Xiu's aura, but that didn't matter. His target was Li Shanchang.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to take action against me?"

Looking at Ye Lin walking towards him, Li Shanchang frowned.

"My apprentice died, did you do it?"

Ye Lin's tone was very cold, like the whisper of a demon under the Nine Netherworld.

Hearing Ye Lin's voice, Li Shanchang trembled all over.

With just a few words, he felt the overwhelming killing intent.

He knew that if he didn't give Ye Lin a reasonable explanation now, his life would probably be in danger.

Since the last time he saw Ye Lin force Qin An back, he knew that Ye Lin was not something he could deal with, so he immediately stopped plotting against Ye Lin.

But now, his mind was quickly searching for who had done it. In the end, his eyes widened and his whole body almost trembled.

"It seems that you know that it was not you who made the move, so tell the person who made the move."

Seeing the subtle change in Li Shanchang's expression, Ye Lin suddenly came to Li Shanchang, grabbed Li Shanchang's neck with one hand and threatened.

"In order to deal with you, I hired the killers from the Blood Tower, but it's not to deal with you, but to break your heart."

"If anyone is right for you, it's only the people from the Blood Tower."

Feeling the overwhelming killing intent on Ye Lin's body, Li Shanchang trembled, his whole body trembling.


Ye Lin threw Li Shanchang away and turned around to leave. Li Shanchang could not be killed. Once killed, Yang Xiu would be even more difficult to deal with.

I have been here for such a long time, and I absolutely cannot let everything collapse because of this incident.

Watching Ye Lin leave, Li Shanchang tried his best to control his emotions. It was so terrible that before he knew it, his body was already weak.

It was as if I had walked away from the gate of hell.

On the other side, in a dense forest, an old man wearing bloody clothes and a young man stood in the dense forest.

"It's really thrilling. I was almost discovered. I sneaked into Daotian Sect to kill people. Who else is there? Master, you are really awesome. You can actually block the perception of Taiyi Xuanxian's power."

The young man looked at the old man with admiration.

"Don't be careless. This time is too thrilling. After the previous two arrangements, coupled with the death of a close relative this time and the desire formation I arranged, that guy may have gone crazy now, right? No, I need more reward. , otherwise this wave of losses will be huge.”

The old man had a weird smile on his face. This time, he was famous for his first battle. He sneaked into Daotian Sect to kill people and left safely without disturbing anyone in Daotian Sect.

Once this news spreads, he will become the most famous killer in Xuelou. Will orders be coming one after another in the future?

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