You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2229 Mysterious Place - Being Targeted

Ye Lin stood in the sky, looking at the monster in front of him with an ugly face, while Yang Xiu frowned and stared at him.

Bai Ziran, who was standing by, was still in shock. A long sword slowly appeared in her hand. The monster in front of her didn't fight anyone, but attacked them. It was obviously looking for trouble.

"Come and die."

The monster attacked Ye Lin without hesitation. Feeling the faint sense of oppression from the monster, Ye Lin had no intention of fighting with it at all. He flashed and ran away.

The monster behind him followed closely. In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared in the sky, and only two small black dots could be vaguely seen.


Bai Ziran was silent, and Yang Xiu was silent beside him. Only Li Shanchang had a calm expression. He did it and knew the reason.

"Why did you attack me? I have no grudges against you, right?"

Feeling the breath behind him getting closer and closer, Ye Lin couldn't help but speak.

"No hatred? You were the ones who brutally killed my child when I was seriously injured. You still say no hatred to me? I will never forget your breath."

"Kill you and avenge my child."

The roar of the monster came from behind, and finally a black and purple light beam directly pierced Ye Lin.

Before the monster was happy, the shadow of Ye Lin in front of him dissipated between heaven and earth, and the next moment, Ye Lin appeared on the right again.

It was just a residual shadow just now.

"I don't know you, and I have never hurt your so-called child."

Ye Lin frowned and stood in the air. He was fully confident of killing the monster in front of him, but he was obviously framed.

He didn't want to be a knife for others.

If the guess is correct, this is the work of Li Shanchang.

Just to disgust himself?

"Hahaha, do you know? I have killed three of them. Do you know what the first thing they said when they met me was? Do you know? They all said they didn't know me."

"Are you treating me like a fool?"

The monster roared, and the ground was suddenly covered by the majestic demonic energy, while the sky had already gradually darkened, and the sky was covered by the demonic energy.

The area within a thousand miles was full of demonic energy. Wherever the demonic energy passed, whether it was plants, animals, or humans, they all died.

Within a thousand miles, in the blink of an eye, no grass grew.

And the monster stood in the center of the world like an evil ghost from hell, with demonic energy circling around it.

Even the space made loud noises and made a series of unbearable sounds.


The monster did not give Ye Lin a chance to explain again. She slowly stretched out her hand, and the surrounding demonic energy condensed into a huge black palm, and finally the palm came to suppress Ye Lin like the Five Finger Mountain.

From it came a series of extremely strong suppression intentions.


Ye Lin put his two fingers together and put his sword together. His whole body was filled with immortal power. Finally, he lightly slashed forward. In an instant, a thousand-foot-long sword light shone across the world. Even the endless demonic energy was dispelled. The huge black palm was mercilessly torn apart by the Tongtian Sword.

The sword light was still powerful and finally slashed towards the monster.

But it was shattered the moment it touched the monster.

"I'll give you one last chance and one last explanation. The murderer is not me. If you want the truth, I can tell you."

Ye Lin said coldly while thinking about countermeasures. Why did the monster in front of him identify him at first sight?

There is only one explanation. Li Shanchang did something to him.

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