You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2228 Mysterious Land-Mysterious Monsters from Afar

However, this monster is approaching little by little, and none of the true immortals present have the slightest intention to take action.

This monster doesn't look simple. Judging from its aura, its cultivation is in the middle stage of true immortality. They are only in the early stage of true immortality, and only the demon tiger is in the middle stage of true immortality.

Their cultivation is hard-earned, and once they are injured, it will take a hundred years to start.

They don't want to be in seclusion for hundreds of years.

"Where did the evil beast come from?"

Cangyun shouted angrily, one person stood in front of the monster beast, and they were facing each other like this.

"Human, I don't want to kill you, get out of here."

The monster said in a deep voice, and the huge sound wave even shook the clouds in the sky away, and it seemed as if a big earthquake had occurred on the ground.

"What an arrogant monster. This is Yangzhou, a forbidden land for monsters. How dare you be so arrogant?"

"Fellow Taoists, follow me to kill this evil beast."

Hearing the monster's answer, Cangyun was immediately furious. With a move of his right hand, the giant sword behind him immediately came into his hand. The giant sword was wrapped in white cloth, and he himself exuded an extremely strong sense of oppression.

The strong men behind him were helpless, as if they had long been used to it.

But no matter what, they still took a step forward. After all, Yangzhou is a forbidden land for monsters. In order to expel the monsters, many strong men in Yangzhou died.

They had finally managed to create such a stable and harmonious situation, and they didn't want it to be destroyed just like that.

And they all care about their face. If they withdraw now, when the news here spreads, their face will be lost.

Looking at the six early stage True Immortals in front of him, the monster's eyes flashed with disdain, but his face was still solemn.

"Mohu, why are you still standing there?"

Cangyun said loudly to the indifferent Demon Tiger behind him. The Demon Tiger is the only true immortal here, noon. With his help, it is easy to kill the monster in front of him.

"You are really like children. Don't take me with you if you want to die."

Demon Tiger said disdainfully, and then took a few steps back.

"What do you mean?"

One of them frowned and asked, after all, this monster is only in the early stage of a true immortal, and it is impossible for the demon tiger to be so afraid.

"Not only is he a mid-stage True Immortal, he is also a descendant of the Ability God. If you don't want to die, don't stop him."

The demon tiger stared at the monster beast with fear on his face. As soon as he said these words, the faces of the strong men surrounding the monster beast changed drastically.

Ability God, they have no idea what these two words represent.

The next moment, including Cangyun, they moved away without hesitation. Although they had righteousness in their hearts, their righteousness was nothing compared to their own lives.

Descendants of the Ability God, even if they are only in the middle stage of true immortals, are not something they can deal with. At the very least, they have to be suppressed by the Taiyi Xuanxian.

"I thought I could still enjoy it, but it's boring."

Seeing this, the monster snorted coldly, then walked around the person and stepped out.

And those true immortals were also full of curiosity, why did the descendants of the gods come to his Yangzhou?


After seeing the Dao Tianzong war boat, the monster didn't hesitate to slap it.

Ye Lin, who was on the battle boat, felt alarm bells ringing in his heart, and disappeared in an instant.

The reactions of the people behind him were also very quick. Yang Xiu grabbed Li Shanchang and Bai Ziran and left.

The next moment the four people left, the war boat that could withstand the Earth Immortal was smashed into pieces.

It turned into countless fragments and fell into the valley below.

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